Seek spiritual mindedness

January 19, 2024 | 39 comments

What’s your number one goal today?

Most people are striving for some type of accomplishment each day. They may have lofty goals such as caring for others and making their community a better place to live, or simple goals like getting out of bed and watching television. Whatever the goal, there is one above all that has the best impact. Spiritual mindedness!

Spiritual mindedness is our connection with God. It’s a spiritual place of mental calm where inspiring ideas flow abundantly and peace is easy to find.

When you have spiritual mindedness, everything else works out better. Answers come quicker. Solutions are more apparent. Relations with others flow.

For a successful day, seek spiritual mindedness above all else. It will bring the greatest blessings your way.

Seek the best. Seek spiritual mindedness.

To be spiritually minded is life and peace.

~ Romans 8:6

39 thoughts on “Seek spiritual mindedness”

  1. Paul makes it clear in his letter to Roman that one way of thinking is peace and the other fleshy way is death..
    It’s not like we have two good choices..just one.
    It’s precious to picture all of us reading this Vlog today turning our thoughts to God,; who is our only source of being.. The outcome…peace to us andall our thoughts rest upon.

      1. Thank you Evan, lovely thought – so when we are spiritually minded we know the goal
        we are always aiming for as God is on our side, we are always victorious.
        “Before the battle the victory is won”.

        I love what you said, John, that we don’t have two good choices, only one. So as we
        know that God’s spiritual ideas are all good and loving, we don’t have to think about
        what we are choosing, but just “accept the glorious liberty of the children of God”
        and be totally free from the bad suggestions.

    1. I love that! Thank you Josef!
      Nothing else than good ! So we don’t really have a choice .
      Let us enjoy .. The Spirit of our being is always present
      And bring each moment the fuel spirituel we need !!

    1. Enjoyed reading the link you shared, Pat. Thanks so much! Thank you Evan for this article you penned; overflowing with Spiritual Truth laced with an understanding of Spiritual mindedness and Spiritual abundance! I’m blessed, as it ministered to me in so many ways!

  2. Seeing the need so great, focusing on “what blesses one, blesses all” leaves NO one out Pouring in blessings, through prayer, spreads good over all, lifting burdens off of everyone. THANK GOD!

  3. A most significant message; thank you Evan. There can be no question as to its veracity. And John…your comments are spot on and comforting.

  4. It is so true – that Spiritual contentment really is Everything. There is nothing greater
    than to be blessed with things immortal, which we all are, regardless of our seeming “human”
    existence. The spiritual is what is all important. Material wealth and living the so-called “good
    life” is not lasting and really God’s treasures are truly all there is.
    Not understanding the Truth of situations can sometimes appear to put mortal mind in control
    where taking oneself out of circumstances may seem the best thing to do, to avoid
    discontent, but knowing God’s all encompassing oneness in Spirit helps heal the seeming
    disconnect, where mortal mind can appear to be very manipulative and sometimes hurtful
    when playing games with the heart of being, especially when past seeming issues try to
    seem powerful again.
    Putting our True spirituality in perspective brings us back into harmony where peace is
    restored and that is a much better place to be. Thank you, Evan and everyone for such
    helpful thoughts.

    1. Angel I know what you mean when you say, “Not understanding the Truth of situations can sometimes appear to put mortal mind in control…” When we don’t stop and ask ourselves what is really going on in a situation, it can appear that mortal mind has power and then we see error’s many false faces that masquerade as trouble and discord. But remembering what we are learning about the Allness of God and nothingness of matter brings back the true picture of harmony that was always there, seeming to be hidden for a moment.

      1. Yes, Rose, the true picture of harmony is always there, although sometimes life
        seems to be a 1,000 piece puzzle of mystery, where only God knows what the
        Big Picture is and we need to put our whole trust in Him. It is like He is guiding
        us each step of the way with each connecting piece, but we do not have the
        completed visual to go by, but we know it is Beautiful, because God-planned.
        In a seeming turbulent world with so many unknowns of the future, it can
        sometimes seem scary, but with our understanding of God and with so many
        caring individuals who are not apathetic or misleading (purposely or not), we
        Know that God’s plan counteracts any power that would seem to be in control.
        We are blessed. One Mind is in control and that is such a comforting thought
        as we prayerfully are guided along the way.

        1. Thank you dear Angel for what you comment here to Rose. They are wonderful angelthoughts of Truth and Love and very comforting !!

          1. Heavenly thoughts of Peace and Love to you, Uta, for such kind words
            and to everyone. A lovely Sunday to you all

      2. Thanks Rose, I wanted to share my appreciation of your clear way of reminding us not to focus on the discord but on the Truth.

  5. I came across a talk scheduled for today:
    “Witness Truth Only” A Healing Thoughts talk by Joey Hoffman, CS
    Friday, January 19, 2024, at 3 p.m. EST USA
    Streams on

    1. Thanks a lot, dear “J”. I started listening to this talk. However as it is midnight here in Germany meanwhile, it is better to listen tomorrow morning. It is such a good talk that I want to be alert enough to get the best out of that wonderful inspirational talk!♡

    2. This was a very good talk, J, Thank you and the other talks as well. I also loved the
      article on The Light of God’s Day, where within, Mrs. Eddy writes, ” This [also] shows
      that there is no place where God’s light is not seen, since Truth, Life and Love fill
      immensity and are ever- present”.
      The soothing photo above correlating seeking spiritual mindedness is so peaceful
      and reminds me of:
      “Candle light, moon light, star light – the brightest glow is from
      Love light” – Grey Livingston
      and something I like to keep in mind when darkness tries to seem real …
      The moon is always full, whether we see it or not, as is the sun.

  6. After reading Evan’s article on abundance, I’m now much more motivated to study abundance for the world. It seems like most crime, war, oppression, seems to come from the belief in poverty and lack.

    Countries seemingly at war over land; con artists and criminals taking from others because they feel lack; it’s easy to think of other examples.

    But when we understand that no one has ever left the kingdom of good, God, and that kingdom is all “beauty, grandeur, order,” it can free others to experience the abundant life Jesus said he came to provide. Revealing celestial being! What a privilege to help work that out for the world!

  7. Carolyn, I love your thoughts on working on abundance for the world. It is so needed. I also liked John’s comment that “It’s not like we have two good choices…just one.” It’s comforting to know there is only one view – God’s view. God can only see what He created and that’s our one and only view too.

    Thank you for your powerful article Evan. This is a keeper from your article: “Abundance is a brimming-over consciousness of God’s total power and presence…. You possess abundant blessings because their very substance is spiritual.”

  8. Thank you very much, Evan for your today’s wonderful SV! It results in interesting and inspired comments and two utmost inspiring articles.
    1. Thanks so much “Pat” for Evan’s article “To live a life of true abundance!” Dear Evan, your article is very uplifting!

    2. Thank you, dear “J” for the article “The light of God’s Day.”

    I had a wonderful evening listening to a lecture here in Germany about Verse 63 in St. John chapter 6 “It is the Spirit that quickeneth.”
    Together with reading the 2 articles mentioned here expressed a lot of spiritual mindedness in me that I felt great blessing this evening!
    “For a successful day, seeking spiritual mindedness above all” … means for me to study the weekly lesson sermon first thing in the morning. And that will bring the greatest blessing my day, as Evan says so clearly! Thank you, Evan and all!!!♡♡♡

  9. Thank you Evan for “Spiritual mindedness is our connection with God.” This statement caught my attention today because we are having seeming problems with our internet connection and other technology issues that are causing much frustration. I see that my connection with God is number one for me to focus on. Seeing every situation in its true spiritual perspective will shed the proper light and inspiration on how to proceed. I can see the truth that my connection to all that is good and necessary cannot be interfered with. My good comes from God. He does not bring harm or discord to His beloved children.

    I also received a phishing (scam) email related to an attempt to hack into my cell phone. I almost fell for the scam hung up the phone before they got the information they were seeking. It was a jarring experience but afterward I knew that God was on the throne, that He never made a criminal or a hacker and I was able to pray for these individuals, to bless them and to regain my peace.

    What would we do without spiritual mindedness? Thank you Evan and all and a blessed weekend!

    1. Thank you dear Rose! I love how you turn the error down and give God all power and glory! In such cases you mention I got the idea that God knows and can fix everything wrong into right. His omnipotence is at work for you!! Very blessed weekend to you!♡♡

      1. Thank you dear Uta for such loving, blessing thoughts and words such as “God knows and can fix everything wrong into right.” Amen! I appreciate your kindness, much Love and God’s blessings to you.

    1. I love that he wrote: “I felt the complete truth of the message in Genesis 1 in my heart.” What a wonderful article! Many thanks.

    2. Thank you very very much, dear “J” for this wonderful article. I always stand in awe before such great healings which are the outcomes of God`s endless Love and care for His beloved children!
      It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to listen to this article. The words are so clear with such christian scientific conviction. It`s really the only choice, to stay with Genesis 1 – and God saw everything what he has made, and behold it was v e r y good – perfect!

      A lovely weekend to you as well, dear J,
      and to every commenters and of course to dear Evan! 🙂

  10. I love that he wrote: “I felt the complete truth of the message in Genesis 1 in my heart.” What a wonderful article! Many thanks.

  11. It never ceases to amaze me how relevant the wonderful articles shared here
    by Pat and J – Thank you! are today as they were in the “time” they were written.
    Even with the Bible and Mrs. Eddy’s writings, The truth is the Truth always, not
    dependent on mortal time. Genesis 1 is triumphant over the claim to a sequel that
    relegates mortals to anything less than what the Creator of all Good had in Mind.
    Our spiritual being is reflected in the perfection of the original and really Only
    Being in Genesis 1. No matter who or how many little minds try to say otherwise,
    the truth is the Truth. How wonderful that we can see ourselves and others created
    and always reflecting this eternal perfection.
    Thank you so much Evan for letting us share these delightful realities with each other!!

      1. Thank You, dear J !! So many wonderful blessings from the many articles
        you so beautifully and lovingly share with us. God’s power and glory reaches
        to the heavens and everywhere with such lovely and expressive joys of Life,
        warming our Soul with such passion and endearment of God’s message of

  12. Spiritual mindedness
    Shines through
    With Peace
    (Uplifting thought
    From gloom to glory)
    Bringing heightened joy’s release

    Freedom rises
    In God’s expression
    Love endures throughout all time
    (Treasures glow with sincere compassion)
    Hearts content
    In Heaven’s sublime.

    Heaven is here, with God being All.

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