Prayers for peace help

May 21, 2024 | 36 comments

It takes a finger to pull a trigger.  It takes a thought to move a finger.  

Emotions rife with hatred, anger, bitterness, envy and jealousy erupt in conflict and violence.

Thoughts of love lead to acts of love.

The world needs better thoughts, more thoughts of love.

Our collective prayers for peace around the world lift humanity’s thought to a higher place, to a place more receptive to working problems out with wisdom and understanding, rather than reacting with hate and violence.

There is no better time to pray for peace than today.  The world needs it more than ever.

36 thoughts on “Prayers for peace help”

  1. Hi dear Ellen, again I sent you a message yesterday as reply to your lovely comment regarding what CHRIST is …
    It also matches to today’s SpiritView. Thank you dear Evan, it has never been more important to pray for Peace than now! CHRIST is the Peacemaker in every instance !! Will honestly pray with the ideas of this list you gave us in one of your precious lectures, I once listened online. I wrote down every word you said abt. Christ is …

    Am thankful to God for his healing CHRIST!

      1. Hi Trista, I already looked for it, but there are several lectures on YouTube Evan gave online. I regrettably couldn’t find it till now. But thos are exactly the words, how Evan said that during that lecture.

  2. Studied much of what’s going on; Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Sudan, in bitter conflict. It’s appalling how many suffer on the sidelines of these conflicts. Even soldiers whom are there just doing their jobs.
    It gives me peace to know that in our sacred Christian Science, it’s understood that all God’s ideas are immortal and are incapable of death. In the infinitude of eternity this hate will dissolve being overcome with Infinite Love.
    Many nations are working hard to bring peace and supply to those afflicted. That exhibits how things are being worked out. They are practicing “The Golden Rule” left by Christ Jesus found in the Holy Bible Matthew 5: ! though 12, The Beatitudes. Memorize them.
    Love for today. Thank you Evan and followers of this wonderful forum.

    Page 242: 15 from Science & Health with Key to the Scripturas, states understandably;
    “In patient obedience to a patient God, let us labor to dissolve with the universal solvent of Love the adamant of error–self will, self justification, and self love,– which wars against spirituality and is the law of sin and death.” Thank Mrs. Eddy for her understanding.

  3. Thank you, David B for the quote from Mrs Eddy. It had never occurred to me to use that in praying about peace, but it’s perfect, isn’t it? Actually uses the verb “wars.” And aren’t most conflicts caused by self will, self justification, and self love? Big or little conflicts. The universal solvent of Love is at work behind the scenes, dissolving error. Open my eyes, dear Father, that I may see that more clearly. .

  4. Peace is a quality of God, and so it is inherently part of the true nature of all of us. May we see this peaceful nature shine forth in our lives and throughout the world. Thank you all for your/our peace-filled thoughts. No matter what we are doing today (I happen to be on grand jury duty for next few weeks hearing multiple criminal cases) we can bask in God’s Love and Peace that are everywhere.

    I need to be extra mindful of being humble, avoiding human will and avoiding seeing man as other than God’s reflection while on this jury service. It’s very challenging when listening to the cases and interacting with other jurors. Any thoughts and encouragement are appreciated. Love to you all.

    1. Dear Rose, you will be such a blessing in this situation❣️
      In my weekly Christian Science Bible studies in our county jail, I have learned to see them all as God’s lambkins, guided by our tender, loving Shepherd. “Innocence, inoffensiveness . . ” as our Leader puts it in her definition of sheep in the Glossary of Science and Health. They do feel the love, and I trust your fellow jurors will, as well, as you bear witness to the presence of the Christ in that courtroom. You will feel it, too, and need have no fear as “There is no fear in Love!”

    2. Dear Rose, I appreciate a lot what you do as juror at court.
      God is in control of the whole court session. God is also juror and judge. You just have to listen to God’s totally just verdict!
      Lots of love to you, and God and his Christ is with you all there at court!♡

    3. I have served on a grand jury. I liked to keep in thought “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” Also the idea that God is the lawgiver and also the law enforcer. Thoughts kept on God will help everybody do their job with integrity.

  5. Thank you Evan for this blog today and David B for your references and the quote from Mrs., Eddy. I found a note that I received from the Mary Baker Eddy library several months ago and have attempted to find it in her writings using Concord, but could not find it. Here is the quote:
    “Of this we may be sure: that thoughts winged with peace and love breath a silent benediction over all the earth, cooperate with the divine power, and brood unconsciously o’re the work of His hand.”
    So our thoughts on the seeming unrest in the world can be brought to an end if our thoughts are filled with the Christ love that embraces everyone in the whole world. It means overcoming our own thoughts to what is happening to change our thoughts to what God is seeing and pray accordingly.
    Blessings to all.

    1. Hello Susie H.
      The minute I read Spiritview this morning I thought of that wonderful statement. Miscellaneous Writings page 152 – To First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Denver.
      This letter is filled with treasured thoughts.:
      “……you .safely sheltered in the strong tower of hope, faith, and Love, are God’s nestlings; and He will hide you in His feathers till the storm has passed. Into His haven of Soul there enters no element of earth to cast out angels, to silence the right intuition that leads you safely home.”

    2. Dear Suzie, here’s the lovely quote you mentioned and where it comes from. “Of this we may be sure: that thoughts winged with peace and love breathe a silent benediction over all the earth, cooperate with the divine power, and brood unconsciously o’er the work of His hand.” Is from
      (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 152:6)

  6. In a world that seems to be crying out for peace, these thoughts are so helpful to keep our
    thinking in a place where only Good/God prevails. I remember there used to be a little section
    of a newspaper, which highlighted “Love is ..” and each one portrayed some aspect of what
    Love is. I had clipped them out, as they were great references when growing up, in keeping
    thought positive. I think we all can benefit from praying along these lines, like what Uta
    mentioned with the “Christ is” list.. Love is …
    compassionate … Love is … thoughtful … Love is … kind … Love is … caring … Love is … thinking
    of others, etc, etc. etc. What a great world if Everyone thought and acted this way!
    For the past couple of weeks, I have been praying for peace with my neighbors, whom I had not
    heard back from and wondered if they were upset by a simple request I had asked them – about
    (digging out a plant that had seeded itself on the borderline where their lawn service
    ended up mowing down in the meantime). Turns out they did not realize my message and just
    now apologized for finding it and for not answering. It was a bit of a rarity plant, but since have
    had it come up in other places, so it didn’t matter. But it just proves that even when things may seem to be one way, doesn’t always mean it is. We need to continue to just love, love, love. “Divine Love always has met and always will meet Every human need”.

    1. Thank you, dear Angel for that wonderful idea to think about what “Love is…”, starting with your ideas in your comment up here!
      First of all, God is Love! And all the qualities of Love are expressed in us all as God’s precious reflection!

      1. I love where you wrote, dear Uta, that “all the qualities of Love are
        expressed in us all as God’s precious reflection”! That is so Lovely
        and True. Wherever we are, God/Love IS with us. Sometimes it may
        seem that we are facing issues alone, but ever-present Love IS within
        us, guiding us with encouragement and joy, even though we do not
        see this presence, with mortal eyes, like the gentle wind, we feel it’s
        presence with us and we can shine like we have always shined in the
        glory of this cherished likeness.
        I wish I had saved those little “Love is …” newspaper clippings, but
        like another sweet expression of Love, “Precious Moments”, Love lives
        in our constant thought and that is very endearing.

        1. Thank you dearly, Angel, for your loving and healing angel-messages. They do so good!

          Am I happy and grateful for this really wonderful SpiritView Forum!♡

    2. Your addition to the conversation today brings my level of hope up to FULL ! God is good, God is great, and it’s HIM whom we Appreciate!

      Had to make contentious visits today to various locations, and when they were all done, successfully, I discovered that pages of my current CS Quarterly had dropped out of from under the staples, so it’s my mission now to replace the missing pages before Sunday, when I’ll need them to read from the desk. On for a happy hunt!

      1. So glad your visits went successfully, dear chilesands. Yes, God is good
        and all is well. Your pages will be there for you. I once thought I lost my
        cellphone and had retraced my steps, to no avail…even to have a salesclerk
        call the number when thinking it may have been left in a changing room
        at a store. Had to keep especially kind thoughts of someone who had gone
        in after me, while I was searching elsewhere. Turns out, when I got home
        and felt so disappointed, called several places which seemed discouraging,
        with them saying I would never find it, but still knowing the whole time that
        nothing is lost in God’s kingdom … reached in my pocket of what I was
        wearing that morning and there was the cellphone! I had taken pix to send
        to a friend whom I was watching her dog and it was there the whole time I
        thought it was lost. Yes, God IS Good!
        Things aren’t always as they appear and what may not seem to work out at
        one time, with patience and Love, will work out!

  7. Quotes by others:
    – “Silently and steadfastly side with God, the One who holds us all in eternal union with Him and one another. There is no “side” to take but God’s. One on God’s side is a majority. Divine Mind holds its creation in one harmonious whole.”
    – “God embraces us all in one love, maintaining us forever at peace. We have perfect and uninterrupted oneness with divine Love, God, which promotes peace within us and with each other.”
    – “This unity of God and man can never lapse and therefore cannot demand some kind of difficult restoration. We need to see that the unity of God and man is divine law. In reality this law is never infringed. It is the law of Love.” (Geoffrey Barratt)

  8. Thank you for reminding us to stand guard in our individual thinking process. Every thought has wings – directed toward positive or negative results. While standing guard, it’s assuring to read reminders like today’s that each of our thoughts matter. Thank you.

  9. Thank you all for your expressions of the Holy Spirit moving our thoughts to being the peacemakers Jesus expects of his followers. Our God is a God of Peace. It’s natural for H/Her children/image to reflect that peace that flows on no matter the circumstances. Love always triumphs and is the true power of the Uni-verse. Let there be peace on earth…

  10. I love in the Bible the statement “effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
    James 5:16

    As in the example of the great king whose threatening hosts appeared certain of conquering the resisting few within the little city.
    But we are told that there was found in the “little city … a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.”
    Ecclesiastes 9:15-16

    Thank you Evan, David and Martine for your ideas and article today!!

    With such wonderful thoughts and prayers today it gives much hope to mankind.

    Much love, Barbara from Florida

  11. Thanks Evan, very timely! I titled Wednesday Bible lesson, that I started last week, for tomorrow night: Is it possible to advance peace in the world? (Silently or audibly, we should all exclaim, YES, it IS!!!). : )

  12. Rose dear,- You will be blessed for answering the calling to be on this grand jury, and you will be receptive to Truth’s righteous judgement involving those charged. As Mary Baker Eddy says in Misc. Writings, “Human tribunals, if just, borrow their sense of justice from the divine Principle thereof, which punishes the guilty, not the innocent.” Know that you are guided by divine Principle in all cases.
    It may be helpful to listen to the current Sentinel Watch featuring Christian Science practitioner Alex Fisher who was previously an attorney (323) 805-8700. He describes that in his practice he strives to prove the spiritual innocence of those who call for help.
    I also found some inspiring instruction from Eddy in Miscellany page 248…..”.my faithful witness…..
    “You go forth to face the foe with loving look and with the religion and philosophy of labor, duty, liberty and love, to challenge universal indifference, chance, and creeds. Your highest inspiration is found nearest the divine Principle and nearest the scientific expression of Truth. You may condemn evil in the abstract without harming any one or your own moral sense, but condemn persons seldom, if ever…….”When error strives to be heard above Truth, let the “still small voice” produce God’s phenomena.”
    Rose,–you are governed, guided, protected, and inspired by divine Love in your dedication to this duty.

  13. Thank you, Evan and all. These peaceful declarations are so lovely. Peace is
    so attainable when seen through spiritual perception. It is the human will that
    would try to make things difficult, not understand or become cause for strife or
    conflict of any kind. It is encouraging to know that “behind the scenes”, whatever
    the situation appears to be, good people are praying and silently affirming that
    whatever needs – Are being met, even if things seem uncertain as to what is going
    on through mortal reasoning… and Truth is divinely authorized in Peace.
    “Peace I leave with you; my Peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I
    give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” – John 14
    “Do not be anxious about anything – (Be careful for nothing); but in every thing
    by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known
    to God. And the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
    your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4
    Whatever issues seem to be happening that would try to interrupt peaceful
    thoughts, are lovingly being met through divine Love. And dear Rose, whatever
    challenges appear to be, just Know that God/One Mind is in control.
    Much love to you and all!

  14. Thank you dear Evan for the call to collective prayer for peace in the world,- encouraging us to “seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain, that make men one in love remain.” Hymn #452

  15. Thank you Evan, and everyone for your peace-filled inspirational thoughts.

    This hymn may also be helpful for you, Rose , for your jury service; Particularly the words:
    “He knows the angels that you need, / And sends them to your side, / To comfort, guard and guide.”: Also helpful for us all to help with our prayers.

    All glory be to God most high,
    And on the earth be peace,
    The angels sang, in days of yore,
    The song that ne’er shall cease,
    Till all the world knows peace.

    God’s angels ever come and go,
    All winged with light and love;
    They bring us blessings from on high,
    They lift our thoughts above,
    They whisper God is Love.

    O longing hearts that wait on God
    Through all the world so wide;
    He knows the angels that you need,
    And sends them to your side,
    To comfort, guard and guide.

    O wake and hear the angel-song
    That bids all discord cease,
    From pain and sorrow, doubt and fear,
    It brings us sweet release;
    And so our hearts find peace.
    (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 9:1–4)

  16. Rose, An article in the May 2024 issue of the CS journal just came to my attention. It’s titled “The Law of the Lord is perfect “ by Catherine Spotts. It contains wonderful spiritual ideas that can be metaphysically applied to the statutes and operations of our judicial system Hope you have the journal or can access the article!

  17. Thank you, Evan. Those opening two sentences powerfully moved my thought to awareness that the “one mind” = one controlling Mind, one purpose, one goal, one solution. I have a lot to think about today.

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