Prayer and the weather

January 2, 2020 | 15 comments

Recently, I watched news report of raging bushfires ripping through large swaths of Australia and heard Australians express helplessness about how to stop them. As I prayed to support my fellowman in that part of the world, I was reminded of Jesus Christ stilling the storm.

Jesus did not feel helpless when faced with adverse weather. Through metaphysical means, he was able to improve the weather. We can learn from his example and do the same!

We may have much to learn before exercising the kind of decisive spiritual power Jesus demonstrated, but it’s never too early to start and every right thought produces a good effect.

In the book “Mary Baker Eddy; Christian Healer,” there are several reports of how Mrs. Eddy and her staff prayed and improved weather. They proved that when conditions are not right, they can be changed for the better with a spiritual understanding of what is right.

In Truth, we live in a universe of Mind, where Love is in control, creating conditions that support life, health, harmony and peace. There are no droughts in Mind, no lack of rain when needed, no forgotten territories or deserted people. Love is all-inclusive. It rains down love and care throughout all of God’s creation, flourishing the inhabitants of earth and ensuring their safety and protection.

Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10).

God’s will for earth is harmony and peace, not destruction and death. As we collectively pray around the world for God’s will to be done on earth, our prayers will have a good effect. The climate will benefit. Weather patterns will settle down and be supportive, rather than threatening. The reign of Love will determine the weather, and more of God’s harmony and peace will be felt by mankind in all parts of the world.

15 thoughts on “Prayer and the weather”

  1. Thank you, dear Evan! I do appreciate your reminder that “In Truth, we live in a universe of Mind, where Love is in control . . .” Where Love is in control! Very important part!

    Happy New Year to you and your dear family.

  2. We had hymn 144. Last night. In atmosphere of Love
    Divine we live and move and breathe,.This is in present tense
    And a great uplift in thought.
    Thanks for your blog as well.

  3. Thank you, Evan, for reminding us that it is right for us to be mindful of our fellowman and God’s entire universe. Doing this makes us obedient to the prayer Mrs. Eddy, our leader, has given us in the Mother Church Manual, where she writes in, ” Daily Prayer. Sect. 4. It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to pray each day: “Thy kingdom come;” let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them!” (Man. 41:19) Let us not forget.
    May a wave of Truth, Life, and love calm the storms and flames with the words Christ Jesus spoke, “Peace Be Still”.

  4. Thank you Evan for this clear message on how our prayers can effect earthly conditions. Many years ago a CS friend prayed when a fire started on the outskirts of his large northern CA. mountain ranch. As he prayed and watched a dark cloud appeared and moved over the fire area and poured down on the fire and put it out. He gave this testimony at church, That was over 50 years ago. This blog made me recall this wonderful proof.

  5. “Every right thought produces a good effect” what a wonderful way to help. Thanks so much Evan.

  6. “Every right thought produces a good effect…” what a wonderful way to help. Thanks so much Evan.

  7. This post reminds me of what I see outside my window, as gray clouds roll by, possibly smoke filled, and I know they are being cleansed right here right now of all impurities, or residue. Only GOOD circulates in our atmosphere.

  8. I live in Colorado, where we’ve had good success in praying about wildfires. Have been e-praying with a friend in Australia, and will send this to her. Very helpful, thank you Evan.

  9. Thank you dear Evan for thinking of us in Australia at the moment and for praying about the situation…please don’t stop !
    This is a time when many people are evacuating and having to make decisions about what things to take….it is devasting if someone loses their house and /or belongings but times like these force us to re-evaluate what is ACTUALLY important.

  10. I used to think about collective consciousness as a way to understand how certain areas in the world manifest a way of looking at things. I understood to pray about the situation so as not contribute to the erroneous thought being entertained. I never thought I could effectively pray about the situation so it would improve. This will be a different way of looking at this. thanks

  11. Thank you very much, dear Evan for a wonderfully clear spiritual view on negative weather conditions in a very loving way.. The above SpiritView expresses the eternal caring of divine Love for His creation in any situation. Yes in the book “Mary Baker Eddy; Christian Healer,” she healed many conditions like the weather. We would say miraculous”. But as Evan explains, are these healings of weather natural. MBEddy healed any condition like Jesus did. During a very dry time, where the cows of the farmers had no water at all, so that they did not give milk, a farmer said that he cannot sell Mrs. Eddy her milk because of the present draft and the fountains have no water at all. When she prayed about it, next day the fountain was full of water for the cows, although it did not rain a drop since then. Here she demonstrated the loving care of God.
    Yes, we have still to learn much, before we can “walk on the water”. I found the following passage in Mrs. Eddy`s textbook, Science and Health on page 293 : “The material socalled gases and forces are counterfeits of the spiritual forces of divine Mind, whose potency is Truth, whose attraction is Love, whose athesion and cohesion are Life, perpetuating the eternal facts of being.” And further down she writes: “There is no vapid fury of mortal mind – expressed in earthquake, wind, wave, lightning, fire, bestial ferosity – and this socalled mind is selfdestroyed.”
    So Mrs. Eddy replaces these disharmonies with the Truth of God“s harmonious caring for His creation, as one can also see on the healing with the dry fountain.
    Meanwhile I saw in the news that all the prayers are effective, as it is raining in Australia – hurray, thank God! I am so grateful for this SpiritView, and it gives me very much, and it lifts one up from mortal fear before the world climate into God`s harmonious realm, where only Truth and Love reign and guide, as Evan says so wonderfully above.

  12. Thank you Evan we are in Australia and have been impacted by fire told to evacuate our rental we cannot go back until it all settles down god has our back and we prayed for rain many days and nights and as i write this it’s raining thanks be to God collective prayor dose work

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