Never give up

May 4, 2022 | 18 comments

Never, never, never give up.

~ Winston Churchill

18 thoughts on “Never give up”

  1. We can’t when we have it all. Christian Science. Understood, understood I said is ALL. WHY would u give up, there is nothing more to get, have. We already have ALL. think about it. Love to ALL.

  2. “Never give in” very inspiring, “except to the convictions of honour and good sense”.

    Not sure if the above link of Winston Churchill will work.

    Divine Love provides us with a fortitude which prevails and conquers when adhered to. The demonstration will be seen and the error uncovered for what it is.

    Thank you Evan

  3. “This was their finest hour” was also said by Winston Churchill. In absolute terms, our finest hour is represented by God’s words to Moses “I AM THAT I AM”, – reflecting the first comment, – we already have all , ALWAYS, ALL. Right now is our finest moment, the very good of God’s creating. Perhaps we can re-write, -” Always, always, always, give in to God.” There is nothing else, nothing to wait for.

    1. “I removed his shoulder from the burden: his hands were delivered from the pots.”
      {Ps. 81:6)

  4. Such healing/revealing statements of Truth. Thank you Evan and fellow “Spirit-viewers”. Such a blessed Home we do dwell in. ❤️

  5. This brings to my mind the following hymn:-

    H 290
    Press on, press on, ye sons of light
    Untiring in your holy fight.
    Still treading each temptation down,
    And battling for a brighter crown.

    Press on, pres on, and fear no foe,
    With calm resolve in triumph go;
    Victorious over every eill,
    Press on to higher glory still.

    Press on, press on, still look in faith,
    To Him who conquer sin and death
    Then shall ye hear His word, well done!
    True to the last, press on, press on.

  6. The Sun shines on and on and on…it sees not “darkness.” Love loves on and on and on, expressing only love. Mathematical facts remains fact, regardless of mistakes mathematicians may make in application. The Earth cannot help but be round, regardless of one’s viewpoint…. Why struggle with “error?” It dissolves into the illusion it is, sooner or later….. Mortal belief is fighting a losing battle. Best to side with Truth!!

    1. Thank you so much for this excellent article, Angie. Definitely on topic and all the articles you post are. I really appreciate your research an sharing.

        1. Yes! thank you Angie for your efforts in choosing the article that’s so fitting to the occasion

    2. Thank you for this. I have read it and shared it. Sooo grateful to Evan and all of you for the gifts of Love provided

  7. Dear Evan, thank you very very much for one of the most important, if not the most important, advices!
    If I read all the comments above here, I am so grateful for the inspiration I receive from all you dear SpiritView Friends and Fans.
    Fay says it so right, i.e. such a blessed home we do dwell in. I feel very blessed and well in this lovely home of SpiritView Blog!
    And Ken, you express it so very well, namely “always, always, always give in to God, there is nothing else”.
    And Angie, thank you very much for the link to that wonderful article “Never Quit” by Alan Aylwin. This is just very very helpful to me in various aspects. It is not so long than most of the other articles, and that is better in order to understand the main point clearer !
    And the hymn and all other today`s comments are so healing!
    Wow and such a lovely foto up here. I have such a flower in my garden. It came to bloom very early this year, already in March when nothing else except the snow drops were blooming.
    Thank you a l l for such wonderful spiritual food, though there are only 5 highly important words contained in today`s SpiritView 🙂

  8. Many years ago for Annual Meeting at The Mother Church in Boston, the theme was “Never give Up”. There was actually large signs everywhere with a large blown up photo of Mrs .Eddy.. It was very inspiring theme for me and everyone who attended .. I took that message to heart and to this day I never give up on any challenge that presents itself to me no matter how long it takes..” Truth is always the victor.”

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