Prayer is for you more than for God

September 7, 2015 | 6 comments

“Prayer is something more than asking God to run errands for us.”

~ Unknown

When faced with trouble what needs to change—your perspective or God’s?

God already has the perfect perspective. God already has the answer and has implemented it. Like the laws of mathematics are always in operation waiting to be applied, God’s love and truth is always in operation ready to be relied upon.

So, why pray? Not to tell God what to do, but to listen and hear what God wants us to do or see. That’s when change for the better happens.

When faced with trouble, it’s our perspective that needs to change. And God’s inspiring truth is present in Mind to change it for the better and help us see solutions.

6 thoughts on “Prayer is for you more than for God”

  1. Yes of course, as Evan mentions the solution to the problem is already there. We just need to apply the law of mathematics and work out our way to the answer which is already there. Gods law is already established and has the answer, we need to apply Gods law to work out our way to the right answer.
    God is infinite mercy, infinite love, infinite good. So if we have any problem of health, or finance or something is worrying us, we know where to go. Yes of course we turn to God.
    Only if we have the right perspective of God we can work out any problem.
    “God: The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence.”
    So God already knows everything that we undergo. We need not plead. He is always with us. He is the all wise and all loving God. He loves all of us so dearly – more than any human being can ever love us. The power of Gods love can work wonders for us. We need to fathom that love.
    “Love divine, that faileth never, Still Thy presence and Thy power Mighty are to save and heal us, Guard and guide us every hour.”
    “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.”
    God is everywhere. He fills all space. He is with us and our loved ones. His all power and His all presence is so comforting, so uplifting, and heals every situation. In the infinitude of God there is no place for error, or sickness to creep in. “The God Principle is all powerful and all present. God is everywhere and nothing apart from Him is present or has power.”
    If we have this right perspective of God, it works wonders in our life. Nothing is too difficult for God. God can lay a table in the wilderness. What can God not do?????
    We need to Trust in God’s power and His care for us and our loved ones. We need to acknowledge His power and His guidance, instead of leaning on our own understanding. Then He directs us to a healing experience.

  2. Wonderful point, that the praying is for us, not God. Loved your writing, Nergish, very comforting this morning. Blessings all!

  3. Thanks, Evan! And Happy Labor Day to All – our Holiday in the U.S.! I think the hardest thing for human beings to do is to realize that the only way things are going to change is for Us to be humble and willing enough to admit that We are standing in our own way. God’s not blocking us from any Good, it’s our own ego (“edging God out”) that seems to be in the way of receiving God’s Good. Sometimes it might mean that we have to learn to love more – both ourselves and others, or to Let Go of some hardened resentment from the past that we have been clinging to out of self-righteousness. Humbly asking God to show us what we need to know and then being willing to hear it and act on it, can often open up doorways and windows for Blessings to flow! Love to All!

  4. Praying is like mathematics, it’s applying a principle of fact to a problem in order to solve. A piece of chalk to a blackboard to figure out a mathematical problem is the same as prayer to solve a human problem. The first is the use of numbers placed together to find a solution. The second is mental principles lifting the human false beliefs placed together to find the solution.

  5. I love Bevi’s point that often we are standing in our own way of accessing good from God. And that praying for a clearer thought of God’s everpresent goodness, helps us to stop doing that.

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