It’s your point of view that needs to change

January 18, 2017 | 37 comments

“I want to change the world for the better,” is a motto frequently uttered by ambitious people with visions of how life can be better on planet earth. The implementation of these visions take varied forms, from wealthy donors setting up foundations that fund reformatory projects around the globe to humble quiet people touching one life at a time through good deeds performed wherever they happen to be.

The goal to help others is noble, a spiritual imperative, and always needed. But the intent to “Change the world for the better,” needs explanation to be done right, I’ve discovered, as I’ve prayed about how I can best help the world over the years.

The phrase, “I want to change the world,” has always troubled me a bit, because the intent to go out and change someone else can bring bad results.

For instance, if I perceived a shortcoming in my wife and determined to “Change her for the better,” I would likely meet great resistance. My intent could be presumptuous, perhaps selfish, definitely self-righteousness, and I could be totally wrong in my assessment of what needed to change. The problem may not be her at all, but me.

What I’ve learned in Christian Science, is that we do not have to change the world or others around us. The demand is to change our point of view and then bring what we see to be spiritually true to others around us.

God’s world is perfect. God’s man is perfect. Right now. Are you seeing this way?

Jesus was constantly preaching, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2), “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). Jesus beheld God’s perfect creation in his understanding of Truth, and he brought what he understood to be true to the people and world around him. His primary life intent was not to “change the world,” but to help his fellowman understand the truth about God’s world and experience its blessings.

I love Jesus’ approach to “changing the world.” He let God change the world by allowing God to work through him. He did not work out from a human mind basis forming personal opinions that are often wrong and ill-motivated. He worked out from a divine Mind basis that God’s world is already perfect and the opportunity is for us to see it that way and live accordingly.

We’re always safe when we understand that it’s not the world that needs to be changed, so much as our view of it. When we get the right view, God’s point of view, then we will be clear on what the real need is and act in the best interest of everyone.

37 thoughts on “It’s your point of view that needs to change”

  1. Thank you Evan! While reading the Christian Science Bible Lesson this week I came across this statement from Science and Health, pg 471:

    This Science teaches man that God is the only Life, and that this Life is Truth and Love; that God is to be understood, adored, and demonstrated; that divine Truth casts out suppositional error and heals the sick.

    That word “adored” stood out to me in that sentence. I asked myself if I really “adored” God? I’m afraid that most people think that God is a fickle God…that sometimes God loves and cares for us and other times He doesn’t answer our prayers. But that is not the view of someone that adores God. The person that adores God loves everything about God and knows God always is caring for us. They love that God is the one cause, they love God’s creation – the true man/woman and the universe, and they love that God holds everything in perfect harmony. And they don’t let a false material view trick them into thinking there exists a place or condition where God is not in control.

    So I think you are right in your message today. We don’t have to change the world. We just need to get the right view of the world and one way to get the right view of the world is to understand that the world is created by a God that is so completely good and loving that He is literally “adorable”.

  2. Thanks for this message! I’ve been working on THY will be done, not MY will be done – which feeds right in to this.

    Seeing the ever-presence of harmony, God’s control over all, helps me step back from whatever situation I’m thinking is imperfect. I’m learning to trust that no matter how things look, God has a far better solution than I could come up with! Although I may not see it myself, God does, and I can know that all is unfolding according to Her plan.

    1. Of course, that doesn’t mean never acting. It means listening for what God wants done, and obeying that; learning to be humble, and differentiate between human will and divine guidance.

      1. Ellen coincidentally I was just discussing hearing Gods instruction or guidance….”The Still, Small Voice ” with a CS member and her friend who is a wonderful thinker and not CS….He stated something so true….When you hear this “Voice” it does not come in the form of words…rather as Knowingness…..I was quite impressed

    2. Thank you Ellen, for sharing your thoughts today – that is so helpful to me. Today I am going to trust that no matter how things look to me – God has a far better solution than my limited view is indicating, and all is unfolding exactly as it should. I take rest in that right here, right now! Thank you!

  3. Great Topic, Evan! Being a Christian Scientist as well as an ardent 12-Step Person, I love this quote on I found online recently: “I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change…..I’m changing the things I cannot accept.”!!! Yes, we can “Be the Change We Want to See”!!! As Martin Luther King said, “We cannot stay silent…!!! That doesn’t mean we try and change people, which is actually impossible, but we definitely can step Up and Out and join groups, volunteer, march for Human Rights, etc. and make a difference in keeping our inherent Freedom for ALL!!

  4. Amen, Evan!!!

    It is such a huge and common temptation to try to fix things… ourselves, others, “the world!” I think Mrs. Eddy would call this Quackery… holding a problem as real, (thus “God-created)”) and then attempting to fix or change it. Not too logical, per Christian metaphysics.

    We all know what we humanly see as Problems Galore “Out There” Needing Solutions and demanding our attention. We are not Ostriches! But as students of Christian Science, we are learning of the most effective way to
    “Heal” things. As you so well point out, Evan, it is a changed (improved) perspective that does this best! Thank you again for the reminder.

    Human Thought CAN improve!! CAN see Truth!

    Thank Goodness!!!!


  5. P.S. Both Jesus and Mrs. Eddy were Activists….they didn’t just sit around and pray and try to see things from a spiritual viewpoint, without taking Human Footsteps. When will Christians and Christian Scientists Wake Up and start to take constructive Action in the World. We have such a bad reputation of “doing nothing” and just “knowing the Truth” without participating in the changes that our World so needs. The people who didn’t speak up and do anything when Hitler was in charge, now admit they shouldn’t have stayed silent. Let’s Wake Up People, and get off our duffs and Pray and Move Our Feet. We are here to make a difference and we CAN with our Thoughts and Prayers and our Actions!!

    1. Well bless your loving heart Bevi…I’m motivated now…..
      Do what you can …when you can… with what you have….
      A loving and en-“lightened” heart sure helps…eh….

    2. GREAT POINT Bevi ! I never thought of them as activists before. My brother was a big thinker, mover and shaker in our church which challenged a couple of people. One day someone called him a “maverick” as an insult but he (and our family) took it as a huge compliment. He made the point at the time that MBE and Jesus were also mavericks and revolutionary in their times in a big way!! “The time for thinkers has come” yes, but also as you say, action is vital too. Jesus not only spoke out boldly against corruption in the temple and “high places”…he turned over the money changers tables and chased out the dove sellers… he literally whipped them out of the temple (not suggesting we resort to this though)

  6. Thank you, Evan. I rely most heavily on God’s Word, the Bible, the our textbook Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. All of our questions are answered in those 2 precious books.

    1. so true Ruth….i say this knowing Gods Wisdom and Love is written in all our hearts .

      We were created such..

      I like books..They remind me of this present established fact…

      Ok .. time for comic relief…

      “Outside a dog
      a book is a mans best friend…
      Inside a dog…
      it’s to dark to read…”

  7. Hiding away in our Metaphysical Towers isn’t going to accomplish the Changes this World needs! As they say in Religious Science: “Treat and Move Your Feet!” We need to do both…..Pray and Take Action! Throw the Money Changers out of the Temple, File a Lawsuit against those who are persecuting you (MBE’s Next Friends Suit). Not only are we Thinkers, we are Movers and Shakers! The World has need of us with our Good Thoughts and our Guided Actions on the Earth Plane! Truth needs to be Seen and Heard – we need to get out there – like David with Goliath…..he didn’t sit quietly praying with his harp, hoping that Goliath would go away. He Ran to Meet Him and Slayed Him! Prayer and Action go Hand in Hand! Perhaps it is because of the timidity of so many C.S.ers to stand up and speak out and take appropriate guided action that our Churches and Membership are dwindling. Nowhere in the Bible or in Science and Health does it say – just stay silent and pray and take no physical action. Where did we get this idea? Just because we know (or are working to know) that there is no Matter, doesn’t justify us in sitting back and doing nothing to take Action and help our Fellow Man and our Planet! As far as I know, we are still here in physical bodies and the World is made up of physical people and physical things. Mrs. Eddy was very clear and sharp about rebuking her students who took the attitude of “Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil.” She said, “That is NOT Christian Science.”!!!! It’s a form of Human Denial or Harmonialism that somehow has been substituted for Christian Science. Let’s wake up and doff our lavender kid gloves and Take Prayerful Action, Here and Now!

    1. Loving this Bevi…Thank you…..I have a variation of this thinking…. but it thrills me to hear you speak Truth as you see and understand it…..

      I also believe I change the world from my contemplation sanctum

      and yes… unless demonstrated all for naught…

      Thank you Bevi…

    2. And when we have the right spiritual point of view, we’ll have the best sense of how we can be helpful and do the most good.

  8. Thank you so very much, Evan. Let “the heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalms 19:1). Then we shall see the beauty of His works, the true man, the real idea. Sharing is loving and vice versa.
    Remember it is He who first shares with each of us, the true and accurate reflection.

  9. Bevi, your … frustration is seen, heard, understood. I agree …but, and however,
    And um, er…

    I was very involved (as in Led the Battle) against an aggressive real estate developer who was determined to “improve/develop” the last remaining open space in our little city.
    He told me he had Never Lost a battle, and that I should simply treat him as the devil, and if I didn’t like what he was going to do, to sell my house. Well, I led a group of like-minded fighters, FOR TEN YEARS of my life! And, within this time, prayed a whole lot, along with tons of human effort (footsteps) Fyi: we won. That is: Truth was the Victor!!

    I am glad I did this, BUT… have wondered if I had put my efforts into pure metaphysics, would I have been more “effective,” in the general realm of human belief called “the world?”
    Time (or truth) will tell…

    I. E., we need to be very sure that God is leading us…. Human will can be very subtle and tricky.

    I’d love to get to know ya! I think we may think pretty alike on this general subject…


    “I will overturn, overturn, overturn…”


  10. Thank you so much Evan …the way you have interpreted the two quotes above is an enormous help to me…it is the key to the door I have been looking for over several years to enable me to see someone differently. It was there all along and I didn’t see it in relation to this problem.
    It’s a great new starting point for me every time I need to change my thought!

  11. So very true Evan. We need to change the view of the world, not the world. Then we see the needed change. Material sense testimony is always deceptive. But seeing the world from a spiritual point of view, the way God sees, gives us the true picture.
    If we start seeing everybody in the spiritual light, we see them as God made them pure and perfect. On the contrary, If we use our material vision to see the world, we get the wrong picture. So we need to uplift our thoughts above the material picture and allow our consciousness to see the spiritual and true picture. It needs practice to do so. But nothing is difficult if we are vigilant and seek Gods help.

  12. Thanks so much, Spiritviewfan! What a perfect example of “Treat and Move Your Feet”!! It often takes persistence and perseverance to see a Right Idea to its completion. It sounds like you did both……You persisted in your prayer in C.S. and kept going on the physical level, too! That’s what we need more of in our C.S. Movement……..more Movement….both metaphysically and physically!

    1. Hi Bevi!

      I know you will “Walk with Love” on The March.

      It is the Perfect Combo, for sure. Walkin’ our Talk,
      Prayin’ our Way…

      I’ll be with you in Spirit!


  13. I see there has been “Two million, five hundred and thirteen, nine hundred and twenty-seven” SpiritView Hits.” (See right-hand column)

    SpiritView is making a Big Impact on World Beliefs, for sure!

    Thanks for your Good Example, Evan!

    Missed one for today, though. Spoiled!!


    1. Thanks SVF. Today’s post got dated wrong, so it will be coming out late or tomorrow. Thanks for caring! And I’m grateful for those over 2 million visits to this blog!

  14. Thank you Evan for your so clear view of the spiritual Truth; and I fully go conform with what Ruth stated – thank you Ruth, thats the best way to find the right answers!

    1. Yesterday I read an article from the Journal of July 1933 from Julia M. Johnston. It is titled GOD`S ELECT. This article matches to the SV of Wednesday and is also very helpful to all the seeming problems in the world – for instance in the USA today. It is the Christ that is in the midst of the turmoil and healeth it! You can find it on JSH.

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