Sit with God and be productive

June 2, 2020 | 25 comments

Are you sitting around, idling time away, and wishing you could be doing something more worthwhile and productive? Then sit no more. You can make a choice to be active now!

It’s not where your body is sitting that is the determining factor as to how active you are, but what your thought is doing. An actively employed thought translates into an actively engaged life and brings results to show for the effort.

In my early years, when I worked on the family farm, I couldn’t imagine sitting at a desk all day for a job. I figured it would kill me. My sense of activity was buzzing around the farm all day irrigating the crops, fixing broken equipment, and tending to plants and trees. There was hardly an idle moment, ever. But later, when I went into the full-time practice of Christian Science, I found myself sitting at a desk all day long. It did not kill me! In fact, it thrilled me. I was able to get my thought settled down with Truth and Love and be more productive than ever.

Today, I frequently sit in a chair for hours straight without getting up and feel like it was 15 minutes. My thought is so engaged with loving God, helping others, and praying for a deeper understanding of Truth, that time becomes as nothing. It’s experiencing a degree of eternity. I call it “sitting with God,” and it’s a continually active, engaged, fulfilling employment like none other.

If you feel like you’re sitting around wasting time, you can change that by getting your thought employed with useful spiritual ways of thinking. There is always some grand problem to solve, answer to seek, or person to help. God has an answer! Sit no more. Seek out that answer and be productive.

25 thoughts on “Sit with God and be productive”

  1. Evan I love this idea, to be present with the lord is our highest behest. Thank you for your example to us all. God has blessed everyone!

  2. Thank you Evan! I am just up and will sit with God and studying our wonderfully inspirational and healing weekly lesson sermon on “God the only cause and the only creator”. Afterwards praying for God`s guidance for the next steps. Am grateful for Christian Science teaching us our real life and individuality!

  3. Thank you for this inspiring message. “I will listen for thy voice ,all the rugged way.” Listening and studying has been a great help in my life. So grateful for your messages each day.

  4. Thank you Evan! I sat with God, all day yesterday. He sent an angel my way, which I am/was so grateful for! So grateful for the Bible and Science and Health. I start off my mornings everyday with these two books. It’s made a big change in my life!

  5. This is such an adorable, calming, healing image… humble folk the world over, sitting, listening, waiting on God, doing His will so patiently, and obediently…Thank you all !!

  6. After I went to my first Sunday school session my Mother asked me what I had learnt_ ( I was about 5 at the time). Apparently I replied..’ Sit down..sit down..sit down!’…my Mother then said ‘ you were supposed to sit down and listen!’.. my heavenly parent is still saying the same thing. These days I am much more obedient and so grateful for Gods guidance. Have a lovely day everyone.❣️

  7. Very PRECIOUS Guidance!!! Thank you for example, dear Evan, and your comments, Fellow Spirit Viewers!!!

  8. Thank you Evan. I often sit down and say to myself ” now I’ve got to be more productive” but thats as far as it gets!! Now I realize I’ve got to really listen and be more obedient…..listen to those angel messages that tell me exactly what to do. I loved this blog. Thanks again.

  9. As I continue to organize, everything coming out of my bedroom for remodeling, I opened the Best of Norman Rockwell’s paintings and stopped at THE PROBLEM WE ALL LIVE WITH (oil on canvas). An innocent young African-American girl, Ruby Bridges, is being escorted by four white men wearing arm bands: Deputy US Marshall, into an all white elementary school. Splattered on the wall are bits of a tomato that were thrown, as Ruby walked past, untouched. Ruby walks confident, secure. This is how all people should walk. Every single one of us must stand up to the blatant wrongs of racism that is seeming to blanket this country, just as the virus tries to continue.

    In my Christian Science nurse’s training, we covered the Church Manual by Mary B. Eddy applying each By-Law to and how each one of us lived them. One of my very favorites is within the By-Law Practitioners and Patients. Sect. 22. “A Christian Scientist is a humanitarian; he is benevolent, forgiving, long-suffering, and seeks to overcome evil with good.”

    Early this morning, was an email sending a message to the students of the San Diego College system, regarding the recent national events of racism accompanied by much pain and sadness. Within that message were two quotes:

    “We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
    —–Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King,, Jr.

    “”I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I’m changing the things I cannot accept.”
    —— Angela Davis

    Thank you Evan for addressing how we can use this time to sit with God and be productive.
    Our dear leader, Mary B. Eddy, shows us the example of community activism.

  10. This is absolutely great Evan! I love this idea of “sitting with God” as I constantly feel weirdly guilty about most days spending at least 6 -7 hours a day at my computer but I am doing CS reading or writing for almost all of that time. Now I will stop feeling guilty about it ! I also have worried that I am not getting any exercise at all and everyone keeps telling me I MUST get exercise and that seems sensible, but before I know it the whole day is gone, but I have learned a lot, read a lot, communicated somewhat in an effort to help various people…but ACTUALLY I have been “sitting with God”!

  11. Jo, thank you for reminding us of the Norman Rockwell painting of Ruby Bridges.. it has always been a favorite of mine as it speaks to me of finding the calm in the storm… and at the same time not being indifferent but moving forward through ignorance and hate..
    This is a time for Christian thinkers to move forward and demonstrate authentic Christianity “aflame with divine Love.”
    And Evan thanks for sharing your way of learning how to move forward and loving ever movement..

  12. Well presented, prayer is desire, and prayer is action. Sitting and listening, studying and applying healing Truth is perhaps the journey of eternity. We’re very grateful to know that sitting materially is a good situation for Mind’s activity.
    Thank you for today’s lesson on Mind’s activity.

  13. Every body says sit down sit down
    I can’t sit down lcant sit down
    My feet are full of Dance. Around!

  14. As students of Christian Science we learn how effective prayer is and what a difference “sitting with God” can make on the human scene. We can be first responders to the calamities of the world, helping to elevate human consciousness, by knowing the Love, Wisdom, Truth and Justice that belong to God’s Kingdom of Heaven. What a privilege and a joy to “sit with God”. Thank you Evan and all SV contributors for daily inspiration. You are all mentors on my spiritual path. So grateful!

  15. Thanks Jo for those two quotes. Silence isn’t always golden. I was very timid growing up, yet when in high school had the courage to stand up and correct a teacher, who through ignorance, had wrongly criticized another student. She asked me to stay after class. When I explained the situation with student she had criticized, she in tears thanked me very sincerely. I like what Christ Jesus said that it’s not what goes into the mouth, but what comes out of it that defileth.

    1. Your contribution today Lori, makes me realize how confidence can be exhibited, in ways which require grace, and poise, as well as compassion, and just plain Love in action. Growing in ways to exhibit those qualities daily, and in multiple situations, some fly by and other situations really call us out to exhibit the Christ healing message to the rest of the world.. I’m taking this call to sit down, and think fast, but walk slow.
      TY all for this huge lift up today.

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