Looking for a brighter view?

July 5, 2011 | 4 comments

Could life look a little better today? Is there too much darkness, despair and lack around you? If so, it’s time for a brighter view! And you can get it by alienating the material sense of things and getting into a more inspired state of thought.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Jesus prayed; he withdrew from the material senses to refresh his heart with brighter, with spiritual views.”

I love that promise!

This says to me that the dark unhappy places of the human experience are material sense places—states of thought engrossed in materialism of some sort. The key to find light again is to get out of that material sense of things into a more enlightened spiritual perspective. And that is done through consecrated sincere prayer.

If one truly desires to see things spiritually, the spiritual view can be gained. But to find the inspired spiritual sense, one needs to desert the material sense they are preoccupied with. Material sense and spiritual sense are diametrically opposite points of view.  One is full of lack, the other is full of hope and healing.

So, if things are looking a bit down right now, get into your prayer closet. Shut the door on fear, evidence of lack, matter-sense, and any other belief that upholds the lie of life in matter, and tune into Truth. The messages of Love are coming, and you can hear them. Your day will be much brighter.

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