Prayer affects the world

March 27, 2025 | 24 comments

Have no doubt, that when you pray for world peace, the world feels the good effect of your prayer!

We live in a world of thought.  Like casting a rock into the middle of a pond and watching the ripples it creates radiate out in all directions to the distant shore, your right spiritual thinking cast into the “pond” of world thought has a rippling effect for humanity around the globe.  

You may never be able to measure the good effect of your prayer, but the good will show up somewhere and in some way that makes life better for those you see in the care of God.  They will feel the good effect, and benefit from it.

Pray on….

24 thoughts on “Prayer affects the world”

    1. Thank you Evan for sharing the ripple effects of prayer. Thank you Cheryl for sharing the article”Ripple effects of Truth-inspired prayer” by Adrienne Thomas. There’s so much to learn from this testimony. I feel blessed reading it!

    2. Thank yo, Cheryl, for this article – it is very helpful for this topic. It is very heartening to know that our prayers are actually rippling out into the world and
      doing good.

      It is rather like what Mrs.Eddy says
      about light : “The sunlight glints from the church-dome, glances into the prison-cell, glides into the sick-chamber, brightens the flower, beautifies the landscape, blesses the earth.(sH 516:16-19)

      Jesus said “Ye are the light of the world” – so let us shine out.

  1. . The “still, small voice”
    of scientific thought reaches over continent and ocean
    to the globe’s remotest bound. The inaudible voice of
    Truth is, to the human mind, “as when a lion roareth.”
    It is heard in the desert and in dark places of fear.

    Science and Health page 559.: 8-12

  2. Thank you, Evan. What a blessing for us and for the whole world that we can pray for it, and that our prayer certainly has a big impact. Alleluia!!

  3. Sometimes we wonder if a small prayer for the world seems insignificant or
    felt. I love how Evan reflects that it does !! I suppose people of all ages have
    felt this way, but it seems like the world Now needs our prayers even more
    than ever. There Seems to be such hatred and despising and resistance to
    the Truth/Good/God ….. and this hostility sometimes seems like it is beyond
    what spiritual, loving declarations can reach ….. But, our prayers for a better
    world start with US and like that little ripple, it does gently unfold into a
    welcoming of Peace and Love and this Will be felt by others. I love in Misc.
    Writings, Mrs. Eddy, echoes what Solomon wrote, “As in water face answereth
    to face, so the heart of man to man.” Our love we radiate to the world reflects
    to places (hearts) we may not realize, but is wonderful to have faith in knowing
    that it does.

  4. As a child, I stayed at my grandmother’s apartment for several days one summer. She was a Christian Science practitioner, and I clearly remember sitting very quietly while the daily news broadcast came on over her radio.
    She sat with head bowed and eyes closed, prayerfully addressing the needs of the world. I can still feel the love!

    1. Wow Barb that’s a powerful memory, thank you for sharing it with us. I can picture it in my mind the way you describe it. So good that you had that prayerful example set before you early in life.

  5. But how do you explain the thousands of deaths worldwide, often children who never had the chance to live more than a few years? How should a grieving parent pray for that? How would you pray if your most beloved family member is killed or has died in a natural disaster? I have trouble believing in an all-loving God when it comes to an undeserved early death of a totally good and innocent person very close to me. Evan, I think it is much easier to state the unreality of error when it is not personal, but if you could address this question in a future post, it would be much appreciated,

    1. Dear Cynthia,
      I can very much understand your questioning and what you shared is very sincere.
      Having had many friends (and family) pass to another realm is not easy … I would
      appreciate more insight “spiritually” on this topic, as well. I think the most important
      thing to realize is that it is not God who seems to have “taken” a beloved person
      from our mortal “human” view. I hope you find comfort in knowing that all of the
      good qualities of those you love(d) are still with you, although the person has seemed
      not to mortally be. Hugs of empathy and love to you.

    2. All the suffering around the world you mention has nothing to do with God. It’s the effect of the carnal mind acting out evil motives. However, Christ came to save us from it. We all have much to learn about what it means to follow Christ, but as we do, we live out the power of Truth and Love to reform the world and make it a better place. Progress is happening, but there’s room for FAR more! Love will conquer all in the end.

  6. “As in water face answereth to face,” and in love continents clasp hands, so the oneness of God includes also His presence with those whose hearts unite in the purposes of goodness. Of this we may be sure: that thoughts winged with peace and love breathe a silent benediction over all the earth, cooperate with the divine power, and brood unconsciously o’er the work of His hand.”
    Miscellaneous Writings 152: 3-10
    So many helpful comments – thank you Evan and all!

  7. “What if the little rain should say,
    ‘So small a drop as I
    Can ne’er refresh a drooping earth,
    I’ll tarry in the sky.’”

    Is not a man metaphysically and mathematically number one, a unit, and therefore whole number, governed and protected by his divine Principle, God?
    (Pulpit and Press, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 4:3–9)

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