The one Mind’s navigational system

May 16, 2016 | 10 comments

Here’s an amazing story of how a dog found his way 240 miles back home. “Homeward Bound dog walked 240 miles.”

Keep in mind that he did not have any maps, have never done the trek before, and had no one to tell him directions. Except, he did have a guide giving him directions—divine Mind.

The one Mind of God knew exactly how to get that dog back home, and the dog was listening. He did not rely upon the physical senses to know where to go. He was following his spiritual sense.

If ever feeling lost or out of place, are you as open and willing to follow where Mind takes you? Mind’s navigational system is flawless.

“Homeward Bound homesick dog walked 240 miles back to original owner”


10 thoughts on “The one Mind’s navigational system”

  1. Lovely inspiration. Yes, its so comforting to know that Divine Mind’s leading the way, can never go wrong. We just need to request the Divine Mind to lead our way, and the directions just open up. At times if we have lost the way, Divine Mind will correct us and take us to the right path.
    Rather than depending on our limited material sense, its always much better to reply on the spiritual sense. Though treading on the right paths may not always be easy, but ultimately they lead us to victory, happiness, harmony and heaven.
    Thanks so much Evan for the daily spiritual feast.

  2. Thanks, Evan! Sweet Story! I think Love had a lot to do with Pero returning Home, too! It truly takes Courage to Let Love Lead us where we need to be! “So Love doth guide……” C.S. Hymnal. Most often Love knows Best where we need to Be, but we tend to fight it if we are afraid or if it goes against our own beliefs. Sometimes a good prayer is: “God, please help me to want what you want.” Or: “Please align my will with Thine.” God Bless!

  3. Based on having left on April 8th and having returned home on April 20th (the Wed. before the story was published on April 26th), this dog averaged 20 miles per day. Therefore, in addition to expressing Mind, this dog was also expressing “…the divine energy of Spirit…” (S&H pg 249). 🙂

    Thanks Evan!

  4. This has so lifted my spirits today, to know that Divine Love looks after all. ..creatures and man and all. Very inspiring!

  5. Thank you for this extraordinary loveliness – expressing Gods tremendous Love for all his creatures – just what I need this evening, dear Evan – also very inspiring!

  6. Mind’s navigational system has helped me several times when i got off the beaten path and in trying to get back was in even more unfamiliar territory. I then would pull over and say “Father no one is lost in your kingdom. I will be still and listen for your guidance.” After a few turns I would never have taken, I was back in familiar territory each time. Always a big “thank you Father.” He is always there for us.

  7. Nothing is lost in God’s Kingdom. So many times in the past two years I have found this to so true and items were located by keeping this thought in mind for which I am very thankful.

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