Side with God and win

August 6, 2015 | 2 comments

“If God be for us, who can be against us?”

~ Romans 8:31, KJV

God doesn’t take human sides, like favoring one football team over another, for God is universal, impartial and unconditional Love. But God does side with the moral and the spiritual.

God sides with health. God sides with love. God sides with truth. God sides with life. God sides with all that is good and true.

So, when you side with all that is good and true, you are standing on the same side as God. And that is a very safe place to stand!

Evil would oppose God and deny God’s presence and power, but as Jesus Christ taught and demonstrated, evil is a liar and the father of all lies. Jesus overcame all evil, and left his example for us to benefit from and follow. We can overcome evil too, even if step by step, by standing with God.

God has the final say. God is the victor. Evil is doomed in the presence of God.

Stand on God’s side and win!

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2 thoughts on “Side with God and win”

  1. Evan has said it all and done. Demonstration is not limited to healing of disease only as falsely believed by many who practice CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. That attitude alone is limitation and one so very sneaky. AH! The wiles of mortal mind, satan or the body snatchers, doing every thing it can to destroy the only good there is which is GOD! But like JESUS said; “Get thee behind me Satin.”

  2. I’ve heard this Bible verse with a change in one word that makes the verse clearer to me. The paraphrased verse goes, “It God be for us, who can succeed against us?” Your comment on “If God be for us, who can be against us” is good insight and I think it agrees for both renderings.

    Please don’t ask me when or where I heard this paraphrase, for I can’t remember.

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