Plant seeds of peace

March 2, 2015 | 9 comments

“Those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.”

~ James 3:18, NLT

Every conversation you have with others today is an opportunity to promote goodwill and brotherly love. Like the diligent gardener plants vegetable seed that produce the kind of fruit he wants to harvest later, a conversation is an opportunity to plant seeds of peace that lead to increased brotherly love, deeper friendship and common ground.

Patience, understanding, compassion, and forgiveness are seeds that lead to happy and healthy relationships. Short temper, gruffness, indifference, and self-concern are weed seeds that would crowd out the common good.

Be a wise gardener, plant the good seed, and reap a harvest of peace and love!

9 thoughts on “Plant seeds of peace”

  1. How very true Evan – Patience, understanding, compassion and forgiveness are so essential to a happy and healthy relationship. But short temper, impatience, anger, jealousy, selfishness can stifle a relation and can never help it to bud and blossom.
    We all want to be happy and want to reap a rich harvest of peace and love. But are we putting in the right in puts, sowing the right seeds? It all begins with us. If we are patient, loving, kind, understanding, compassionate, we shall certainly see the good result in a happy, loving and strong bond.
    Thanks ever so much Evan for the lovely inspiration. Its truly go good and true.

  2. The harder I try to put forth this blog, no matter how I humanly worry about “Is it working?” It is. It’s the human mortal mind that stands in the way as this weeks C/S lesson points out in the phrase, “The things that I do it is not I that doeth it.”

  3. Dear Evan thank you for sowing the seeds of peace and love .
    Today I experienced somebody in my closed neighborhood
    doing evil to me. First I became myself very, very angry. And I had thoughts
    which I should not have has a devoted Christian Scientist. It even felt good
    being angry. But suddenly I heard my inside voice: “ No, don’t talk with evil, talk with God!” As I needed some support to let healing thoughts into my mind, I thought “let me see what Evan has to say today “. My hart opened immediately, the seeds of love and peace planted themselves in it and reminded me of who my ‘enemy’ and I really are. After I spend 10 min. in deep contemplation about where the seeds originally come from, my ‘enemy ’ appeared crying, offering his excuses and said he wants to change his attitude. Although I had many, many equal experiences like this before, I am always very much impressed about prayers really working, when we open our hearts! Thank you again for sowing the seeds of love Evan!!!!

  4. Thank you Evan. And thank you Konny… that was a wonderul experience you shared with us. Not letting evil but good win. “Well done thou good and faithful servant!” (=

  5. When I plant vegetable seeds, I get vegetables.
    When I plant fruit seeds, I get fruit.

    Like produces like.
    Even metaphysically.

    Fellow farmer.

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