Live the truth you love

July 5, 2023 | 17 comments

What you believe is more important than what you possess.
What you live is more lasting than what you profess.
Whom you inspire is more significant than whom you impress.

~ William Arthur Ward

17 thoughts on “Live the truth you love”

  1. Wow dear Evam, thank you very much; they are such wise and true words!

    Dear SpiritView friends, yesterday sent Narrill a link to an article, which cannot be opened to the full length of the article. Could please somebody go to yesterday`s SV and open it for us, perhaps on this SV-side?

      1. Thank you very much indeed, dear Linda. It works perfectly as all things work governed by God!
        It’s a very lovely and interesting article. Am very glad you opened it fully that we all can enjoy this wonderful article!♡

  2. Believing, living and inspiring are actions that express spiritual qualities inspired by God. Possessing, professing and impressing are actions that express narrow, material qualities inspired by mortal mind. It’s clear which side will bring more joy, satisfaction and blessings to ourselves and everyone we encounter. Good food for thought as we go through the day.

  3. Thank you Evan. These are thought provoking statements.. The last quote is what I needed to know today.
    “Whom you inspire is more significant than whom you impress.” In Science and Health, we read
    “What are the motives for prayer? Do we pray to make ourselves better or to benefit those who hear us,…..”
    If we make ourselves better through prayers we would be able to inspire others, by living the truth we love.
    An aspect of life is also the way people dress. We need to know the motive for dressing in a particular way. I had an encounter with someone last night whose dressing made an impression on me rather than inspire me. I prayed to understand that all God’s children know what is good and presenttable.
    This morning we talked about it and the point was noted with love.

    1. Thank you so much for this offering, J. it is wonderful having the words shown. Listening to the interview of how the music and the lyrics were inspired is proof of how they are living what they profess.

      Thank you Evan for this inspiring quote and all for your sharings. We are blessed for sure.

  4. “Don’t talk of Love….S-h-o-w me!”
    (From a musical you prolly know, but the words still sing in my ear….)

    Talk is easy. (It’s been said: “Talk is cheap”)
    …but it is the FEEL more than the words, huh.

    It’s what we DO that counts…not so much the words….
    “Bind up the broken-hearted,” ….

    Ok….fresh resolve! I’ll try harder, God!


  5. Thank you very much dear “J” for that wonderful song “Living Truth”!
    I just pondered Evan`s SpiritView a bit more than just read.
    I believe that I possess God`s Love in my heart and mind. We feel it!
    And so beautifully sang by Tessa: We are living Truth, spiritual Truth that is our God.
    Thank you all! We inspire each other so lovingly!!!

    1. You’re welcome dear Uta. I don’t always respond, but always appreciate your inspiring comments! 🙂

  6. In trying to understand and let God/Spirit interpret, direct …
    after thinking about this ~ the exact idea I was thinking was
    read in the online testimony replay (running errands all day)
    where the readings said about where Jesus showed them
    how to do their work, but not to do it for them, nor relieve
    them of a single responsibility.
    Maybe one tends to misunderstand the seeming pieces
    of the puzzle life presents us with and mortal mind
    sometimes seems to want to make possessing and
    professing the more real and it surely likes to impress
    by seemingly wanting to give reality to sickness, sin,
    to deceive, give false hopes, to hurt, etc.
    Understanding “reality” and the Truth is an ongoing
    trying to learn, to overcome the material/mortal mind’s
    way to possess, profess and impress.

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