One Super Power

November 29, 2023 | 30 comments

What country is going to be the super power of the world? The United States? China? Both?

When I pray for peace about world order, no matter what country appears to be at the top of the heap in terms of economic and military might, I find comfort in remembering that I do not have to fear which country may claim the mantle of super power, for there is one power. And God is it. God is the Super Power, and always will be.

As the Bible prophesies, “The whole earth will acknowledge the Lord and return to him. All the families of the nations will bow down before him. For royal power belongs to the Lord. He rules all the nations” (Ps. 22:27,28, NLT).

Nations may posture and maneuver for material power, but spiritual power has the final say. What belongs to matter is temporal. What exists with God is eternal. The eternal will always triumph over the temporal.

“God has spoken plainly, and I have heard it many times: Power, O God, belongs to you” (Ps. 62:11, NLT).

God is the one and only Super Power, now and forever.

30 thoughts on “One Super Power”

  1. What an important message. Ps 22 has the answer as it speaks of the “Royal Power” which is the ONLY power..
    There is no “we” that has to win, dominate, or control. Our only need is to yield to our universal – all powerful – Father/Mother God who unites us, blessed us, and gives us true unity of purpose..
    We are not here to make more mortals, conquer more land, and fight for tribe..
    We have here to have one God, honor Him, and demonstrate immortality…man’s oneness with God.

    1. Thank you Evan and John for your powerful thoughts
      that bring the “ universal power” at the surface of our
      thinking, ( One Consciousness).

      1. Thank you for your kind comment..I am so grateful for this forum where ideas can be exchanged.. Evan has broken new ground with SpiritView and I’m grateful we can support this progressive step..
        How precious to know we all have something to share..even a kind “thank you” is a gift of great value.

  2. Thank you Evan for the great reminder about who holds the true power, dominion and authority over all the earth (and heavens). As we said in yesterday’s SV, Let the Lord be magnified; magnified in our consciousness so we can see more truth demonstrated everywhere we look.

  3. Psalms 24::1 “The earth belongs to the Lord. And so does everything in it. The world belongs to him. And so do all those who live in it”. NIRV
    “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him”. NLT

  4. This is such a relevant topic. Thank you! One with God is a Majority. Instead of
    believing in many or a few “little minds” wanting to rule over others, God is the
    divine ruler, the One Super Power. What a great concept! One Mind is in control,
    despite what the mortal senses may seem to be telling us – always has been, is
    now and always will be.
    From Hymn #204:
    “O Father, Thy kingdom is come upon earth, Thou rulest in all Thy creation;
    Thou sendest Thy witnesses, telling Thy worth,
    To call and entreat every nation; With news of Thy mighty salvation…
    They lift up a light amid shadows of fear, And Love is Thy banner above them;
    No trouble shall touch them, no foes that appear Shall e’er from their loyalty move them;
    ` Tis Thou dost uphold and approve them…
    They go in Thy strength and they speak in Thy name,
    With power of Thy promise forth faring, And during the battle the victory claim,
    Their trust in Thy truth is their daring, Salvation to all men declaring.”

    God is the Super Power above all.

  5. Thank you Evan. Thank you John and Pp. We read in Science and Health that “God is omnipotent Supreme ” We need to look unto God at all times as the only power. We cannot bow to suppression or claim inferior positions because a “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” as we read in the bible. .

    1. J thank you. I’ve listened to this lecture by Mark McCurties several times in the past, it is excellent.

      During the lockdowns the CS lecturers were not traveling and they gave all their lectures live online from all over the country and different parts of the world. Sometimes you could even type in a question and they would answer it, it was great and I learned so much. I got familiar with several of them, including Mark. His discussion of humility is enlightening.

    2. This lecture is wonderfully straightforward in it’s clarity of humility. Thank you
      so much for sharing it, J ! Some examples brought up I had never thought
      about before, like the 2 trillion plus 2 trillion math illustration, of how by adding
      more 0’s to it doesn’t change any of the mathmatical laws. I love that! So simple
      but yet so profound… And also that of gravity always being true and forever will
      be. Certain Principles like these never ever change and the constancy of them
      was a revelation that really demonstrates the power of the divine, be that divine
      Mind, divine Love, divine Soul, Spirit, Life and Truth – the allness and foreverness
      of God.

  6. Thank you Evan for this vital topic, and John and all for your comments. I find the following
    article very helpful in thinking about and for praying about God being in absolute control of His creation, and therefore understanding that there is no reality in any other seeming power –
    particularly with regard to the frightening threats of wars that to material
    sense could escalate and sneak into other countries. There is no end
    to material illusions, but we can pray to understand more clearly that
    they never had a beginning in God’s universe. We can help to free mankind from these
    awful illusions by understanding God as the Super Power,, and applying this Truth.

    1. Thank you for this excellent article. “There is never a situation that justifies an acceptance of error as real.”

  7. Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine.
    —I Chronicles 29:11

  8. Evan, I thank you for always addressing something relevant to my current thinking.
    It’s clear you listen to the still, small voice and share what you hear.
    You do a great service to humanity as we all are able to go on with our days with the inspiration you share.
    And hopefully spread the thought among the masses simply by being the change we know is possible.

    What a blessing SPIRIT VIEW is.

  9. God rules all and infinite goodness is the only power or Mind that can tell us what to think. No one on any side can be held hostage by evil thoughts, unless God can. And he can’t. People can break free from this mesmeric lie when fervent prayer is made for ourselves and them. Prayer that knows they have a consciousness filled with manifestations and expressions of holiness from God. Filled with christly love. That’s it. We cannot be held hostage to the belief that others can be held hostage. The problem is that people are thinking that wrong thoughts are their thoughts. That they could have thoughts coming from somewhere else but God. If we believe this too, we are part of the problem.

  10. Thank you Evan. What helpful comments and articles there are to study today. SV never fails to help us uncover mortal circumstances that need replacing with the everlasting arms of Divine Love.

    Gal 5.v1….Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewithal Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage…
    Love to everyone.❣️

  11. Thank you, Evan and all! What a wonderful reminder of where the “power” really lies–with God ONLY!
    Love to all,

  12. Thank you all for such helpful, inspiring comments!
    Dear Evan, I appreciate and love today`s SpiritView very very much, thank you deeply!
    Thank you “J” and Maggie for the very inspiring articles.

    “GOD is all in all, therefore there is no room for anything else! And man and all God`s creation is included in this eternal divine caring and ruling A L L !. God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniacting, all-knowing, allseeing, – simply A L L ! Thank you God !

  13. The moon is so awesome tonight and felt inspired to be reminded and to look up
    what Mrs. Eddy had written about it. In Retrospection and Introspection pg 31, she
    wrote, “Into mortal mind’s material obliquity I gazed, and stood abashed. Blanched
    was the cheek of pride. My heart bent low before the omnipotence of Spirit, and
    a tint of humility, soft as the heart of a moonbeam, mantled the earth”…
    How Beautiful these words, written with such divine expression and below pg 150
    in Miscellany:
    “Stand by the limpid lake, sleeping amid willowy banks dyed with emerald.
    See therein the mirrored sky and the moon ablaze with her mild glory. This will
    stir your heart. Then, in speechless prayer, ask God to enable you to reflect God,
    to become His own image and likeness, even the calm, clear, radiant reflection of
    Christ’s glory…”
    How absolutely heavenly and beatific are Mrs. Eddy’s words and who else but
    God, the Super Power could create such beauty?

  14. Thank you Carol, for this tender and beautiful poetry by our dear Mary Baker Eddy!
    Just woke up and and read your comment; that does me so good!
    In which part of America are you living, then I would know the time difference.
    I also read your yesterday comment, the last one. That`s right, the chair is not anymore important.
    What makes the lovely difference is God and His Christ acting in all our doings and guiding us, being with us always!

  15. Thank you, Uta. Mrs. Eddy’s words were so inspiring, as was the moon
    tonight, that I just wanted to share. Thank you for your kind words. So glad
    you enjoyed what she had written, as I did. I’m in the EST.

    1. Yes, the Eastern States, like where Boston is, there the time is 6 hours behind the European time where I live. Here it is 6 o’clock in the morning on Thursday now.
      Just for your info.
      For me the moon is very romantic; he is nicely calming and peaceful. In Summer I love to sit outside quite late watching the moon, thanking God for that beauty!♡
      Lovely Evening and good night to you, dear Carol. ♡

      1. Thank you, Uta. Had just gotten this message this morning…. daily thoughts new
        every day. : ) Yes, the heavenly celestial inspiration – there is nothing quite like it!
        It certainly brings to us God’s peace and goodness. Looking up at the world above
        and the universe shows us how powerful God’s Being is and to think we are part
        of this eternal Goodness…. for our eyes to see, alone with His abundance with all
        the beauty when we tune in to it/ Lovely!

        1. PS. By “looking up at the world above”, wanted to clarify, the picture of
          the (black and) white representation of the world, an artist’s version of
          the world, which is interesting being what we usually see is in color and
          from a higher perspective and that even the space station can not show
          in it’s entirety, like this. It gives a view where there are no lines designating
          the varying countries, but all One, although individual in their uniqueness
          and connection to God’s universe.

  16. I learned long ago to keep words to the heart.
    To prove this post helps
    work quietly, bless in life whenever possible.
    Thank the web posting for uplift and safety.

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