Refuse the garbage

August 12, 2024 | 31 comments

If someone handed you a sack of garbage and demanded, “Carry this garbage around all day!”  Would you obey?  I doubt it.  You would likely refuse.  You have better things to do.

To stay healthy, we must do the same in consciousness.  

When mortal mind demands, “Carry a suggestion of disease around in your thought all day!”  To stay healthy, we must protest.  We must refuse to obey what mortal mind wants us to do.  

Just as we would refuse to carry around unwanted garbage in our arms, we must refuse to carry around unwanted garbage in thought.

Think and live garbage free!

31 thoughts on “Refuse the garbage”

  1. Super! It’s what I tell myself often. And it works immediately! . No one wants to be carrying around garbage. At times the garbage does not want to be shaken off or dropped. It seems to get cosy in our company. Realising it IS garbage which is going to stink if carried around, makes us want to incinerate it! Best to get the job done asap!
    Thanks Evan

  2. I was listening to a YouTube of Lisa Taylor today and she had said something fairly similar, which is a great idea like this one of yours Evan. She was referring to all the negative thoughts, ideas and assumptions that we carry around with us as if it it’s all in a heavy backpack. And she said “ drop that backpack! Take it off!” So this post is a good reminder about the “ weight that so easily besets us”

  3. We never pack a suitcase full of garbage
    when taking a trip.
    We sometimes carry mental garbage
    from room to room, place to place,
    and it tries to “trip” us into believing it.
    As Evan said, refuse to carry it around.
    Excellent SpiritView, thanks, Evan.

  4. I I was writing mine when Diane sent hers.
    Thanks Diane. Well said.
    Thanks to everyone sharing, reading/living, SpiritView.

  5. When garbage keeps wanting to come back, just keep throwing it out.

    Thanks E. M. and SW contributors, much love to you all.

  6. Stop hugging or cherishing the litter, garbage, trash, recycle or junk. Thank you for the suggestion to exchange good.

  7. Take each “garbage” thought and hand it over to God then wad it up and throw it away. It’s an exercise you can do over and over again because God is always there.

  8. Love the analogy, Evan and all for your comments … Thank you! A few thoughts
    I have seen, but not sure of authors:

    “When God takes out the trash, don’t go digging back through it. Trust him.”

    “One to change a few. A few to change many. Many to change the world.
    It all starts with one.”

    “The most important piece in the house is the garbage can”

    It all comes down to what are we believing in .. what is trash and what is treasure –
    in our thoughts. If we carry around baggage that weighs us down in thought, then
    we need to unload it and clear our thought of it. Garbage in, garbage out … Repeat
    with every thought and we will have less polllution to deal with. Not always easy,
    that’s for sure, but in the long run, necessary for a better world. : )

  9. Do you have any other suggestions on how to keep the garbage out. I have a hard time . I keep ruminating over and over again. Which is wrong.

    1. That is a good question, Kathy, which I have also posed. An answer that comes to mind is: ask God to help you keep the garbage out. We can always lean on Love to help us in every right endeavor. Also, you might affirm that there is only one Mind, which you reflect. Mind doesn’t hold or cherish anything but good, and this is true of us, as Mind’s likeness. Finally, see Prov 16:3.

    2. Dear Kathy,
      I think the key word you use is – “Over – and over again”. If we know something
      is a lie (garbage), even if we keep repeating it over and over, it is Still a lie.
      What we need to do is STOP .. and replace it with the Truth … then we change
      thought from the same ole repetitive thing and fill it with spiritual Truth. But
      you may say, “Everyone Else is doing it or believing it or seeing it as real!” …
      But that Still does not make it true. If I was just outside mowing and someone
      had littered a piece of paper on the lawn, I wouldn’t keep it there or wouldn’t
      pick it up and keep carrying it around or hit it with the mower to have it split i
      nto a bunch of pieces, which would make it more difficult to clean it up. I
      would Recycle or Dispose of it. See it for it’s value = nothing.
      Hope this helps.

  10. Mrs. Eddie says keep your mind so full of truth and love that mortal mind has no place to enter or something like that hit the eject button…

  11. Beautiful analogy. Thanks Evan for sharing it. Thanks to all contributors to Spirit View. Mary Baker Eddy says- Consciousness constructs a better body when faith in matter has been conquered. So we should fill Consciousness with spiritual facts. Thanks Evan

  12. This reminds me of a Daily Lift from about a week or so ago. The speaker said she got a text message from her bank about a transaction on her account and it told her to click on a link to get more info. She immediately recognized it as fraudulent and swiped left and deleted the text, knowing her bank did not send this type of message. She contacted the correct source, the bank, and found she was right, no such transaction. She is endeavoring to recognize, just as instantly, the false messages error tries to send to our thought, and swipe left, delete quickly, knowing, as she said, “God, you wouldn’t say that!”

    1. Oh, yes! I remember that Daily Lift, Rose. mortal mind or error is a lot like
      spam, isn’t it – where it is unwanted thinking that we just delete before even
      accepting it as real or in control of our thoughts, because we don’t want
      to be tempted by even looking at it. And how persistent sometimes these
      erroneous suggestions can be, vying to get our attention. But we need
      to drag them to the trash bin and poof! – they are gone!

      1. I love that idea, Angel; you write that error is like Spam in the mails. One can swipe It immediately away. It’s so nice, we help us here with spiritual ideas.
        Much Love to Evan and you all and to our God!♡♡♡

  13. The Bible: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and do not trust on your own understanding, so he will guide you aright.” My motto, And I think it also matches a bit with today`s wonderful SpiritView.
    Thank you very much, dear Evan! And thank you all. 🙂

  14. Yes, all great comments on a great reminder to toss the errors of false belief, for they are nothing!

    I am reminded of Mrs. Eddy’s statement in Unity of Good, Pg. 17:

    “Evil has only one chance of successful deception,–to be accounted true. Evil seeks to fasten all error upon God, and so make the lie seem part of eternal Truth.”

    And further down the page, she writes: “Emerson says, Hitch your wagon to a star. I say, Be allied to the deific power, and all that is good will aid your journey, as the stars in their courses fought against Sisera. (Judges v. 20) Hourly, in Christian Science, man thus weds himself with God, or rather he ratifies a union predestined from all eternity; but evil ties its wagon-load of offal to the divine chariots,–or seeks so to do,–that its vileness may be christened purity, and its darkness get consolation from borrowed scintillations.”

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