Looking for inspiration?

May 17, 2024 | 30 comments

Are you looking for a more inspired thought when praying?  If so, let Truth do the lifting.  I will explain how in this video.

This vlog was filmed at Lake Pleasant, in Arizona, when my wife and I visited the area in March 2024.

30 thoughts on “Looking for inspiration?”

  1. That is the plunge that refreshes! Hubby keeps scolding me for e njoying my favorite soda pop. But somehow it’s really the bubbles that I crave. Thank you for keeping my thought on things above.

  2. I love that understanding. My will can do nothing, but Truth certainly can do it. Thank you, Evan.

  3. Thanks Evan :
    Help me Father to leave all to you and take selfwill from my thought. Make me each day to know and abide in Truth.

  4. Dear Evan, thank you very very much for this uplifting Vlog, just this moment very needed.
    Yes, I will let Truth do the healing and solutions today and everyday. Will let Truth guide!
    Such a refreshing scenery, Evan, thank you!

  5. Very beautiful, Evan, and so needed to recognize and put into practice. This central theme of Christian Science is important to remember as we rely entirely on God for all healing. Thank you.

  6. Beautiful Evan…thank you so much for sharing this vlog!

    This comes to mind from previous comments on SV…..
    Start, ..Stay ,.. Stick and Stand with God…Truth……to enjoy the elevator of increased spiritual understanding…our divine right.
    Happy Day All❣️

  7. I love this UP-lifting thought, Evan. Thank you! No push, no pull, no heavy lifting…Just step into Truth and experience your freedom. I love this!

  8. Evan thanks for making the distinction between Truth itself doing the work (of setting us free, lifting us up) and humanly trying to know the truth. The metaphor of getting on the elevator is good; we don’t have to pull or drag the elevator to make it go up. Stepping in and pushing the button is equal to our being open, receptive and willing to receive and understand Truth. Be in the presence of Truth, always available to us.

    1. After reading the last line of your comment, the thought visits: “There is no other Place!” And from hymn 1 81, 2nd verse: “Then we feel the power that lifts us, to Thy holy, secret place,Where our gloom is lost in glory, As we see Thee face to face.”

  9. Thanks J for your suggestion regarding the very small print. Unfortunately I am not able to perform your instructions.

    1. You’re welcome Lori. I’m sorry things didn’t work out. I’ve included an easier to read article today. 🙂

      Thank you Evan for today’s vlog. Love the beautiful scenery and message! A wonderful weekend to all!

      1. Hi Lori, I could send the article of yesterday to my email address in readable letters. I could send you this email to your mail address. It is a very long article and interesting. Here is my email address: [email protected] . If you want to contact me I’ll send you that article .

  10. Approaching this instruction brought to mind, no heavy lifting, instead, step up, in thought and deed, until you clearly reach an open thought, existing with God, not heavy mortal mind.. Step up , open up, rely on peace and harmony in thought to do the lifting.. Hold on to the thought, taking the ride up to living in peace and harmony.

    1. Thank you, J, for this clear and powerful article. Because Truth is a synonym for God, knowing the truth has always translated for me to knowing Truth, knowing more about God, Mrs. Eddy writes in SH, “It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle , which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony.” (p390)
      Lovely and inspiring blog today, Evan. I’m deeply grateful for this haven you’ve created for all of us seekers.

  11. Thank you, Evan, for the spiritual uplift in thought and Truth. The scenery is
    beautiful and uplifting in itself and thank you so much for taking us along on your
    journey. So appreciated. The Truth of our being is our perfect reflection as we are,
    with nothing detracting from this perfection. The Truth is true all of the time,
    regardless what the material viewpoint seems to be. We are always a perfect part
    of this Truth.

    1. Thank you, Carol! I sometimes tell friends, “Know the Truth,” and they ask me, “What IS the Truth?” I don’t always have a ready answer to that question. Your reply that “the Truth of our being is our perfect reflection, as we are, with nothing detracting from this perfection” is excellent

      1. Thank you, P, I’m glad that you found my comment helpful. The Truth
        is always UP-Lifting, isn’t it, whereas lies of any kind, be they to divide
        with gender, social status, physical complexions, religions, or anything
        that would keep us from being who we are = as children of God … not
        downgraded in any way… the way mortal thinking sometimes tries to be
        these days, to get us off the track of Truth. The Truth always shall set
        us free from matter’s thralls of believing in a power other than God.

        1. Yes. The basic Truth, God’s Allness, Goodness, and Ever-presence, is UP-lifting! Perfect God and creation.

  12. Thank you so much, Evan! Good reminder. And what a lovely background for your vlog today!

    With gratitude,

  13. It seems to me when in God’s elevator,
    there are no wrong floors.
    There are different floors, Truth, Spirit,
    Love, Soul, Principle, Mind, Life.
    Probably all the floors are the same,
    nothing missing!
    Or a no floor elevator, just God’s, expansive
    universe upholding, uplifting, everyone.

    “Rise in the conscious strength of the
    spirit of Truth,” p. 390-32

  14. Evan, Your beautiful vlogs are wonderful! Thank you for this inspiring message. it’s very helpful. Blessings to all.

  15. Sometimes things seem so confusing in the so-called “mortal” world, where
    the truth is often difficult to ascertain. Understanding can be vague or foggy and
    we sometimes concoct things that may be or may not be “true”. But in looking
    at things through a metaphysical lens, the Truth Does set us free and is such a
    beautiful awakening of thought. Inspiration lifts us higher and higher in our
    quest for Love’s divine blessing and what may have Seemed like a problem
    or deterrence of some kind, fades away into oblivion and only the Truth remains.

  16. Just these days after I listened several times to this Vlog of Evan I glimpsed something spiritual which made me happy.
    The Bible says about Witsun which we celebrate today, that everybody could understand all people of diverse languages in there own language. And that is called “the outpouring of the holy Ghost (Spirit)” on all men.
    Evan said “know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free”. For me this Truth means also to understand God and man, and all spiritual things. Isn’t that the “pouring out of the holy Ghost” on each of us, the divine Truth we shall know, and we shall know if we listen to God, Truth! And it is so important to understand each other in the face of todays happenings in the world!!!

    Thank you, dear Evan for this healing, refreshing and comforting Vlog!♡

    Thanks all, I love all diverse interesting and loving commentations!♡

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