Pay attention to what matters most

November 15, 2019 | 13 comments

“What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.”

~ Gretchen Rubin

13 thoughts on “Pay attention to what matters most”

  1. Cherishing your time with the Lesson, daily! As well as making time for praying for yourself and aligning your understanding of the world with the Christ “view”..

  2. AND, in doing that, understanding that I am a spiritual idea in the kingdom of Heaven. I’m not a spiritual idea trying to survive in a material world. Doing the Lesson is recognizing that the kiingdom of heaven is right where the material world seems to be, so I’m a spiritual idea living and moving in the kingdom of heaven, in the presence of God alone. So my daily work is:
    1. Seeing myself as a spiritual idea living and moving in the kingdom of heaven.
    2. Seeing my neighbor, each and every one of them, as spiritual ideas living and moving in the kingdom of heaven.
    3. Seeing my dear world, and every animal, element and institution in it, as beautiful spiritual ideas living and moving in the kingdom of heaven, harmony.

  3. For centuries people have been taught this in some form or another :-

    Early to bed, Early to rise,
    makes a man healthy and wealthy and wise.

    The early bird catches the worm.

    Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.
    (The morning hour has gold in its mouth)

    First things first

    Do ye next thinge. (This was our high school motto)

    All successful people have had a regular daily routine.
    One of the first things many of Mrs Eddy’s workers in her household mention is her daily routine. Rising at six every morning, breakfast at seven. Undisturbed time to think, pray, work, walk, on her verandah every day throughout the year, no matter the weather. Lunch at noon – on the dot. Her daily walk and carriage ride after lunch, etc.
    I also find her article on page 230 in Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896 very helpful..
    I met a gentleman in Hawaii, who set his watch to alert him five times a day to stop whatever he was doing and pray for just a few minutes. It’s worth being persistent in this – takes enormous effort.
    Ani Mag will try so hard to stop one’s daily routine, often with very legitimate sounding excuses. It takes hard work, but Mary Baker Eddy said all she had ever accomplished had been through hard work!

  4. Hi dear Linda., regarding the link to Mrs Schenk’s article you sent us yesterday, am sorry that I cannot open it completely as I. did not subscribe to the Journey. Could you please send the Link so that the whole article appears? Would be very thankful. Love from Uta!

  5. Mrs. Eddy says to pray for yourself daily. This is very important! And, different than reading the lesson (which is obviously meant for daily study, but she never called it a “daily duty”). Also difficult for some reason. But the benefits are numerous!

  6. My motto is: first things first, and that means GOD first. What some commenters say here and Mrs. Eddy advises us, first to pray instantly for oneself every day, matter most. I must do it more. And my daily important routine is, studying the weekly lesson sermon.
    Thanks Evan for reminding us to think about where are our priorities!

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