See adjustment, rather than turmoil

June 18, 2018 | 15 comments

A businessman lamented that he had lost several important clients, and that he feared not having enough income to pay his bills. I told him to not see the departing clients as loss, but as adjustment. I reminded him that his source of income was not clients. It was God, and that God was providing him with abundance as much today as any other day of his life. I explained that any departing of clients was some type of adjustment going on in his business allowing even better clients to come his way. And that proved to be the case. I shortly received reports that new customers were coming in from unexpected places, and that his business income was still robust.

If you are ever faced with an event that threatens to upturn your life, see it in terms of adjustment, rather than turmoil. There is a blessing to come out of it.

When thought is willing to let go of its limited view that feels threatened, it becomes open to God’s expansive spiritual view which allows something better to appear.

For instance, if a conflict erupts between you and your spouse, see it as a time for an adjustment in thought that allows for greater harmony, love and understanding to prevail between the two of you.

If feeling sick, see it as an opportunity for thought to adjust and get more into line with the health coming from God that is never lost.

Whatever turmoil appears, it’s no threat to God’s goodness coming to you. Stay calm about what you see and put it into spiritual perspective.

With God, there is a solution. Let thought adjust to that solution, and the picture of turmoil will vanish.

“Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else”
Isaiah 45:22, KJV.

15 thoughts on “See adjustment, rather than turmoil”

  1. I am grateful for your higher perspective, Evan. Last night I listened to God’s Law of Adjustment by Adam Dickey, and this message dovetails so beautifully.
    Many thanks!

  2. All opportunties to grow in grace! I love this idea of thought adjusting to the divine reality as the solution to human issues. God’s doing the adjusting of thought too. “Spirit imparts the understanding which uplifts consciousness”, writes Mary Baker Eddy in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Our part in this is to LET God do the adjusting! “Stand still and see the wondrous works of God.”
    (The Holy Bible). Thanks, Evan!

  3. I seem to be experiencing the turmoil. Your blog will help me to stop complaining and to stick with the truth. That approach is very uplifting and strengthening. I am very grateful for SpiritView.

  4. I love the idea of not seeing turmoil, but rather seeing it as an opportunity to adjust thinking. Thank you.

  5. Thanks, Evan! I see All that is happening within our Government and the Politics around the World as an overturning so that the Good that is ever present can be more clearly seen!

  6. Thanks, Evan. This post came just at the time I needed it, as your writing often does for so many of us!! Thank you for dedicating the time to share such helpful truths consistently. They are truly life changing. This thought specifically spoke to me and I find such peace in it……“When thought is willing to let go of its limited view that feels threatened, it becomes open to God’s expansive spiritual view which allows something better to appear.” Thank you!!

  7. Thank you Evan for today`s so metaphysical, loving, very helpful and comforting SpiritView!

    There are several truth sentences, that helped me already in the far past: for instance – exactly there where the turmoil or error seems to exist, right there is Truth and Love present to comfort and heal us.
    or – In great turmoil I ask God “dear God what may I learn from this situation.” And I can learn only good lessons bringing me spiritual progress.

    Wonderful what you said in your last sentence: “With God, there is a solution. Let thought adjust to that solution, and the erroneous picture will vanish. Thank you!

    I am really grateful for Evan`s great blog, blessing and healing us all!

  8. Thanks, as always, for these inspiring ideas to put into practice! I had a lovely healing last Friday. I awoke with a very sore throat, and immediately went to work with the truth. I also accepted the statement wholeheartedly that “divine Love” gives me “all power over every physical action and condition.” (S&H 420:26-27) The error left almost immediately!

  9. I have always viewed turmoil or events that something positive is to be learned from them. Adjustments open a new different andl approach to God’s spirititual view and there is a blessing to follow. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Adjustments open a new different andl approach to God’s spirititual view and there is a blessing to follow. Thank you for sharing.

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