Live in the Light, not in the dark

February 28, 2019 | 21 comments

Have you ever felt like there were dark clouds hanging over your life? If so, you can make them go away by understanding God’s omnipresent Love.

In the omnipresence of Love, there are no dark clouds. There is no danger, threat, or foreboding trouble to fear. There is safety, provision, solutions, health and abounding Life to enjoy and experience to the fullest.

Like sailing in the middle of the ocean where there is water as far as one can see, when mentally dwelling in the Light of Love, there is only evidence of Love as far as one can see—and beyond! It never stops. And there will be no dark clouds on your horizon.

The sensation of dark clouds is a mortal mind imposition that would act to pull thought into negative territory and cause one to forget God’s omnipresent Love. It is not a sensation we create, and we don’t have to tolerate it or bow down to it. It is error that can be successfully dissolved with spiritual truth.

Refuse to accept dark clouds in your life!!

Many times, over the decades when I’ve sensed dark clouds looming over me, I have made them go away by knowing God was the only presence of my life. In my prayer, I would deny darkness reality and know that evil cannot make a presence in my life, that God was my only reality, and that good alone encompassed my being from top to bottom and side to side leaving no room for anything unlike good anywhere and anyplace to see, know, feel or express. And every time, the darkness would lift. I have seen many instantaneous physical healings from this type of practice. It works!

You are a child of the Light. Live in the Light! There are no dark clouds there—ever.

21 thoughts on “Live in the Light, not in the dark”

  1. This is soooo helpful, Evan, for me today. It reminds me of how Mrs. Eddy looked through the dark clouds that threatened a storm, and saw God’s loving face right there. So we can look through the dark impositions trying to invade our consciousness, and see only God’s loving face. Then all the darkness will disperse, as it did for her. and for you, Evan. Let’s see the light, and walk in it, holding our Father’s hand as little children trusting in His ever-present care. Many thanks.

  2. I am thanking you again, Evan, for the perfect lift for today. I am going forward uplifted,and joyful and with sincere gratitude!! Sarah

  3. Thank you, Evan. Just yesterday I had a brief discussion with one of my athletes who expressed that he was fearful of getting injured as he had so often in the past. I mentioned to him that life can be a self fulfilling prophecy and that he had the power to expect a different outcome. He could expect a demonstration of health and not of injury.

  4. Thank you! Divine Love is always and only conscious of itself -good ever present and eternal. No room for dark shadows. No abiding place for anything unlike God. And we know God is supplying only perfect harmony.
    Our job? Be a witness to God’s unfailing reality – now!
    Your thoughts have been so helpful today. I awoke with anxious clouds of worry. How silly. That dream has no place but as imagination. As they say ‘worry is ingratitude in advance’. Today is God’s day and I am in His/Her presence unafraid, lifting my voice in praise!

  5. Thank you for reminding us that the “light” is bigger and better than the dark clouds that attempt
    to obscure our reality of life with God. “Live in the light!” – love that! These daily posts are wonderful and always just what I need for a particular day. Sure evidence that the Divine Mind is governing and providing “light” for our day. No need to fear – refuse the darkness and embrace the

  6. Wow! I Love this post today! I had just bought a painting to support Habitat for Humanity and it was of a seascape with a lighthouse, but there was a dark cloud overpowering the painting that detracted from the beauty of it, so much so that you couldn’t see the top of the lighthouse. The rest of the painting was awesome. I repainted that portion and now the entire beauty shines through. It has been said, behind every dark cloud there is a rainbow. How true and when our perspective changes, the dark cloud disappears with the light of Truth … God’s Spirit View. : )

  7. When I arise, and consistently throughout the day, I declare that I am God’s child and He loves me – He really does! He made all mankind in His image and likeness absolutely perfect and entire spiritual without a single material element. And this is how He maintains us with no dark clouds.

  8. Thank you Evan and all. Mrs. Eddy tells us to “Rise in the conscious strength of Truth to overthrow the plea of mortal mind….” p390 S&H. Light always overcomes dark. Blessings to all this joyfilled day radiant with Light.

  9. Apply this to thoughts imprisoned, to set the captive free; facing a difficult challenge and entirely turning the impression of a dark cloud over to Divine Love, to lift the darkness, and free the imprisoned thought.


  10. Thank you so much Evan; this SpiritView is a light leading into my day today – needed it .
    You are pointing our view to God, Love and it’s idea every day. God is giving us the needed energy and the ideas needed for the day, and only God can care and guide so perfectly good. Thank you for the great comfort!
    Am really grateful for the daily delicious spiritual food you give us so abundantly, dear Evan!
    Thank you all for your loving inspirations.

  11. I loved today’s lesson. How necessary it is for us to listen to divine mind which turns on the light. I loved the way you expanded your sense of Love and your 100% reflection of all that was good . We must stay focused on what is really going on in our consciousness
    Is it mortal or divine mind acting? Then we must align with all that is good and claim all that good .. The gloom can never be our reality as we our genuinely 100 % God loved,, maintained, protected and
    supported. Step out of the gloomy oppressive dream it isn’t where you live.
    Wrap up in fathomless billows of God’s
    infinite Love.

  12. This could have been aimed just at me but I am so grateful that it’s out there for all to enjoy and apply. And I am grateful for all the helpful SpiritViewer comments, What a “firm foundation” on which to build.

  13. LOOking at the clouds,
    dark and gloomy…
    tis all i can see.
    o me!

    Looking THROUGH these cloudy thoughts and feelings,
    Acknowledging the presence of God, Good alone,
    warms and brightens

    ;<) Thx Evan, 'n all

  14. I like that you always say healing can be immediate, not something to wait for or work toward. If there is only one reality and it is always present, that makes sense. This morning as I prayed I healed something from many years ago by looking at it in that light. It takes focus to see something that has for years been seen as substantial and real and recognize ( re-know) what the truth of our being is and this incident never had any reality, never touched who I truly and always will be.

  15. I am grateful that you keep these online so I can see them later. When I miss an article I can read it when I need it, along with group comments. Evan, you are a true shepherd, a lighthouse. Thanks always!

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