Preparing for the New Year

December 30, 2016 | 20 comments

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”

~ Nelson Mandela

20 thoughts on “Preparing for the New Year”

  1. Thank you Evan. I have joyfully been listening to the June 2016 hymn sing replay. Now that is a big WOW as Marian English was noting. Lots of hope, goodness, all God’s love represented in these lovely hymns.

  2. Thanks, Evan, and Commenters! The first thing I thought of was….”The Hopes and Fears of all the Years are met in Thee tonight.” I think that’s from “O Little Town of Bethlehem”…..?? Anyway, what it says to me is that it doesn’t matter if we have Hopes or Fears…..They will ALL be met in Christ – God’s pure reflection of Life, Truth and Love. So, although it certainly is better to have hopes than fears, even the fears will be dissolved in the Light of God’s Love, Divine Love! HAPPY NEW YEAR, BON ANNEE, FELIZ NAVIDAD, HAPPY HANUKKAH, HAPPY QUANZAA……!!!!!

  3. Although hope is a human condition, a rallying cry, prayer, for spiritual understanding, it is also a necessary step toward yielding to the divine. Both hope and fear are caught up in a timely experience, but hope’s outcome is spiritual understanding and therefore eternal where as fear is submissive to the human condition and its outcome is the lost of hope and therefore relegated to the cycle which turns on itself to end of which is temporal self destruction. Hope is therefore a gateway that can free us from fear, to stand in faith, governed by the eternal good of the divine principle of truth experienced as spiritual life under the light of Love. That’s my understanding of the impact of hope and fear. Thank you Evan for all the good that comes from you daily post and the comments of your readers. I have learned so much for each of them.

    1. Josef this is one of the most clear and precise explanations of hope that I have ever encountered..Great writing ….great insight…..Thank you so much…..

  4. Evan, not only the quotation, but the picture…just “hit the nail on the head”, as they say. A leap into the complete goodness we can share and experience in the year ahead.

    I can’t tell you how much of a blessing each day’s Spritview blogs mean to me. Thank you.

  5. Thank you, Josef, for your understanding of hope and fear! Yes, fear can be turned into faith by a humble reaching out and surrendering to a Higher Power, God. Fear has no power to turn us towards a downward cycle that ends in “temporal destruction”. Keeping thought focused on God, Love, dissolves all fear (“false evidence appearing real”) and lifts us higher in our ability to feel the Divine Presence embracing us! “There is no fear in Love, but perfect Love casteth out fear.” We never give power to fear!

    1. Bevi
      You are absolutely correct. Fear is totally a human condition and therefore unreal and ultimately nothing. Thank you for stating that so clearly.

  6. Dear Evan, thank you for 2016’s uplifting insights giving spiritual food 4 thinkers. Wishing you and family and blog family the Happiest of New Years!!

  7. Bevi… i always read your post as they are so unique and heartfelt….so much love and insight…..

    I appreciate you….Happy New Year

  8. Evan… What a feast you have provided for our hungry minds and searching hearts…
    What a meal for a most beautiful family….and …oh… the delicious desserts of all of us readers and commenters…2017 will provide us all with abundant opportunity to reveal and demonstrate the Kingdom of God is here…as an eternal present reality….
    Fondness and love to all you beautiful sisters and brothers…..We are Victorious and this is why we sing the Praises of “Our Father Which Art Heaven”


  9. Yes, I too, love the picture that shows the leap from the old to the new and I just listened to the hymn sing which was wonderful and uplifting – thanks to everyone. Happy New Year!

  10. Thanks to all… so much food for reflection. I appreciate both the insights into human experience by josef and the absolute standpoint of Bevi. Our Leader certainly found it essential to watch human thought (stand porter), and to direct that thought always upward.

  11. Thanks so much, Monique, for giving us the link to the hymn sing. Although I’ve participated a couple of times before, I really enjoyed it again this morning. A couple from my church were close to the front, so I felt like I was visiting with them as well. My favorite was Hymn 4 which is set in music to Finlandia which so beautiful and moving. What a glorious morning this has been. Happy New Year everyone!!!

  12. Thank you, Monique from France, for the link to the inspired and very nice hymn-singing in The Motherchurch — that is a very nice new years present – and I think we all have the desire for the next year for more spiritual progress in understanding GOD and his idea Man better! 😉

  13. Thanks Evan for the message, and all responders for the wonderful comments!

    I am grateful to have this community to share spiritual thoughts with, and to be inspired by. It’s such a blessing! This is definitely a wonderful use of the internet: connecting spiritual thinkers.

    Although time is a mortal construct, and isn’t real, still –
    Happy New Year to all!

  14. Happy New Year To all! Looking forward to Spirit View with its continuous inspirations in 2017.
    Thanks, everyone.

  15. I was thinking of Hymn 342. This is the day the Lord has made; Be glad, give thanks, rejoice; Stand in His presence, unafraid, in praise lift up your voice. So this is the Year the Lord has made etc every day. I do not think in terms of old Year new year that seems to be the human measurement, I do not feel I have to jump over a big gap to continue in Life that is continues. Life for me is ever fresh and new, no big leap to jump to something new and fresh. Every day is God’s blessed day in the Kingdom of God. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. Thanks for giving all of us to express our thoughts, I so enjoyed every one of them.

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