The Path to Forgiveness

September 17, 2014 | 13 comments

Forgiveness does not mean forgiving an evil. It means seeing that the evil never harmed you and thus you are able to love the person back.

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Jesus Christ

13 thoughts on “The Path to Forgiveness”

  1. Excellent new perspective for the basis of forgiveness (i.e. the evil never harmed you). I had never thought of it that way. Thanks!

  2. Wow! Amazingly simple. I can think of three recent instances where I was lied to, impugned and betrayed… Yet after each I ended up in a better circumstance. I had reasoned through forgiveness – but this is like a shortcut. No victimization here!

  3. What a really great foundational perspective. It is important not to condone wrong doing and yet not to lose the loving presence required in healing.

  4. “the evil never harmed you”…wow! That hit the spot! I’d been upset after being cheated out of a big pile of money and unable to forgive the man. That statement makes it sooooo much easier to forgive. Thank you!

  5. Ditto to all the comments above!! I too have struggled with feeling “robbed” of a house and a huge amount of money but as one person said, I am actually in a good place right now – so yes that situation never really touched me … And can only upset me if I continue to focus on what has been done in the past rather than my present.
    THANKYOU for the simplicity of this idea – less IS more after all!

  6. I had to pray and think about this post all day! It’s so freeing! I feel lime a bird let out of a cage. For years I’ve worked on forgiving my former spouse for choosing immorality rather than our family. Had minor success because I somehow felt really forgiving meant denying the damage done. However I CLEARLY see there is no damage. He still has to do his work but that’s not my job! The hurt of 22 years melted this afternoon!! Bless you, Evan for your unending love and kindness! A hint of our a Father!!

    1. Hi Patty,

      That is a major healing!! Wow. Thanks for sharing. Your family is in a better place because of it, and so is the whole world…

  7. perfect. Also, turning the other cheek. Growing up a christian it always seemed we took evil on the chin and forgave. not so. I learned to turn the other cheek not to offer up another side to slap, but to look away, not identify, not acknowledge the reality of evil.

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