Silence self-condemnation

March 10, 2025 | 34 comments

“I can’t ever get it right.  I’m a mess-up.  Something is wrong with me” and other internal arguments that would make us feel bad about ourselves, are forms of self-condemnation many people contend with every day.  

If you struggle with self-condemnation, it’s time to shut that voice of evil down and walk away from it!  The messages are not coming from God, and they are not generated by you.  They are the product of what Christian Science labels, “malicious malpractice.” 

Malicious malpractice is evil thinking intended to break down good, to assassinate it.  Everyone faces it in different forms, and from different directions, but those who see it as a lie rather than as truth master it.  You can master it too!

God created you wholly good!  God created you intelligent, wise, able and capable.  You are filled with God’s goodness and the ability to demonstrate it.

Be wise to not let the carnal mind talk you out of being what God has created you to be.  You have a good life to be living, and God empowers you to live it.

You are not a mess-up.  You are a worthy, intelligent idea of God unfolding!  Trust the unfoldment to occur.  

Good is real.  Evil is not.  Side with good, and triumph over evil!

God never condemns you, only sin.  Sin is the evil one, not you.

Self-condemnation is a sin.  Love the competent spiritual individuality God gave you.  And thrive!

34 thoughts on “Silence self-condemnation”

  1. Thank you Evan for this today. Often we seem to fall in the “I’m not good enough or some other lie about our true identity as a child of God. We need to be aware of these thoughts and remove them immediately from our thoughts. Thank you for the wake-up call.

  2. This is really good , Evan ! It is such a subtle suggestion but . As you say. Comes to us all in some form or another – even in the false suggestion of lack ( of anything ) . It is just a world mesmerism trying to separate us from God’s ever-present goodness . Being alert to that suggestion and recognising it as only that – a suggestion – is so important . I have found this idea so helpful – thank you !

  3. One of our greatest weapons against self-condemnation are the powerful words of scripture.
    “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God how great is the sum of them.” Ps. 139:17
    How powerful to know only the truths God knows about us have substance or reality.

    1. Hi John. Love the passage you sighted. Have tried to contact you – but your phone number has changed. Please contact me. Kathi 916 261-8394

      1. I have questions about worthiness vs. deservednesss and grace, stemming from the parable of the prodigal son, particularly, Luke 15:21 21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’“
        All my life as a practicing Christian in the United Methodist Church, I was taught that, like the prodigal son, I am unworthy to be called God’s child, based on my unworthy deeds, words and thoughts , but that it is by God’s grace alone that I am redeemed and loved despite my many failings. I know MBE also speaks about grace and our need to understand our errors and to “put on the new man,” so I am wondering if Christian Science sees a difference between worthiness and deservedness. In other words, it seems to me that as offspring of God, we are always worthy of God’s grace, love and mercy, just as the parent in the parable provided his son. But it also seems that we are not always deserving, based on our attending to our own “passions” over the joy God has planned for us.
        Please help me to understand.
        Thank you. ~Amy

        1. Hi Amy,

          A sinful mortal is “unworthy to be called God’s child,” for God’s child is immortal. Christian Science is all about discovering our real selfhood with God, made in God’s image, that is sinless. In the Mind of God, you are sinless, here and now, an immortal, worthy of all of God’s goodness.

          The purpose of prayer is to wake up to spiritual reality, which iincludes putting off any sinful concept of man that may weigh down our perspective, and put on the new man, or spiritual man you mention, and claim our divine heritage. Here and now, on earth even! That’s when healing happens. Putting off the old for the new–putting off the sinful concept for the sinless ideal. With the help of Christ, it is possible.

          1. Thank you so much, Evan. I feel honored that you, yourself, would reply. Much to think about! With gratitude, Amy.

    2. Thank you Evan – this is just what I seem to have got
      myself tied up in right now, and your message is so strong and empowering. And thank you John, the quotation from Ps. 139 is SO helpful in this respect. . .

  4. Thank Evan, it is not what people think us, but what God knows is really important.
    All He knows that His children are good.
    Therfore, God would never condem His beloved child. Such a lie.

  5. Thank you Evan! Just what was needed this morning! You made me realise that l am already there – in God’s care and reality!

  6. I have found Jeremiah 29:11 to be a powerful antidote to self-condemnation. The moment I recognize those thoughts, immediately I turn to God and say, “I know the thoughts that you think towards me, Father… thoughts of peace, joy, health, individual expression, harmony, etc, and not of evil, to give me expected good!”. Then I recall in how it feels when I receive an angel thought: freeing, inspiring, uplifting, filling my consciousness with deep gratitude. The negative self talk vanishes.

    1. Jenny, thank you – this are also very helpful for me.
      Our true thoughts are only what God is imparting to us, and they are only good thoughts as you quote, which I must entertain about myself, and be calm and patient with myself.

      1. When faced with many problems ,and then we seem to have more added, I just now remember reading that there is only one problem, and that is the belief that there is another mind or life separate from God, and opposed to God. All
        the problems are included in this falsity – or malicious sinful suggestions – as Evan has explained so clearly and simply – so we have only one problem to face down. We can take in all Evan’s wonderful Truths, and John Qualtrough’s, and Jean’s above – and everyone’s inspired thoughts here. We can claim them as our
        own true thoughts, which they are, and hold to them constantly, until we feel peaceful, and find our freedom.. This
        is what I am doing. and expecting to see
        results. Our God is all good and loves us,
        and has made us to be free,

  7. Extremely inspiring, Evan, and so instructive in our daily practice of Christian Science and affirming our oneness with our heavenly Father-Mother God. Thank you ever so much.

  8. I love this pep talk about our True selves! Thank you Evan and Everyone for these
    uplifting thoughts. Sometimes we get down on ourselves thinking we are not good
    enough, or are not like others … younger, thinner, less wrinkles … whatever. But as a
    child of God, we ARE just as God made us .. perfect and a reflection of Love. All of
    the “should-be”s that the advertisements throw at us and constantly hold in front of
    us as being real, are just superficial, material falsities and not as to who we Really are.
    We are wonderful just as we are. Natural and wholly Good. A lovely reflection of
    our True identity … God/Love’s reflection..

  9. Thank you Evan. Your post today made me think of this paragraph from Science & Health:

    As named in Christian Science, animal magnetism or hypnotism is the specific term for error, or mortal mind. It is the false belief that mind is in matter, and is both evil and good; that evil is as real as
    good and more powerful. This belief has not one quality of Truth. It is either ignorant or malicious. The
    malicious form of hypnotism ultimates in moral idiocy.

    Whenever I’ve read that last sentence shown in the above paragraph, I’ve asked myself “to whom?” In other words, when I see the word “hypnotism” I think of two parties…the hypnotist and the person being hypnotized. So I wondered to which party does hypnotism result in moral idiocy…the person hypnotizing someone else for malicious purposes or the person being hypnotized and thereby controlled by the hypnotist to do evil things? I could see malicious hypnotism causing either party to fail to know good from evil (i.e., become moral idiots).

    There seems to be a lot of moral idiocy in society today. Politicians for example often seem to not know good from evil and therefore allow themselves to do evil things while perhaps thinking they are doing good. Those running companies whose only focus seems to be making the most money they can even if they have to exploit the workers of their companies or the people that buy the products the companies produce. Etc., etc. So it’s important that WE don’t fall into that same trap. Evan’s post today caused me to see this statement by Mrs. Eddy about malicious hypnotism in a new light and his comments make me think there are not necessarily two parties involved…but just one. Each individual needs to protect themselves from taking in malicious beliefs about themselves or beliefs that cause them to do evil to others. But if anyone has any light to shed on the sentence above about malicious hypnotism causing moral idiocy, I’d enjoy you sharing your thoughts because I feel I still have more to learn about what Mrs. Eddy meant when she wrote that sentence.

    You can read the above paragraph in context using the link below (there is an additional sentence at the end of the paragraph I didn’t copy above).

  10. This is such a wake up call for me today Evan…and we all do indeed ‘have a good life to be living ‘…
    So many good comments have been added here too. Thank you everyone.
    Especially this from John Q . “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God how great is the sum of them.” Ps. 139:17
    Blessings ❣️

  11. I’m used to the statement, “Self-justification is sin”. The sentence rebukes “my” thought each day and promotes me to nurture in others a protection that prevents them feeling provoked or tempted to be self-justifying. To do what I can to free me and them from the imagination reaction, “I’m right, they’re wrong” or “They’re right, I’m wrong” or “Everyone is wrong and stuck without hope.” A false sense of “self” or personal sense of anyone or a belief in mortals (good to bad) in time/space/matter is the sin in a belief opposed to or separate from God, infinite eternal perfection.

  12. Thanks to all. This is just what I needed. When I had more problems that I needed I was just handed another. I can’t face everything!

  13. Thank you, Evan. And thank you, everyone for the helpful and loving comments today. I came across this article from the February 8, 2016 CS Sentinel “Prayer: Relevant to Bible times and today” by Judy Olson. In the article, she writes, “The problem is too big for me; I’m not experienced enough for this.” And then through relating Biblical experiences, she shows the reader that challenges back then are not so different from today’s and that it isn’t so much “what we don’t know, as what we do know” that counts toward healing.

  14. I was looking ..back..into an old prescription for anti-depressants..last night, and rad reviews on the so-called benefits.. and looking at the happy face behind the article..
    the re-gained enthusiasm, feeling energized, self worthy.. and on..that insomnia.. to some is evened out..
    With Mrs Eddy, so much that’s become understandable as Spiritual Substance seems a No-Brainer.. All is Mind and Minds Ideas are brilliant.
    Thank God, is because the only Answer.. LOVE, naturally engaging with Christ within, God , the best buddy in ones back pocket..Without having any wish to back step to the mortal alliance – reliance on drugs..or Spirits, otherwise called alcohol..and seeing the newspapers more as the Funny Papers…
    To embrace the Truth and with SpiritViewers, thanks to Evan, the world .. non Geographical: politics, One Omnipotent Leader, Peace is Infinite.
    Now, All ways, Right On…gratitude …Love has Landed The only step for Man-Kind
    How often was Jesus …..,Sleep deprived? We rest Beneath Gods wing ..

  15. What a plethora of wonderful ideas, comments, articles and Everything
    here today. I think sometimes we think we are the only ones who have
    challenges, and it is so good to know that we are not alone in dealing with
    and conquering issues that are not to our liking. Dear Cheryl, your article
    about prayer being relevant today, as it was years ago, was great, as
    were the other articles, as well. Sometimes it would seem that years ago,
    the problems were not as demanding or problematic or difficult as they
    seem to be today, especially with world Peace, but issues that arise are/were
    triumphant with the persistence and understanding of what is really Reality.
    Thank you All. Love to each of you, for being here and for the inspirations.

  16. I have questions about worthiness vs. deservednesss and grace, stemming from the parable of the prodigal son, particularly, Luke 15:21 21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’“
    All my life as a practicing Christian in the United Methodist Church, I was taught that, like the prodigal son, I am unworthy to be called God’s child, based on my unworthy deeds, words and thoughts , but that it is by God’s grace alone that I am redeemed and loved despite my many failings. I know MBE also speaks about grace and our need to understand our errors and to “put on the new man,” so I am wondering if Christian Science sees a difference between worthiness and deservedness. In other words, it seems to me that as offspring of God, we are always worthy of God’s grace, love and mercy, just as the parent in the parable provided his son. But it also seems that we are not always deserving, based on our attending to our own “passions” over the joy God has planned for us.
    Please help me to understand.
    Thank you. ~Amy

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