Raising children

July 6, 2011 | 5 comments

Parents are often tempted to think they create their own children, determine their personality, affect their health, outline their future and give them a good or bad start.
There certainly is merit in appreciating the influence a parent’s thought has over his or her young ones. But it’s even more helpful to understand that all children are conceived and created in the Mind of God long before a human parent becomes aware of them.
God is the Father and Mother of all children. When this is understood, raising children is much easier. Instead of thinking one has to shape and form a personality to a certain end, one looks for the endowments and capacities that already exist within a child.  One looks for what God put there in the first place.
Raising children is no longer one human will versus another in a battle to see who has the final say, but a raising of consciousness to the truth about God’s child. What is true about God’s child is true about every child. The challenge for a parent maintaining a family is to see and understand this truth. And that takes humility, patience, and lots of love, qualities that every parent has the God-given ability to express in abundance. Including you!

5 thoughts on “Raising children”

  1. Love this simple yet profound take on raising children. Love the idea of children being conceived in the Mind of God (or the Mind that is God!) before they are “ours”. And that they come fully equipped. How freeing this is. Seems like modern parents feel the need to stuff their kids with so much activity as though that will complete them. Children, already complete, already intelligent, already loving, not something parents have to do, but only what parents have to recognize already exists. LOVE this, Evan, thank you for this precious website. I truly love it.

  2. Shortly after the birth of my children I realized that they were created by God, not mortal man, and that by having them in my experience it was my opportunity to demonstrate the Motherhood and Fatherhood of God and it was their opportunity to demonstrate being a Child of God! All reflection of God’s perfect creation! It was a freeing concept for all of us! I have thoroughly enjoyed being custodian of a couple of God’s ideas and while I miss them when they are away, it has not been difficult to release them as they have become young adults; their relationship to their Father-Mother God has never changed, and neither has mine!

    Thank you, Evan, for providing this forum and inspiration!

  3. Thank you , Evan ! And for all that you give us all every day ! I am so grateful for Christian Science and for your loving sharing !

  4. I am very grateful to you Evan sir for sharing wonderful ideas and inspires to follow the Truth for raising children.

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