Do Something Worthwhile

March 17, 2014 | 8 comments

“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”

~ Henry David Thoreau

Many people stay busy. But are they busy doing something that gets them to a better place?

Are you busy doing something worthwhile? Or do you keep spinning your wheels at a standstill, repeating the same actions with no progress to report?

If so, it’s time for some healthy honest self-examination and improved goal setting.

Life is meant to be progressive. Every day should be an expansive experience of God’s infinite goodness.

Move forward today!

8 thoughts on “Do Something Worthwhile”

  1. How true Evan. We need to check our course and move in the right direction. Otherwise our life without a worthwhile purpose, is a waste. So friends lets pause and see where we are going. This reminds me of a citation from Science and Healthwith key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy. “Working and praying with true motives, your father will open up the way.” Thanks Evan for lovely insights and inspirations.

  2. I have been thinking ” what am I doing that is moving me closer to God” and then you post this.
    I know it’s about changing what I focus on so Thank You for giving my goal moving to where I need to be.

  3. I am truly trying to do constructive work, but I am being interrupted by mortal mind at every turn. It’s exasperating. This is where I need my fellow C/S help. Any one out there to give me a hand. Ask Evan for my e-mail address. I can sure use the help.

  4. Oh yes. I’ve sure spent many years being “busy,” and yes, often questioning just
    what really have I “accomplished?” Now I am recognizing that, all the while, in all my tasks and lively “human” activity, I have always been expressing God, that I’ve never been a human-struggling-to-get-closer-to-God, but have always been in His care, close and secure in all ways. This is the truth that I now am seeking more diligently to know.

    “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” the Master Christian said.
    Free of the belief that you have ever been held captive by the belief in separation
    from Good! This interpretation/spiritual idea helps me a LOT!


  5. Yes, I have spent a lot of time spinning my wheels and staying at a standstill. Making no progress forward but going backward.
    Thank you for your loving push.

  6. Thanks, Evan, for the reminder. Far too often I take care of material/worldly responsibilities and leave the praying to when I have more time. I must see myself more as God’s child, already bathed in Love dutifully reflecting Spirit. This will help me accomplish what needs to be done in life and give me plenty of time and opportunity to express Truth.

  7. Yes, we need to be busy about God’s work, by keeping our thoughts positive and sharing our love with all, especially our family ties. I think Tobias is a well adjusted Christian Scientist and his daily comments are filled with love and caring It is a pleasure to read his comments.

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