Master fear promptly

October 3, 2023 | 24 comments

Little fears love to walk on stilts.

~ Henry Stanley Haskins

It’s wise to not let little fears become big fears. In fact, it’s best to have no fear at all!

Master fear with truth and love.

Know God’s omnipotence and omnipresence and fear will dissolve, whether big or little. Let the comfort and peace of infinite Love take over.

24 thoughts on “Master fear promptly”

  1. Thank you Evan for this Truth today. I can remember the first time I heard about this easy way of disarming fear. One of the Sunday School teachers went to the chalkboard and wrote this out for us:
    F. alse
    E. evidence
    A appearing
    R. eal
    Whenever fear tempts me I always remember how easily Mr. R. just wrote this truth out for all of us to use to immediately see how peace reigns when we know the Truth that is God. I’m so grateful for this simple, powerful Truth that gives us strength and courage to get our thoughts working in the right way.

    1. I love the acronym and thoughts Virginia. Thanks so much for sharing them.

      Just last night I was watching a “who done it” mystery. All the suspects were gathered in a room and the detective says, “we were DECEIVED by the evidence presented”. What?! How could the evidence be deceptive?! I saw it! She’s guilty! LOL Isn’t deceptive “evidence” being presented to us continually throughout our day trying to dupe and deceive us?

      Excerpt: “Even though you may look right at it physically, you won’t see anything real. Because God doesn’t see it, it can have no place in His universe of reality.” –
      “Look out from the stars!” by Theodore Wallach:
      (I’ve posted this before…so good.)

      1. Yes dear “J”, that is a phantastic article, looking out f r o m the stars, from our divine perfection! Thanks a lot for it!♡

  2. Another statement is, God, good, governs, guards,
    and guides.
    As Evan posted, peace, dominion, wisdom.
    Another day of giving thanks.
    Another day to give out Love

  3. Love that Virginia!! Also love ,Forgetting. Everything About . Reality ! And the counterfact Father’s Everloving
    Arms Round !

  4. That gnawing fear in daily life is mortality itself; anxiety over death, uncertainty about the future, insecurity about decisions, concerns about self. With a settled quiet conviction of Truth, secure in Principle, surrounded by Love, we counter fear with joy and gratitude. In Autumn the sky is beautiful, the air is crisp and glorious, and the sun is somehow a different color (in the Midwest US). Gratitude vanquishes fear, puts us in touch with spiritual sense, shields us and uplifts. John says, “there is no fear in Love, but perfect Love casteth out fear.”

  5. Such a needed declaration of Truth, Evan and all – Thank you! And William E. ..
    Thank you! I can surely relate!!
    The graphic reminds me of a ransom note, with letters pieced together like in a
    game of Scrabble. It is ike when our thoughts Seem to be taken hostage by the
    mortal dream picture and away from what divine Love holds so dear. We Seem
    to be missing out on all things Good.
    Like the family of the sweet little girl kidnapped recently that made countrywide
    news and the girl herself… with fear probably being prevalent and in the forefront..
    But with Truth and with Love – I’m sure the many prayers were given for her
    ultimate safe return to her beloved family. She was loved throughout the seeming
    ordeal where God’s Love was Always with her, even though it may have Appeared
    not to be.
    Sometimes in rereading or hearing certain thoughts and predictions, one picks up
    on why fear can seem so pervasive, especially these days of uncertainty, with it
    Seeming to be everywhere… but throughout any temptation to believe in anything
    other than God’s sweet amenities, we are Truly loved by Divine Love and through
    This Love… we feel the comfort of being fearless. Easier said than done sometimes,
    but it is a constant prayer of not just thinking or hoping, but Knowing that God loves
    us… and like the little girl reunited with her family, the embrace of loving arms warm
    our hearts with the togetherness of Being One with this Love.

  6. Thank you all for all your encouraging words and thoughts today. They are helping me in coping with my son’s health issues.

    1. Thanks very dearly “J” for this very inspiring and helpful article about conquering fear through loving God with all our heart and mind and strength as also the Bible advises us to do. ♡
      It does so good to read relevant and healing articles to SpiritView topics.

  7. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). I read somewhere that God has told us over 100 times in the Bible not to be afraid, because He is in control, He is our refuge and strength.

    Evan thanks for today’s quote, “Little fears love to walk on stilts.” It’s true that error loves to take small things and try to magnify them into large problems to distract us from the Allness and Goodness of God. I looked up the author of the quote, Henry Stanley Haskins. He was a stockbroker and writer of inspirational books. Another of his quotes was “What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.”

    Thanks for everyone’s comments and inspiration, as always, grateful to be here with all of you!

    1. Thank you Rose. Enjoyed reading your research about the Bible phrase and Henry Stanley Haskins – very interesting and inspiring.

  8. Thank you Evan and all. This is great. In the Bible, we read, Fear not, for I am with you…..
    Divine Love is always with us, therefore we have no reason to fear. Let us live a fearless life.

  9. F- forgetting
    E- everything
    R- reality

    Thank you, Evan and all contributors. What love and blessings ate given on SpiritView

  10. The blocks and letters above in the photo remind me of children’s
    alphabet building blocks. We build on our knowledge and rise
    higher in our thinking … and like God’s children, we become more
    and more like Him…
    Some other thoughts on fear:
    Have no fear, God is always near – that is – With us.
    And I was thinking, another meaning of the word fear, as
    used in the Bible is to respect – i.e. to fear God, is to respect God.
    – Apparently “Do not be afraid” is written in the Bible 365 times. That’s
    a daily reminder from God to live Every day fearless.
    I have seen written: Fear is a darkroom where negatives are developed.
    Winston Churchill said, “Fear is a reaction, Courage is a decision” and
    of course, FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt): “The only thing we have to
    fear is fear itself”.

  11. Oh yes dear Evan, am longing to let the comfort and peace of infinite divine Love take over! It is so comforting and healing to know that our God is all that what the 7 synonyms (names for God) express, and that is all in all, all Good! Thank you Evan for dealing with today’s theme. Nearly in all our lesson sermons we get God’s promise that we must not fear as God is helping us.
    “fear not for I am with you, I am your God, I help you, I strengthen you and hold you by the right hand of my righteousness.” So in that sense the Bible promisses us God’s wonderful steady help.
    Thanks Evan to remind us that God is everpresent and allmighty and therefore there is actually no reason for fear! I am deeply grateful to have learned this Truth and can understand CS more and more!

    I love all your inspirations dear SV friends, which are very helpful – thank you so very much!♡

  12. “Fear not for I am with thee , oh be not afraid for I am thy God.
    I will help thee I will uphold thee with my gracious Omnipotent Hand..

    1. Yes Chris, that’s the verse from the Bible I mentioned in my comment. It’s comforting and healing, it ‘s one of my favorit verses!

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