Mastering fears of artificial intelligence

July 26, 2024 | 18 comments

The rapidly advancing capacities of artificial intelligence have grabbed the attention of citizens around the world.  Many are elated over the potential of AI.  Many are fearful of the evil ways AI can be used.

I share a spiritual perspective of intelligence that arrests these fears and puts artificial intelligence into its proper perspective in an article just published in the August Christian Science Journal, “Mastering fears of artificial intelligence.”

18 thoughts on “Mastering fears of artificial intelligence”

  1. Dear Evan, an excellent article showing forth Mind’s intelligence. The quotes used from Science and Health and the Bible story of Aaron’s rod are right on point. Thank you!

  2. Your article answered all the concerns I had about AI. Thank you for sharing such clear and spiritually scientific insights that will enable me to pray aright about these concerns. Very grateful!

  3. Over the years in Christian Science, it has come increasing clear to me that one can not take a false idea into the next level of spiritual understanding. There is simply no basis for error in truth, hate in love, ignorance in understanding.

  4. Great timing for me . Thank you ! And just when I’m doing a course on how to make AI work FOR us in the things we want to do online , instead of against us.

  5. This is a wonderful article, Evan. Thank you! It explores so effectively the concerns of
    AI, that I, and I’m sure a lot of others have, regarding this technology. The mental influence
    is determined by it’s programmers and that can be for the good or not so good – for
    mankind. There has always been a sort of “brain washing” to be aware of (through out all
    time) – where subliminal messages, sometimes repeated over and over, to try to make
    them true, that try to sneak into thought through many channels. Even those in Jesus’ time
    were tempted into believing certain things that Jesus, (the Christ), proved untrue. But the
    One Mind of God’s Love for each of us is really the only influence and intelligence there is.
    Human or machine intelligence or sometimes “mind control” from any other source can not intercept or impede progress into understanding the all powerful Creator of our thoughts and actions.

  6. Thank you Evan for the excellent article on AI. It really helped me to let go of the temptation’ of FEAR. Thanks to other contributors for sharing comforting thoughts of LOVE’S ever presence.

  7. Yesterday I was praying along the lines that there is no intelligence in matter. I found the definition of intelligence in the glossary, which I didn’t previously realize was there. “Substance, self-existent, and eternal Mind; that which is never unconscious nor limited.” It then references recapitulation pg 469. “Intelligence is Omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence” etc

    Sounds familiar! Kinda like God.

    1. Thank you, John, for the definition of intelligence and references to Mind in S&H.
      It inspired me to look up “artificial”, (as in “artificial intelligence”) in my regular dictionary.
      Among the definitions are: “made by humans (opposed to natural), imitation, simulated,
      sham, forced, contrived, feigned, affectation designed to impress, affect, superficial characteristics, rather than natural, organic – pretentious, counterfeit, factitious…” They
      all, sound a lot like mortal – mind, not the True Mind or God which is Always good and
      genuine, Real, not scripted, and can never be intended to harm in any way, but is natural
      in everything … and as Evan quoted from S&H, “looking away from matter to Mind
      as the cause of every effect”… the One Mind that can never be replaced by a human mind,
      for anything but Good. If used to only promote Good, it has it’s place, but if it brings evil
      ways, disrupting harmony, it would be another force to be reckoned with and reigned in,
      to make this a better world for all, not just for some, who might benefit from it. It all, in
      a way goes back to the Tree of Good and evil and what are we seeing, believing in as real.

  8. Thanks for an excellent article Evan. Some exciting developments in technology. A friend recently rode in a driverless taxi in California and said it was a surreal experience – and they didn’t have to tip. 🙂 Due to many hacks and security breaches, there are legit concerns about AI. It adds another level of complexity to life and makes people feel anxious, fearful, vulnerable, etc. I was going to attach this for Rose yesterday, but my day ended too late. I’ll attach it today, as it also applies to looking at things from a spiritual perspective.

    “Proclaim your innocence” by Debbie Whitler

    1. Great, thank you very very much, dear J for that article about our absolute innocence by Debby Whitler! That’s an awakening and uplifting and very helpful article!♡

  9. Evan thank you for a wonderful and wide-ranging article on AI which contains many spiritual principles that I can apply to all areas of life.

    We seem to have become a society that believes we cannot exist without our computers and all the new devices and technologies, but like all things matter-based, these are temporary, not eternal as are the things of Divine Spirit. Evan states, “We can prove in our own lives the power of this divine intelligence that existed before computers came along and will continue to exist after they have served their purpose.” He goes on to make it clear that these things can and must be our servants, for good. God, Divine Mind gives us dominion and authority.

    “Thou hast made him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet,” (Psalms 8:6)
    “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth.” (Psalms 72:8)

    1. Regarding my post from yesterday about the seeming difficult after-effects of my Grand Jury service. Heartfelt thanks again (I did reply later in the day yesterday as well) to dear Blessed, Carolyne, BarbaraUK, Chilesands, Alison, Barb S. and Carol. Your comments and prayers are full of Wisdom, Care and Love, in other words they are full of God.

      I am seeing definite progress. More light and peace coming into consciousness, and more good spiritual work to be done, will keep you posted. Love love love

      Luke 10:19- Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the [so-called] power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means harm you.

  10. Dear Rose,
    So good to hear you are seeing progress with more light and peace
    coming into consciousness. The service you had done in good faith
    can not harm you, because you have served God and continue to and
    will be rewarded for it and not suffer because of it. There are so many
    good hymns, but #547 came to mind:

    “O, sometimes gleams upon our sight,
    Through present wrong, th’eternal right;
    And step by step, since time began,
    We see the steady gain of man.
    Through the harsh noises of our day,
    A low, sweet prelude finds it’s way;
    Through clouds of doubt and creeds of fear
    A light is breaking, calm and clear…
    God’s love and blessing, then and there,
    Are now and here and everywhere.”

    God will grant you peace, dear one, as promised in
    Hymn #263 – “Undisturbed, our hearts rejoice …
    Only God can bring us gladness,
    Only God can give us peace”.

    1. Carol you are very dear and your comments and the hymns are so comforting. It is a good (God) feeling to know I am being thought of with such love. Many returns of these blessing will come to you.

      1. Awww.. Thank you, Rose, for such sweet thoughts. It is God’s
        Love that heals discordant thoughts that would try to take
        away our Peace. Anything that would try to war against who
        we are as a perfect child of God … just can not take over our
        thinking. Peace is our God-given gift and nothing, no flashbacks
        of what you may have seemed to witness, can harm you. You
        are an expression of this Love.

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