Remove the qualifiers

December 10, 2015 | 21 comments

Jesus taught, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand,” “The kingdom of God is within you.”

Heaven embodies all of God’s goodness, the blessings of eternal life, which include abundance, health, love and boundless joy. And Jesus said that these are all here and now to be experienced in the moment you presently occupy.

Are you experiencing these spiritual realities more and more every day? If not, it could be that mortal mind qualifiers are getting in the way.

For example, if you look at your to-do list for the day and think, “Once I get through this list, I will be more relaxed and at ease.” You just qualified your peace of mind. You decided that something material had to happen in your life first, before you could experience peace of mind. And in fact, this is not true. You can experience peace of mind at the beginning of the day and take it with you all day long while you complete those tasks.

In Christian Science, one learns that material conditions never trump mind. Mind always trumps matter. Divine Mind never waits for something material to happen before it imparts peace, joy and love. We never have to wait for something material to happen first before we can experience Mind’s healing power and presence. Mind always comes first, never matter.

If facing a health issue, one doesn’t have to wait until the body changes before they can feel healthy and well. They can find health in Mind, and then watch the body get healthy and well.

If waiting in line at the store, one doesn’t need to get through the line and out the door of the shop before they can be filled with gratitude and joy that they are in their right place. They can find their right place in spiritual consciousness while standing in line and find the joy of Spirit without waiting.

God’s love and care is always with you. You always have it. You couldn’t be in a better place than you are now to know God, feel God, and reflect the peace of being God’s perfect whole and complete child.

Remain clear that there are no material conditions that have to be fulfilled before you can feel and experience God’s goodness. Remove the qualifiers!

Physical diagnoses, schedules, deadlines, other’s opinions, latent fears, and their kin can’t stop God’s peace from reaching you. You are as close to God as a circle is to round, and there isn’t anything in this world that can get in between.

21 thoughts on “Remove the qualifiers”

  1. Oh yes Evan. Your inspiration of today is very close to our heart. So very true that the Kingdom of God is at hand, the kingdom of God is within us. All the happiness, peace, satisfaction, fulfilment comes from within – the qualities that we nurture and express viz. unselfishness, mercy, goodness, holiness, love, justice.
    “Let unselfishness, goodness, mercy, justice, health, holiness, love – the kingdom of heaven – reign within us, and sin, disease and death will diminish until they finally disappear.”
    We need not look outside for our happiness, peace, satisfaction. Its very much at hand, within us. Our love for mankind, reaching out to them in love, forgiving and letting go, mercy, goodness, holiness – all of these comprise happiness, the kingdom of God within us and bring unmatched happiness, peace, satisfaction, fulfilment.
    Thanks Evan for this daily spiritual feast, which completely satisfies and brings infinite joy and peace.

  2. Your thoughtful remarks zeroed right in for me. A gentle reminder of the peace that is present!. Thank you for stirring my thought to affirm the good already present.

  3. As always, such an inspiring spiritual and practical view, thank you! And thanks, Evan, for all your healing and blessing work in so many ways to all!

  4. God is all good, all the time and we as his reflection can only reflect that goodness so joy is always present and available to express now each moment. Thank you Evan, I needed that reminder today. Wonderfully expressed.

  5. Thanks Evan for the inspiring ideas you constantly share with all of us. Every day it is part of a spiritual feast to begin the day.

  6. Gratitude, gratitude for this——–I really needed this today for several reasons.
    My whole fearful thought has changed and I go forth knowing that I am wrapped up completely, right now, in God’s protective love. Thank you, dear Evan

  7. I Love this! Thank you, Evan! I was thinking about our “World Problems” that seem to be escalating at this time…….the News Media and Social Media are all pushing us to stay stirred up and upset, even angry. We can know that Peace is there first and we can find that centered place in Mind, where we see only Divine Love’s constant presence. We don’t have to jump in the fray! Mind First!

  8. Peace within one’s thoughts acts as a magnet for good to be felt and expressed no matter the material picture. A smile from another isn’t a qualifier to feel good inside or a frown from another isn’t something to make a feeling of remorse. All the uplifting feelings come from the understanding of God’s goodness within and that’s the only Truth of Being to be recognized.

  9. Going deeper into thought and thinking things through from the stand point of one Mind removes qualifiers I must watch thought, human or Divine. Thank you for this insight . It helps to have something for today to hang one’s hat upon.

  10. Such a wonderful feast today. As Deb said i enjoy it when you explain things so fully! It always seems we are waiting for,or antipating or postponing things in our life, Our good is right now,daily! It is so yummy!!!

  11. I find it’s true gods kingdom is at hand I was sick this week but I believed God would heal me I kept my eyes on Christ jesus

  12. Thank you for your clear reasoning. It’s very helpful.
    I feel strong and confident as I realize God, good, is right with us now and always.

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