Loss is gain

December 2, 2024 | 17 comments

A man was telling me how he was afraid to let his consciousness go totally spiritual for fear of losing all the material things around him that he treasured and valued.

I assured him that there would only be gain in his life to let his thought ascend spiritually.

It is true that when thought ascends spiritually, it thinks less about material things.  But that doesn’t mean we don’t have the material things we need to shelter safely, drive to work, and pay our bills.  

As Jesus promised, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt. 6:33, NKJV).  When we seek spiritual mindedness above all else, we gain in two ways.  We gain new views of spiritual reality that keep us happy and healthy, but we also see whatever we need humanly appear in the perfect way for the moment we are in.  We experience God taking care of us in all ways.

The most important things to have in life are not material things that come and go.  It’s spiritual understanding.  

When we grow spiritually, the only things we lose are suffering, lack, and fear.

Gain of spiritual sense is loss of material sense, but never loss of anything important or of value.  

It’s always in our best interest to grow spiritually, and the faster, the better!

17 thoughts on “Loss is gain”

  1. The world situation seems dominated by human hatred, violence and cruelty.
    I have constantly to remind myself of Mrs Eddy’s standpoint of God’s allness and evil as a lie and mistaken dream image.
    I don’t have to erase the illusion of evil. Just confirm man’s brotherley love, and allow the evil dream to destroy itself.

    1. Your statement that we “don’t have to erase the illusion of evil” is powerful for me as a new CS. It demonstrates Spirit-mindedness and yields all power to God. Thank you for your contribution, as well.

      I had also thought the scripture ought to have read, “seek only the kingdom of God,” but the statement, “we also see whatever we need humanly appear in the perfect way for the moment we are in,” helps me to see this scripture in a new light. Like Jesus, we also need to eat, live and move in our material existence while it is.

      Thanks to you both.

    2. Your statement that we “don’t have to erase the illusion of evil” is powerful for me as a new CS. It demonstrates Spirit-mindedness and yields all power to God. Thank you for your contribution, as well.

      I had also thought the scripture ought to have read, “seek only the kingdom of God,” but the statement, that whatever we need on this earth will present itself in the perfect moment, helps me to see this scripture in a new light. Like Jesus, we also need to eat, live and move in our material existence while it is. God supplies our every need.

      Thanks to you both.

      1. Hi Amy, and all here…

        Amy, your comment that you are a new CS, made me smile, as I too am new to CS…and then in an INSTANT, I had the revelation that I have always been a CS. And what is going on with me is just re-membering.

  2. merci Alan !! not always easy to lift up our thought above thé world turmoil , you are right , we do not have to give our consent whatever thrilling it appears !!!

    Thanks to Evan , thanks to you all for your comments !!!

  3. This is so perfect for what I’m praying for right now, Evan. Thank you so much. Please keep me in your prayers. I’m so grateful for you.

  4. It is is only the mortal material sense that we must lose sight of
    in order to find the spiritual gain of all things joyful and totally spiritual. What the material
    senses parade before us is all false beliefs – Mrs. Eddy says that sometimes they are
    beautiful, but they are always erroneous. They eventually fall to dust, because they have
    no real substance, because not of God, who is Spirit, and creates all things spiritually.

    Grace for today, O Love divine, / Thee to obey and love alone; / Losing the mortal will in Thine, / Find we a joy before unknown. (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 422:1)

  5. Thank you all for such loving thoughts shared here. Very helpful, as distinguishing
    between the “mortal” as in mortal mind, which in Reality, there is not .. and the
    spirituality of things that transcend what is limited in what we can perceive with
    the material senses … which are fleeting and only as “real” as what mankind makes of
    Our world is surrounded by and reflected in the spiritual existence that is forever
    with us, no matter where we are. Like on pg 516 of S&H, where Mrs. Eddy so
    eloquently describes, “Love, redolent with unselfishness, bathes all in beauty and
    light. The grass beneath our feet silently exclaims, ‘The meek shall inherit the earth.’
    The modest arbutus sends her sweet breath to heaven. The great rock gives
    shadows and shelter. The sunlight glints from the church-dome, glances into the
    prison-cell, glides into the sick-chamber, brightens the flower, beautifies the
    landscape, blesses the earth. Man made in His likeness, possesses and reflects
    God’s dominion over all the earth. Man and woman as coexistent and eternal with
    God forever reflect, in glorified quality, the infinite Father-Mother God.”
    I have always loved this passage and it brings home the spiritual sense of things so

  6. I can honestly say, all that I have has been given to me by God. There is nothing that I’ve done to do more than that. It is not close.

  7. Thank you very much, Evan and all!
    Today’s SpiritView is so loving and metaphysicly very clear, and I think, also very comforting and healing.
    I love the simple truth: If one puts God first, he will gain everything good he needs!
    And then I find the following vers from Psalms helpful:
    “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding. Thus He will lead you aright.”

    Dear J, thanks a lot for the article by Andrej Remec “The Kingdom of Heaven within us.” It’s very helpful, as the authors says, rhat we can pray and ask God that we might understand the kingdom of heaven within us much deeper. So wonderful!

    Thank you Maggie for hymn 433 – “Grace for today” – a lovely Song, also the melody.

    Thanks Josef, the same with me. When I look back I clearly notice that God lead me lovingly to all my jobs including finally to what I already was fascinated of in my schooltime, to Christian Science Nursing.

    God is in control of all life, as He is a l l Life, all o u r Life

    And dear Carol, thanks, it’s a beautiful passage from SH by Mrs. Eddy, I love that also!

    I’m thankful for this very loving SpiritView Blog with so comforting and healing comments!!!

  8. Thanks Evan. Along these Spiritual lines I have, for the last few years, been working on seeing (acknowledging, understanding) everything as spiritual, just as God sees His/Her creation – from our vehicles we use to get around, to our house, to… well, everything that is good. We can confidently do this since there is no such thing as matter (we prove that when we heal, toss out, a false belief). EVERYTHING [good] is a spiritual idea, no exceptions, right!? And as we work to see everything as spiritual, its true beauty, usefulness, function, etc., will become more apparent. So rather than losing anything (except a false sense of something, matter), we actually gain somethin! And that is 100% rewarding, for sure!

  9. Many decades ago there was “a thing” that was either damaged or lost. So long ago now I can’t remember what the thing was, but my son who was in college said: “Mom! It’s only stuff!”

    For young man who was not raised as a Christian Scientist, this was profound truth. For me: Although I was not and still am not a member of the Christian Science church, God has truly blessed me throughout my life by providing close Christian Scientist friends. As my life has changed and I have moved to various places on this small planet, God always provided one more CS friend/helper for me, sharing CS literature and loving support as constant reminders that We Are The Sheep of His Pasture and will always be provided for.

    There have been a lot of trials and losses in my life, but I can honestly say I have been and still am Truly Blessed. Many thanks to Evan and to all who share their experiences and thoughtful, loving contributions here. Truly: GOD IS All!

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