Serve with gladness

February 1, 2024 | 27 comments

Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

~ Psalms 100:2

May your day be filled with evidence of God working through you.

May your words inspire others to loftier heights.

May your actions bring comfort and calm to family members and co-workers.

May your thoughts be inspired by Love.

May your day be filled with songs of gratitude and joy that bring praise to God and peace to your heart.

Feel free to “Come before his presence with singing.”

27 thoughts on “Serve with gladness”

  1. Thank you so much Evan – that is a lovely living prayer. I am going to substitute the word”you”
    for “my”, and try to live up to it continually. By continually singing praises to God either audibly
    or silently in our hearts, will help to express those qualities of Love.

    This follows on so beautifully with yesterday’s “positive” message, and the article
    about insisting on God’s Kingdom having come, is really very strong and inspiring.
    Thank you J. And thank you for everyone’s input yesterday – I read them later in the
    evening, and I found them all so helpful in what I am needing right now.

    1. Yes, McKenzzie – Perfect thoughts for the start of the day, throughout the
      entire day and A L L the way to the end of the day. Love leads the way.

  2. Oh, how delightful – the harmonious and comforting words of inspiration! Music
    and such soothing messages makes our soul happy. I would like to share a poem
    by S – West:

    “Laughter [Music] is a melody
    A concert from the heart
    A tickling by the angels
    Creative living art
    Laughter [Music] heals and comforts
    It’s sometimes gentle – – sometimes bold —
    Laughter is a freeing dance – – – –
    Performed within the soul”
    (I have added the word [music], which also applies.) A joyous day to you all!
    : )

    1. Thank you Angel! It`s a very lovely poem and helpful to wipe away mental clouds. Reading it, a thankful smile is darting over me! 🙂

  3. Thanks Sharon, for sharing the poem by David Driver. Many, many years ago I was in Boston visiting TMC when David Driver first arrived in this country and was able to attend a reception for him
    and meet him in person.

    1. I’m happy to hear that”! I was privileged to work at The Mother Church for a number of years and I got to meet Mr. Driver and his dear wife. They were so loving, kind, generous., friendly – definitely serving with gladness every day (as Evan’s post encourages),

  4. Thank you, Evan, for this. I was reminded of my over 40 years of being a Flight Attendant and “serving”. I was often in charge of domestic and international flights. After our crew briefing, I would close by saying to my crew, “Let’s be nice to the customers and have fun!” After reading your post, I reflected that being nice and having fun is showing gratitude/love and joy! Something that we can express every day!

  5. The sweet photo this morning is like a dear friend who works in her restaurant
    7 days a week, but always with a welcoming smile. Our communication is limited,
    but our love for each other shines through. Her warm friendliness and gladness to
    serve illuminates her spirit and I have often gone to patronize her business when
    needing a boost of spirit or to share a smile.

    The secret is not to chase butterflies,
    but to take care of the garden so they’ll come to you.

    1. Dear Carol, those last two lines that you have written are beautiful and inspiring.
      It reminds me that last summer on hot days, when I took my drink out into our
      beautiful garden, a red admiral butterfly would come and sit on me, and I was able to
      admire its beauty – God’s wonderful creatures delight us.

      1. That must have been so lovely, dear Maggie.. Thank you for sharing that.
        Actually I did not write those last two lines, but copied them down, as
        I often do, with inspirations like that, that I would like to remember.
        Sometimes I don’t know the author and should have written Author
        Unknown like this one, about God’s awesome wonderful work of art ….

        “Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly Beautiful they
        are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.”

  6. Thank you Evan and all. In Science and Health. 304 we read, Harmony is produced by its Principle, is controlled by it and abides with it.
    This is clear that we can always serve with gladness.

  7. Have you ever noticed a child’s face beaming when they are allowed to help out? Children do not see serving as a chore; service ( helping) is a joy, Being helpful is natural, unselfish, and pure. We, as children of God, are naturally attracted to do good and be of service to others and to our Father/Mother.

  8. Thank you dear God for a love filled day you gave me!
    Thank you dear Evan for your loving advices to serve God with gladness which blesses us all!♡

    Dear Evan and dear SpiritView friends, I am very grateful indeed, that I learned so much from all the uplifting spiritual views and all your inspired and inspiring comments and articles! I’m very happy it lead me to more spiritual progress! Lots of Love to all! ♡♡♡

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