Praying about the influence of social media

February 1, 2022 | 31 comments

With all the publicity about how the social media impacts society and can cause great harm when circulating malicious, false, and harmful information, I find it helpful to “Come out and be separate,” (II Cor. 6:17) as the apostle Paul admonished his followers.

I like to remember that I reflect a Mind that thinks for itself.

The one Mind of God, that all of God’s children reflect, thinks for itself.

This Mind is not influenced by mortal belief, popular fear, ignorance, or false information. This Mind is intelligent, wise, discerning, and accurately informed. It is not deceived, cowed, intimidated, misled, or distorted. It thinks clearly, reasons wisely, and forms truthful conclusions that lead to good results.

At a time when so much of society believes social media is controlling the thoughts and actions of billions of people, it’s wise to counter that belief with spiritual truth for the benefit of self, family, and neighbors. A prayer of truth does benefit the world and make it a better place.

This is an era to be clear that under God there is only one influence—the influence of the divine Mind. It’s a good influence that benefits all, and no amount of social media can change this truth or negate it.

31 thoughts on “Praying about the influence of social media”

  1. A powerful reminder about protecting our thinking – thanks Evan . I find the best social media communications are those we tweet from Spirit View and the Daily Lift . Sharing good appropriate periodical articles is also fun to do .
    Lets help to purify our “ social media channels “ !! and not get distracted by the mortal view of things – a very helpful reminder – big thank you!

  2. Evan, thanks so much for addressing this issue. As I read it, it made me realize that no matter what the ‘world’ believes about how many billions of people are exposed to social media and it’s content, God knows each and every one of us. He has never exposed any of us to the ‘so-called’ evil side of the internet.
    Because He never made evil it has no real platform to use or stand upon. God does not allow evil or evil people to exist in His harmonious creation.
    Thank you God for giving us the ability to know and to see the evidence of good all around.

    1. Agreed Judy. I liked, “Because He never made evil it has no platform to use or stand upon.” We can always take a stand regarding the nothingness and powerlessness of evil. As Mrs. Eddy said in S&H, “Rise in the strength of Spirit to resist [and reject} all that is unlike good” (p. 393). I am with you in gratitude to God for enabling us to know and see, with our spiritual sense, only the good and harmony He created.

  3. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil…”
    “The intercommunication is always from God to His idea, man.”
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 284:31–32)

    1. Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “The kingdom of heaven is within you. Know then, you have sovereign power to think and act rightly and nothing can dispossess you of this heritage or trespass on [divine] Love.”

      When we are grateful we cannot be manipulated through advertising from any source to covet what is not healthy or satisfying or fair and beneficial to others. We better enjoy our food before and while and after eating, eat less of it, and get more benefit from it. And we are more apt to make food choices that better help other people and all of nature.

      While we know we have all the good we need as our very being, we don’t search for love in all the wrong places in all the wrong ways. We don’t waste energy judging or resenting or trying to fix others. We don’t fear other people’s rejection. We don’t try to manipulate other people and we’re not so easily manipulated. We don’t spend or accumulate or pollute and waste so much. We do care about and learn from and relate better with a wider diversity of people. We better explore and express our talents in better service. Thank you for this reminder in time for the different messages I am writing in valentine / gal-entine cards to women in prison solitary confinement because guards are spreading Covid.

      Not wasting time on social media means we have more time to tune in to the here and now and the inspiration that is current and fresh. We better enjoy each breath and step, and better listen, observe, pray, learn and serve to grow and to heal. And that means we have a lot more gratitude and joy and happiness. We better experience clarity, power, health, mutuality, and effectiveness.

      Some social media can expand our limited thinking so we are better at standing Porter at the door of thought and expanding our prayers and love. We are better at examining and changing our taken for granted beliefs and internalized socialization to world views and reactions that are not godly, such as racism, sexism, materialism, militarism, classism, clientism, etc.

      Less time looking at screens is less strain on the eyes and brain and rigidity of eye muscles and brain responsiveness or developing mental / social nearsightedness and self-justification and disconnectedness, Less time looking at other people‘s opinions and self marketing or attempts to manipulate our thinking is more time seeing the good we could do to bless others and more good that God is blessing us with each moment.

      1. Golly, Edith, this is a doctoral dissertation! You’ve brought up so many aspects & dangers of “social” (really Anti-social) media which we need to be alert to & counter with our prayers.
        Thank you, Evan, for starting this conversation and thinking. Thank you Diane for the two perfect bookend ideas.
        Love to all

      2. I have always seen social media as an opportunity to send out ( share ) spiritual ideas that go “ forth and bless consciousness “ . What a wonderful opportunity to share these concepts ! I was so grateful to Evan for alerting us to the serpent suggestions that we believe there are other powers that can oppose God’s supremacy – a trap easily fallen into !! I LOVE my true social media communication
        – thank you God for showing us all another way we can counter the false narrative and bless our fellow man

  4. So timely and needed with all the stuff that is on the social agenda these days. The news just highlights the social thoughts on daily life whether it is true or not. Thanks for addressing these topics. Linda Lou

  5. The best and truest social media outlet, WGOD, the station that broadcasts all truth, all the time. Mentioned this in other posts but surely bears repeating in light of Evan’s message today.

    Much Love to all of you!

  6. Thank you for my “wake up” call. I’ve been aware of the high level of fear and the need to pray but hadn’t looked at a root cause and the need to pray for that, to be specific in prayer.
    Page 225:23 of Science and Health
    Legally to abolish unpaid servitude in the United States was hard; but the abolition of mental slavery is a more difficult task. The despotic tendencies, inherent in mortal mind and always germinating in new forms of tyranny, must be rooted out through the action of the divine Mind.

  7. Thank you, Evan, and everyone for your thoughtful, healing comments. I’m not a “social media” viewer but we can all certainly pray about this issue to help support the Truth, regardless!

  8. It just came to me that I am going to refute anything i read or hear that is not from the one Mind…by saying, THAT”S NOT WHAT GOD SAYS> And listen only for the TRUTH.
    Thanks, Evan and all. Great subject.

  9. Thanks Evan sir for sharing your wonderful idea on Come out and be separate and know the influence of Divine mind alone.

  10. As always Evan, thank you for such strong and effectual treatments that reverse the current thought trends and modes of mortal mind. It is a privilege to join this group of deep thinkers in prayerful efforts to counter the maze of mortal beliefs,- proving that “Christian Science acts as an alterative, neutralizing error with Truth.” S&H pg. 162
    My gratitude and love to each and every one of you!

  11. I am in awe of the insightful truths contributed today. Would love to shout from the rooftops all that has been said. Thank you all for sharing. Thank you Evan for bringing this subject up, so so needed.
    So much to ponder. Will be reading all of this again and again.

    1. M thanks for the link to this talk. I am only half way through but I can tell already it’s very special, powerful. Appreciate your sharing.

  12. OMG Evan, that was awesome !
    Thank you so much for this post.
    Having studied and worked with Publicity and Marketing I was convinced, almost brain washed that Marketing has the power to influence and mislead masses. And with Social Media it became even more powerful as it can infiltrate deeper in our private lives.
    Therefore to understand and remember that these are only believes and powerless when faced to God is a huge relief.
    God is good and wise, never taking us to a place where we feel sad, miserable nor victimized. If we keep this clear and steady on our thoughts, then no harm can come from the activities of Marketing and Social Media.

  13. I used to say to my children and say it now, not to be afraid of social media, what people are saying, etc. You always have a choice of whether to participate or not. I was trying to teach them to take the fear out of things and be discerning as to what we allow into our lives. I find myself becoming fearful when I see people all around me glued to their phones. I have to tell myself there is no power there.

  14. Evan thank you. Under God there is only one influence and it is my job to live by this moment by moment. I am noticing that my daily gratitude list is showing me more clearly of God’s direct influence as I dismiss “the commentary”. M, thanks so much for the talk “You are not the commentary”. At first, I was a bit dismissive but it turned out to be great.

  15. Sometimes I think about Social Media, whether it is facebook, tweet or like that. Or is there something more understood.
    Could any SV friend here explain it a bit clearer to me, please?♡

    But that I do understand what Kathyw says here, namely “let God talk…” That’s the way!!!
    It’s midnight here and in bed I had seemingly to struggle with some jealous thoughts, but knew that is groundless as God gives every of His children what they need abundantly. Then I asked God what to do as I could not come to sleep. I went downstairs and tried to get a walkman playing. This was my desire already for a long time. But now I was successful and very happy about this, because I want to listen to the CDs with Science and Health spoken with a very inspiring and clear voice.
    Am very grateful for God’s guidance to do this, although it was in the middle of the night here. Yes, I love to have a good night sleep, but sometimes God leads us to do something else which is healing a situation as it did for me.
    Thank you dear Evan for today’s SV. But I was still working and praying with the Truth of yesterday’s SpiritView, namely purifying my surounding. I affirmed that our spiritual surrounding is good as God, who created all is the eternal Good!
    Oh thank you very very much for your loving and healing spiritual view on today’s situations, which is so needed!!!

  16. “Neither shall any plague come near thy dwelling (thought)” is what comes to me. We read it all the time in CS..”There is only ONE MIND” but are they just words that we know so well ?
    Or do we REALLY understand that we live IN that Mind, we ARE the manifestation of that Mind so when we know that the divine mind is all there is and that we ARE The outcome, the action of that Mind, there can be NO OTHER consciousness to overpower the divine in us.
    Paul said neither height nor depth ..nor ANY other creature (such as social media or fear) can separate me from the Love (and Mind ) of God”
    Thankyou Evan for striking a chord for so many tonight and the many great thoughtful comments above!

  17. There is only one Truth, God’s truth. Whether error is attempting to use social media, main stream media or any other source to suggest anything but the Truth.
    Mrs Eddy’s states in miscellaneous writings ” The opinions of men cannot be substituted for God’s revelation.” pg92.
    Love only rules all.

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