Look to God for peace of mind

November 27, 2023 | 23 comments

Where do you go to find peace of mind?

A friend told me that whenever he gets stressed out, he examines his bank accounts and inventories his cash, stock holdings and CDs to find comfort. If there’s plenty of funds available, he feels better. But as experience proves, the feelings are fleeting, for no sooner does he get distracted with another activity, he feels stressed out again.

Another friend told me she eats when she gets stressed. Out comes a bag of potato chips, and down the whole bag goes while trying to relax and find peace. But the peace is short lived.

Experience proves that the best place to find peace of mind is in spiritual mindedness. “Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love” Mary Baker Eddy wrote in Science and Health (p. 57). Lasting peace doesn’t come through physical stimulation. It comes through spiritual inspiration.

Trying to find peace in a material place leaves us empty handed, for peace doesn’t come from anything material. It’s spiritual. It comes from Spirit! And we find it through spiritual sense.

If you’re looking for true peace, go to the source. Go to God. Pray! Listen. Hear what spiritual truth can teach you.

Spiritual mindedness is the route to lasting happiness, and you won’t have to eat your way through countless bags of potato chips to find its peace.

23 thoughts on “Look to God for peace of mind”

  1. Wonderful! I even have a skillet that resembles the one pictured here!!! I think folks sometimes liken spirituality to old fashioned black magic. Hmmmph, that’s just a song, right? And a good one. This Christimas I am striving to be happy where I’m at and praying others are also in a good place.
    Thank you for your sharing.

      1. Definitely a magnifying glass. Magnify God and His Angels! ” My Soul doth magnify the Lord, sing all in glad accord.”
        Pray that the cease fire is extended and hostilities ENDED! Have a wonderful week!

        1. Yes, and pray that the intergenerational transmission of trauma which is behind all wars playing out repetitively will be addressed and healed. This is surely God’s will!

      2. Yes, a magnifying glass but at first glance, one could mistake it for a skillet–and isn’t that a good lesson in not trusting the senses? Whether Rhondda saw a skillet or not, she has the right idea in being happy where she is and lovingly praying that others are in a ‘good place’–that is surely ‘seeing’ rightfully.

        1. Good point Nan that we don’t have to trust what the senses tell us.

          If we keep God under our magnifying glass and let Him be the biggest thing in our lives we are on the right track. Some verses about magnifying God:
          -Psalms 35:27–Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.
          -Psalms 40:16 and Psalms 70:4–Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified.

  2. Just what I needed! Thank you Evan and commentators …Magnifying the Lord /God for peace of mind! Counting my blessings !

  3. Thank you so much, Evan. These days it is so easy to have that feeling of
    anxiety and uneasiness, with so many things seeming to be wrong in the world
    and it can be quite challenging to see clearly where the Truth/God’s Goodness in
    it all can be.
    There seems to be so much conflicting, vague, frightening thoughts swirling
    around about “material” things, unrest, the economy, war, hatred, violence, etc.
    and the future can be pretty scary, if we let it. And ohhh yeah, those bags of
    potato chips can be tempting. Thankfully even the individual bags are mostly
    filled with air. But we must keep our thought in tune with God’s Being and focus
    on the spiritual, rather than the material.

  4. Thank you for the article! Good is the reality because God. is all in all.! Jesus rebuked the devil- evil and cast it out. Eddy says, with Divine Love the dragon warreth not long because he knows his time is short. It seems that evil is very aggressive in the world today and it can be easy to “stand aghast” but she reminds us “why stand aghast at nothingness?” Divine Love fill all space

  5. Sincere gratitude for good and remembering that good is omnipotent, always makes me feel at peace, happy. This morning I woke up in a bit of a funky mood ( with a few regrets) but then I saw how happy my cat was lying on our down comforter. I was happy that we are experiencing cooler, winter weather now because it makes the cat want to cuddle with us. Later I felt joy as I prepared my dog’s breakfast. Her regular dry dog food hasn’t seemed adequate so I gave her some remnants of Thanksgiving turkey. It made me very happy because I know she will express much joy as she eats the lovingly prepared food; she is nourished by Love. When I am feeling anything that is the opposite of good I can choose to remind myself that really all is in Spirit and the possibility of anything other than good is fictitious. For me, it lifts me up to be grateful for the fact that Sprit reigns.

  6. Sincere gratitude for good and remembering that good is omnipotent, always makes me feel at peace, happy. This morning I woke up in a bit of a funky mood ( with a few regrets) but then I saw how happy my cat was lying on our down comforter. I was happy that we are experiencing cooler, winter weather now because it makes the cat want to cuddle with us. Later I felt joy as I prepared my dog’s breakfast. Her regular dry dog food hasn’t seemed adequate so I gave her some remnants of Thanksgiving turkey. It made me very happy because I know she will express much joy as she eats the lovingly prepared food; she is nourished by Love. When I am feeling anything that is the opposite of good I can choose to remind myself that really all is in Spirit and the possibility of anything other than good is fictitious. For me, it lifts me up to be grateful for the fact that Sprit reigns.

  7. “….and you won’t have to eat through countless bags of potato chips to find it.” (Peace)….or in my case, Cheetos! But seriously, it’s so true that feeling close to God brings peace and fulfillment in a way nothing else can. Thanks for the reminder!

  8. If you want to feel loved (solidly secure) listen to today’s Sentinel Watch. “Changing your world: Dealing with sudden fear.”

  9. Evan, your blog about our peace of mind was well timed. I endeavor to always put God first and realize that He, Love, is the Father of ALL and is our judge, lawgiver, and King as well as our protection. I love the way God works.

    Yesterday, I watched a Thanksgiving Show on TBN about the Pilgrims coming to the new country (America) to keep their religious freedom, Christianity. This country was formed with “Under God We Trust” and “One Nation, Under God”.
    I heard a head of Hamas saying in a press conference that their goal was to eliminate all Jews and Christians in the world, including the USA and they would not stop with Israel. Then I heard at the breakfast table today that fighting age men from that area have snuck through our open border along with the other refugees.

    Very disquieting. The Bible lesson was great to praise God for all his wonderful creation. Then I went to this beautiful SpiritView which is as unfailing as always.

    Thank you “J” for adding the excellent article by Ralph Wagers. One of the first steps he stated was: “The spiritual realm cannot, and does not, include a single element or condition of matter or evil.” He further says we should ”acknowledge that there is no realm for such unrealities to occupy and no consciousness that can be deceived to believe in their existence.”
    This reminded me of a statement by Mary Baker Eddy I use a lot: “A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive. (SH 463:12–13)

    It is encouraging to know and acknowledge that, though this very offensive evil claims to have power and will not stop, in the spiritual realm where we live as spiritual ideas, there is no place for it to occupy and “no consciousness that can be deceived to believe in their existence,” and that this Truth will remove it properly.

    Now I read in “No and Yes” by Mrs. Eddy, “Is Sin Forgiven”(pg. 30-32) which spoke to me more on our protection from all sin because God IS All.

    What a protective, productive day!! So, with God as our Father, our safety and peace are established.
    God’s Peace of Mind to all.

  10. Our topic today is peace of mind. But mind with a small “m” is mortal mind, human mind, material mind which really contains no peace because it only sees a very small, constricted, limited view that is full of discord. True Peace is peace of Mind with a capital “M.” Divine Mind, which is Peace itself and as its expression we can experience Peace as our nature.

    The English Romantic poet William Blake said in one of his poems (written around 1790), -“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern.” I love this quote because it reminds me that our thinking can seem to get clouded and constricted by error and need “cleansing,” but the Truth of infinite God, good is always present. (As a side note the 1960’s rock band The Doors took their name from this poem, and from Aldous Huxley’s book ‘The Doors of Perception’ which referenced the Blake poem).

  11. Countless blessings shared here today. Thank you all! The Sentinel Watch (Thank you
    Alane) reminded me as the guest was speaking, of Mrs. Eddy’s, “The sunlight glints from
    the church-dome, glances into the prison-cell, glides into the sick-chamber, brightens the
    flower, beautifies the landscape, blesses the earth. Man, made in His [God’s] likeness,
    possess and reflects God’s dominion over all the earth”. (S&H 516). Time and distance can
    not in any way limit the power of prayer. At times, when mortal, little mind (great
    explanation Rose), tries to imprison our thought into believing in a power apart from God,
    we seem to looking “through a glass, darkly”, clouded by the mortal senses or like looking
    through a dirty window. It distorts our perception of the Truth of God’s care and Love for
    us. It can also be compared to trying to wipe a smudge from the wall that we Think is there,
    but it is only really a shadow, a misperception of true being. Thoughts like you mentioned
    Pat W (Thank you), are very much needed in seeing things clearly and in looking to God
    for peace of Mind.

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