Are You Needy or Blessed?

December 23, 2013 | 12 comments

I’ve noticed two types of people in this world; those who think they need something from someone else and those who are ready to give.

Which camp do you fall into?

Those who feel they need something from others see themselves as victims, suffering from other’s lack of attention, affection or devotion.

Those who are ready to give have found a large degree of completeness. They do not wait to receive from others to feel whole and complete. They know they already have it and are ready to share their gifts with others.

It’s a case of those who feel needy and those who feel blessed.

God has blessed everyone equally and abundantly with the capacity to feel whole and complete, happy and content. This feeling doesn’t come from money, position, status or popularity. It’s a spiritual feeling born of God that is found within.

If you’re feeling needy today, go to God for the help or attention you’re looking for and you’ll find it. God cares for you, honors you, values you, and loves you more than you’ll ever know.

What comes from God is infinitely greater than anything you could ever receive from another person.

God didn’t create you needy. God created you blessed!

Live a blessed life and others will be blessed too.

12 thoughts on “Are You Needy or Blessed?”

  1. Thanks, Evan for your uplifting distinctions that show us all how God blesses us through the understanding of Christ, in divine Science. The Comforter is come and shows us and brings to our remembrancee all that Christ Jesus has taught us. Christmas blessings to all.

  2. Dear Evan,
    Thanks so much for another succinct blog. I do feel so blessed in receiving your uplifting messages and in knowing a religion which points us to an awareness of the abundant Christ light. My need is to express more of this Truth.
    Christmas blessings to you and your family.

  3. Thanks so much, Evan, for this and all your blogs. I might not comment but I so appreciate reading them. This one puts in words an observation I have also made and I’ve seen it as a perception or world view that people have. Some see the glass half full and some see the glass half empty. It is the same glass we are all looking at but the perception surely makes a world of difference in our experience. Thanks for bringing out the solution. It is a moment-by-moment choice we each have to improve our perception. Thank you again, and Merry Christmas to you and your dear family.

  4. Once, I felt that I was in need. After discovering C/S for myself, I don’t feel that way any more.
    C/S shows one by proof and demonstration that all of us are wonderously complete.

  5. Wow!!! I was literally in tears, feeling insulted and slighted by someone and unwanted, feeling like they had ruined my Christmas, when I pulled up your blog and saw this!! How perfect what great ideas to work with today! thank you!

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