Never stuck

August 6, 2020 | 28 comments

Do you feel stuck, like you can’t move forward because there is something in the way that you can’t do anything about?

The good news is–you are not stuck! We live in a universe of Mind, not matter, and what appears to be a material obstacle is but a belief that can be removed with a better understanding of Mind’s dominion over the situation.

Moses proved this when he approached the Red Sea with tens of thousands of Israelites that he was delivering out of Egypt.

Pharaoh was bearing down on him with his massive army, intent on recapturing the Israelites and bringing them back to slavery in Egypt. Moses and his group looked trapped. Pharaoh’s army was on one side, the Red Sea on the other. Talk about stuck!

To keep calm, Moses told the people to be patient and wait for the Lord’s glory to reveal itself and save them. But God had a different message for Moses. The Bible says, “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!” (Ex. 14:15, NLT).

I love this passage because it’s a reminder to me that God has a plan in place that works, and there isn’t anything that is going to get in the way of the plan from being fulfilled. Rather than stand around and wait, we can keep acting on God’s plan and “get moving.” What appears to be a material obstacle, can become a spiritual opportunity.

God revealed to Moses the opportunity. He said to Moses, “Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea. Divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground” (Ex. 14:16, NLT). And that’s what Moses did. He was obedient, and the children were delivered from Pharaoh.

You are never stuck! Whatever Red Sea appears to be in front of you, God’s gives you power to exercise over that illusion and remove it from your path.

God is bigger than any problem you face. So, wait no more. Get moving!

28 thoughts on “Never stuck”

  1. “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21

  2. Someone once said to me: I f you keep ignoring the ‘still small voice’ then the’elephant’s foot’ comes into play’.
    Your message this morning is the ‘elephant’s foot’ for me! Thank you,Evan.

  3. Thanks for this reflection this morning. It will help clear away the objects of sense. And help me get moving in the right direction. Looking for my staff to part the waters.
    Thank You for you spiritual support today.

  4. “…get moving!” said the Lord.
    Nothing wishy-washy about God’s order. It’s clear & concise…Reflection is the way & doing it is the message.
    Thank you Evan for your focus each day.
    I have the privilege of choosing the solos for September. I won’t get “stuck” but be led to the best song for each of the lessons that will be read in church that month.
    We all are blessed, as always.

  5. Yes we can “Get moving” by the Grace and Strength of God.
    There is a verse from a poem that says:
    “He giveth more Grace when the burdens grow greater…
    He sendeth more strength when the labors increase.
    For added affliction He addeth His mercy…
    His love has no limit; His Grace has no measure;..
    He giveth and giveth again.”
    How comforting to know that by the Grace and Strength of God we can get up and cross that river of fear, that river of loss and that river of loneliness.

  6. “Prayer, watching, and working, combined with self-immolation, are God’s gracious means for accomplishing whatever has been successfully done for the Christianization and health of mankind.”
    S&H Pg. 1:6-9

    Self-immolation is defined as “a deliberate and willing sacrifice of oneself often by fire.” Merriam-Webster

    In other words, it isn’t for egotistical reasons since one is destroying “self” so that God can be expressed.

  7. Mrs. Eddy wrote in S&H pg 266:10, “When this hour of development comes, even if you cling to a sense of personal joys, spiritual Love will force you to accept what best promotes your growth… and…”man’s extremity is God’s opportunity”.
    When I moved recently there were obstacles that seemed insurmountable at the time, and I really questioned if I was doing the right thing or not, but I kept holding to , if God takes you to it, He/She will take you through it. It was almost ‘miraculous’ how things worked out and I am so blessed to be where I am now.

      1. I agree , how lovely for you Carol!
        It’s so comforting and encouraging to see demonstrations of Gods care, whether it’s for your own or another’s good. It underlines that you never have to feel stuck as the evidence of Encompassing Truth and Love is always with us , never stands still and is ours as beloved children of God, Thank you Evan and all.❣️

    1. This is so helpful to me, Carol, as I have just moved from my beloved beach in Maine to Vancouver, WA. – being uprooted from extended family and friends to what still feels like a strange new place.
      I found myself wringing my hands – something I have heard talked about, but never indulged in before.
      “If God takes you to it, He will see you through it.” Love this.
      I feel that the Holy Spirit is pursuing me now.
      I welcome a miraculous outcome, too.

  8. Your prompt helped me to find this passage in the Bible: Psalms 8 “Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.”
    If it’s God ordained, I will follow His direction. This morning I’m going for a walk, to a nearby appointment. Inspiration received. Thank you.

  9. Thank you so much, Evan. This is very, very helpful! I’m going to share it with a family member as well. Blessings to all today.

  10. This is exactly what I needed this morning. And, thanks Carol,for sharing your demonstration. I feel stuck in an inharmonious situation and many obstacles seem to be blocking me.

    1. Dear Lori,
      I have found that persistence is what is needed most when things seem challenging ~ persistent Trust in God. Hymn number 148 helped me greatly and I hope you will find comfort in it also:

      “In heavenly Love abiding, No change my heart shall fear:
      And safe is such confiding, For nothing changes here.
      The storm may roar without me, My heart may low be laid; But God is round about me, And can I be dismayed?

      Wherever He may guide me, No want shall turn me back; My Shepherd is beside me, And nothing can I lack. His wisdom ever waketh, His sight is never dim:
      He knows the way He taketh, And I will walk with Him.

      Green pastures are before me, Which yet I have not seen; Bright skies will soon be o’re me, Where darkest clouds have been. My hope I can not measure, My path in life is free; My Father has my treasure, And He will walk with me.”

      God’s Love is ever-present with each step of the way.
      Sometimes things may seem overwhelming, like it did for me, but each step of progress was proof of God’s
      care and guidance and Love.

  11. Dear Lori, I hope I am not too late to add a little encouragement to what you said about feeling stuck. It’s amazing how, to a human, limited sense of things, we can feel so stuck sometimes. However, to God, there is always a way opening up before us, whether we see it yet or not. Imagine if Moses had looked at the Red Sea and said “there’s no way,” rather than drawing on spiritual sense and listening to God. A whole nation crossed over “on dry ground.” The “on dry ground” part is a miracle in itself, since the sea had just been there and they could have just as easily been mired down by mud. To me, the “dry ground” says that God not only meets our need, but every detail for our safety, comfort, and care are in place with Him. He takes us all the way. “I will never leave you, nor forsake you,” as it says in Hebrews.
    God has your back. He loves you.

    1. Wow Laura and Carol. You know, what you said to Lori is very loving of you, and it is certainly helpful and comforting to others , too. For me it is!
      I love that hymn no. 148 so very much and it is deeply comforting and healing. Thank you for your wonderful healing comments both!

  12. Thanks, Evan, I am very grateful to you for today’s SpiritView, as for all your inspiring spiritual views.
    And i am so thankful to you, dear SpiritView friends for your so helpful and comforting comments.
    Oh yes, at times I stood before such “red sea”, but I am utmost grateful that God led me through, healed and saved me, so that I could always get moving again with God’s help, even when it was through the.loving prayer of a wonderful practitioner.
    Am I grateful to Mrs. Eddy for what she did for us all that we can understand the Bible spiritually and can apply Christian Science effectively today!
    Thanks for the very lovely foto today!

  13. Here is one of my very favorite poems, by Judy Moore, CSS Feb 13, 1989

    Where are the Boats?

    Challenging times.
    Progress needed.
    Time to change, to move on. I listen. The way seems plain. I see now how to go.

    “Camp by the sea.”

    I obey, go on to the shore. But wait! There are no boats! The pharaoh changes my heart. His army closes in. Is this betrayal? Father, didn’t you speak? Perhaps I didn’t hear. Perhaps you didn’t speak. In despair I cry.

    “Wherefore criest thou? …. Go forward!”

    Go forward? But there are no boats!

    “But first, lift up thy rod, stretch out thine hand.”

    I lift up the rod of truth. I stretch out the hand of man’s God-given dominion. The sea divides. The path leads through. Not over. Not around. Father, my eyes are fixed on you.

    1. Ruthie, I’ve never heard of/read the poem you shared. For you to share it gave me a huge lift up. Bless you for sharing this poem today, especially today!

      1. I love it too. It reminds me to listen and trust more and bigger and better, and especially to resist outlining just exactly how I think God should resolve whatever. I actually have it printed in the margins of my Bible at this story.

  14. Thank you, Ruthie
    The poem, Camp by the Sea, is lovely & healing!
    Always like to go to previous comments & enjoy the comforting sharing that continues.

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