Put on the Mind of Christ

April 11, 2022 | 16 comments

If you’d like to see better results from your prayers, pray to put on the Mind of Christ.

The Mind of Christ is a healing consciousness that is filled with love, understanding, and truth that heals anger, pain, and disease.

I explain how to put on this healing consciousness in this video that was filmed at the Headwaters of the Missouri River in Montana, when my wife and I visited in August 2021.

16 thoughts on “Put on the Mind of Christ”

  1. Dear Evan, as always your vlogs are complete and perfect expressions of Truth and Love. You pose some very important questions that we should ask in our daily lives. Much gratitude to you and Kathy for sharing the beautiful places you traveled to last August. I look forward to every SpiritView, and it is always an extra treat when it contains one of your loving, healing videos. Thank you so much, Evan. ❤️

  2. Dear Evan. This is so lovingly and completely explained here in your vlog. It is a pertinent reminder of how we must constantly remember to align our thinking in the direction of ..perfect God perfect man. It seems to me that it’s not.just ‘knowing what’s true’ that is important , but Being that Truth that brings us into the light of Christ, the ever presence of divine Love. Thank you so much for this today and thank you Angie for the link to an excellent article. I am most grateful❣️

  3. The Mind of God is where we reside.

    “Those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High, abide under the shadow of the Lord.” (Psalm 91:1 KJV) Another translation (AMP) says, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].”

  4. Very beautiful, Evan, and wonderfully inspired. Being mindful of this inspiration nullifies the aggressive suggestion of mortal mind, and brings healing.

    Thanks ever so much.

    Bob Minnocci

  5. Thank you Evan for this inspiring vlog. it explains so clearly how we have to think to put on the mind of Christ as we are charged to do,

    Angie, thank you for this excellent article by Ivimy Gwalter. I especially was taken with this paragraph: “Crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, birth, death, and all that appears to go on between these points belong to the human concept. The Christ is not resurrected, nor has it ever ascended. It exists as ever-presence and abides in the Mind of God. The Christ is forever at the standpoint of perfection.” When we have the mind of Christ, we are at that point of perfection as well.

    1. Thank you very much “RH” for this wonderful article! The last sentence stood out for me, from Science and Health p. 427, i. e. …that God is “supreme in the physical realm, so-called, as well as in the spiritual.” That means God is omnipotent, omnipresent – oh so so good!♡

  6. What an inspiring Spirit View! 🙂 Thank you Evan for the wonderful Vlog and message. And many thanks to Angie and RH for the great articles. Also appreciate the comments.

  7. Thank you very much dear Evan, very needed, as it awakens me to what you tell us to do today, to have the mind of Christ, to think what God thinks and to see what God sees. Wow that needs a lot of watchfulness which seems not always to be easy, however it is worth doing! And yes, it also means to put on the new man, the real man, the spiritual man made in God`s likeness.
    This morning I read the new lesson sermon thoroughly, but it needs more study in order to take in the full spirit of this lesson. Wow tomorrow is a new opportunity to understand the deeper meaning of this weeks`s wonderful Easterlesson.
    All these thoughts Evan is teaching us in this wonderful Vlog, having the mind of Christ, is so very important for the peace, specially in Russia and Ukraine. And divine Omnipotence can and will stop everything which is not good – evil has no power at all. Divine LOVE is allmighty!
    Thank you all for your helpful and healing thoughts, dear SpiritView Friends!

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