Making sound investments

February 15, 2021 | 30 comments

In the United States, there is concern about the stock market being in lofty territory that forebodes a correction at some point. Hardly a day goes by, that I don’t see an interview from a respected stock analyst somewhere pointing out red flags of wild speculation and overvalued stocks to be aware of. It’s not a doomsday scenario, but one of caution and warning to not be complacent about one’s investment decisions.

To keep one from being caught by surprise, it’s a good time to remember the truth about wealth, where it comes from, and what it looks like.

Wealth is spiritual. It’s not stocks in the market or money in the bank that comes and goes, and swings up and down. It’s wisdom, discernment, discipline, patience, intelligence, gratitude, contentment, honesty, and truth. These are spiritual assets that come directly from God and are endowed into our being as children of God. We all have them, and we have an infinite amount of them to utilize and benefit from.

If one thinks of wealth as material, he might fear for his wealth, for anything of a material nature is rife with uncertainty, flux, and eventual loss. But wealth is so much more. It’s not the temporal that comes and goes, it’s the eternal that’s always with us.

Wealth is your ability to listen for Mind’s wise direction and follow it. Wealth is the ability to be happy with what you have coming from God. Wealth is trust in the truth, and not wishful thinking that an outlandish promise could somehow be a truth. Wealth is knowledge of the certain, not wild speculation in the uncertain. Wealth is a calm demeanor, poise, grace, and dominion to think clearly, reason rightly and make rational decisions that bring good results. Wealth is not a speculative adventure. Wealth is a for sure possession.

Let the wealth of divine Mind lead your investment decisions, and you’ll be in a good position no matter what the stock market does.

Stocks go up and down, but wealth lasts forever.

30 thoughts on “Making sound investments”

  1. Our spiritual Identity is where we have abundant and secure assets worth investing in.
    Our spiritual bank account weighs mightily against the vacuum of the mortal sense of Identity and can be relied upon to supply secure returns on investment of spiritual insights into whatever might present itself to us daily. – opportunities to translate whatever the veil of material sense might seem to hide, but the light of spiritual concepts will reveal its real undecaying, in-erodable spiritual substance instantly, always available to spiritual sense to draw upon and use.

  2. My thanks to Evan and Fay for your solid ideas regarding true wealth..
    I love the idea that it is tied to our identity. That indestructible relationship with our Father/Mother God whose infinite wisdom gives us constant supply.
    And daily assurance we are not alone but enfolded in His care.

  3. “Through the magnitude of his human life, he demonstrated the divine Life. Out of the amplitude of his pure affection, he defined Love. With the
    affluence of truth, he vanquished error.” S&H 54:1-5

    “We shall obey and adore in proportion as we apprehend the divine nature and love Him understandingly, warring no more over the corporeality, but rejoicing in the affluence of
    our God.” S&H 140: 8-12

    I love the use of the word, affluence,
    abundance, in reference to God, and thus
    ourselves. Abundant joy, peace, love, all that
    God is.

    Hargreaves. Jesus fed the five thousand
    because of the abundance in his thought
    The disciples could not believe of the
    lack in their thinking.

  4. I have been held up by this daily spiritual food and am very grateful. For the last week I haven’t received any of your week day. emails bringing Spirit View to my in box. Is it possible for them to be restored, please?

    1. If you go to an older SpiritView, that is still in your inbox, and highlight “More recent articles” it should open to the current article, as well as those from
      the past week, and further back.

    2. Sue, maybe you can try to re-subscribe — click on the blue box that says Subscribe on the right side of this page and re-enter your email address. Otherwise just go to — the most recent post is always at the top of the page. I often visit that way so when I type “S” in my search box the computer remembers the rest and I just hit enter and there I am! Glad you found your way here!

    3. Last week was a bit irregular for me too. In fact the Friday issue of a week ago finally came to me the following day which was a Saturday. Even this morning it came later than it usually does.

  5. Spirit is never bankrupt for in Soul there is no lack of God’s love and support for any of His creations. Thank you, Evan for this very solid post on true wealth and investment.

  6. Sue burns, last week our emails from Spirit View stopped too, but I found them in our junk mail slot. I can drag them back to my inbox, but I’m hoping to find how to receive them in the right spot. A friend pointed out that I can always find the blog via the internet. Hope this is helpful.

    1. It appears in my Inbox the same time every day and when it hasn’t arrived I do a Google search for SpiritView and when that comes up the first thing I look at is the date of the SpiritView. That tells me if it’s me or something else.

  7. “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” It is not – the stock market meets your needs.

    1. I am responding to your point Kirsten, bathed in the Truth of the matter. Thank you for linking the false belief to the remedy stated by Mary Baker Eddy.

  8. Wow!! Thank you Evan and ALL the other SV friends who have posted such helpful and wise truths. I love The Bible passage “All that I have is yours”. So all of God’s magnificent qualities, including joy, wisdom, divine guidance, unity, newness, healing …are ours forever! Thank You, Papa and Mama!(name for God as shared in The Shack). A beautiful day to all.

    1. Cathryn, I wasn’t familiar with your reference to The Shack, looked it up and and watched the trailer for this spiritually-based film, sounds amazing. Thanks.

  9. Very appropriate message Evan,
    I actually just invested myself in a stock for the first time a month ago or so. Its been interesting to see how to picture this. Not easy. Your insights are meeting my, and I am sure many other’s thought, right where the need for understanding about true investment is. Wealth is not accumulation, from small to large amounts, but awareness of the riches of Spirit, Love, reality, already present. Your thoughts expressed conveyed this very well. Thank you for this impeccably timed composition!!!!

  10. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE CLEAR & VERY HELPFUL COMMENTS this morning, dear Evan. This is exactly what I needed – and your concise affirmations had nothing to do with my bank account balance. You are ALWAYS so spot on in your sharings. Thank you for sharing your spiritual vision and expression with us. God bless your precious heart!

  11. I think wealth is an abundance of spiritual knowing, a free flowing of knowledge what is real and true as perceived with our spiritual sense that God puts in each of us.

    When paying bills or spending money I try to remember that God is the Source of all my good and all my supply, and I can also know that this is true for everyone. So we’re provided for and cared for.

    If I “invest” my time in learning more about God and how we are inseparable from His loving care, the return on that kind of investment is immeasurable and bountiful good.

    James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

    1. Your first paragraph, Rose, rang so true for me. How wealthy (and healthy) I have felt mentally and physically since last March because of the knowledge gained through Christian Science about God and His creation. Grounded on the rock of Truth (and the winds came and the storms, etc…) and the only thing that made and makes sense is Be still and know that I am God. The profound wealth in that is unspeakable.

      1. Amen! Thank you Penelope. Perhaps you are truly “by the sea” or just a lover of the sea. I too love the magic of being near the water. Nature is very healing. Peace and joy to you.

  12. Dear Sue- the wealth of Evan’s generous unselfed
    Sharing is in its rightful place blessing you and all.
    We cannot lose any thing, thought or right activity that acknowledges God and His unfailing love for
    His children. It’s great that several readers have sent you some work arounds!! Welcome back

  13. Dear friends, thank you for your caring responses. Not in junk mail, but I am going each evening to click on the ‘newest’ and infinitely grateful for the helpful sharing I find there. In Australia Evan ‘s articles are a bedtime blessing and the comments are there for breakfast pondering. Sue

    1. Very nice, Sue, thanks for letting us knew that. In Germany Evan`s SpiritView is a breakfastblessing and in the Afternoon and Evening pondering. 🙂

  14. Am very grateful for your so helpful and healing Spiritual views, Yes, God is the source of all our wealth and He is caring for us, His loved children, in every instance!. Thank you deeply, Evan!
    Thank you al very much for your wonderful comments!

  15. What a great article! After watching a show about Charles Schwab on TV yesterday evening, it was great to wake up to your article to put it all into perspective. All of them are timely, helpful, and really give me a springboard to jump off of for the day!

  16. I am new to this sight and find Evan’s comments so helpful! What great support it is to have his daily inspiration as well as all of the responses. Thank you all!

  17. Thank you so much Evan for these clear, helpful thoughts that get us thinking in the right way about things. I’ve always had a fear that someday I could become destitute. You just blew that fear out of the water! We have an infinite amount of spiritual wealth, spiritual assets that we can not lose. (=

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