“…this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”
Sow and reap bountifully
April 2, 2018 | 16 comments

Thank you. In a life if giving as a Christian Science caregiver, my return has been tenfold to my dedication and compassion to my patients. These words written above declare the reason for my abundance. GRATITUDE is mine.
Thank you. In a life of giving as a Christian Science caregiver, my return has been tenfold to my dedication and compassion to my patients. These words written above declare the reason for my abundance. GRATITUDE is mine.
The picture says it all – you can FEEL the love and cheerfulness of this dear child with his lovely bouquet for someone dear to him! Nothing grudging about that.
Where do you find these so-appropriate pictures, Evan?
Thank you, Evan.
My Mum encouraged giving.
She would say “The more you give, the more you get.”
No, we don’t give to get. We give because we love giving.
Divine Love is indeed a “cheerful giver” … this Mind which is All and in which we live, move and have our being is neither circumscribed nor measured by matter … “Thou treadest undefiled
In Christly paths apart.” So grateful for “our” Home/Mind filled with Love’s bounty.
The key is gratitude. Thank you Evan – a great reminder!
Thanks. Makes me think of church-life prayers, for it all begins in thought — just how bounteous are our thoughts about our neighbors?
The chapter Fruitage in Science and Health is full of instances of acquaintances, relatives, neighbors even strangers abounding with so much love and sympathy for others in need that they made sure the sufferer knew the power of truth in the book. I think that chapter speaks a lot more to the sharer of the book than the reader, if we really think about it. It’s giving us the salt to be shared, the light to shine. Just because there were birds, rocks and distractions, didn’t mean there wasn’t abundant good soil. What greater love for our neighbors than that sowing of the WORD?
Last week’s Responsive Reading reminds us all how hungry, naked, imprisoned, unhappy we would all feel without Science and Health, its key to the Scriptures. How blessed are those who share it and insist on its blessing!
How true Diane, thank you so much for your very good and wise words!
Thank you very much Evan for that so cheerful lovely picture that says “thanks and I love you” to everybody!
We reflect the love that comes from Divine Love, and nothing can stop us from expressing it. We need not fear what someone’s response will be. We can still keep loving. MBE says, “Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return.” (S&H 57) Love in our hearts is what is important—and we will feel the love of God always.
What a lovely message.. Give out of love, from the heart, willingly, gracefully and without any strings attached. God loves a cheerful giver.
I am reminded of the Bible story where the woman gives away everything that she has in charity. What a wonderful example of generosity. We need to imbibe her good nature.
The MOTIVE behind giving is extremely important. If given something with a selfish motive of earning blessings in return or for any such selfish motive, is a total waste. When the GIVER gives out of compassion and love, then the motive is pure and acceptable to God.
“Giving never impoverishes us nor does withholding enrich us in the service of our Maker”
Giving need not always be in terms of money, gold or silver. We can also give moral support to a friend in need, education to the underprivileged, company to a lonely neighbor, extending a helping hand to our seniors, kind words and smiles to everyone, prayers for the world at large.
What a lovely message Evan. Give out of love, from the heart, willingly, gracefully and without any strings attached. God loves a cheerful giver.
I am reminded of the Bible story where the woman gives away everything that she has in charity. What a wonderful example of generosity. We need to imbibe her good nature.
The MOTIVE behind giving is extremely important. If given something with a selfish motive of earning blessings in return or for any such selfish motive, is a total waste. When the GIVER gives out of compassion and love, then the motive is pure and acceptable to God.
“Giving never impoverishes us nor does withholding enrich us in the service of our Maker”
Giving need not always be in terms of money, gold or silver. We can also give moral support to a friend in need, education to the underprivileged, company to a lonely neighbor, extending a helping hand to our seniors, kind words and smiles to everyone, prayers for the world at large.
One most important thing which we can sow and reap bountifully is FORGIVENESS.
In fact the most difficult and the most essential thing to GIVE, IS ‘FOR-GIVENESS’
Because unless and until we forgive others, we too will not be forgiven by the heavenly father,”FORGIVENESS BEGETS FORGIVENESS.
In our daily walk of life, we make mistakes and seek God’s forgiveness. But have we cared to forgive those who seek our forgiveness? Remember the Bible story where the servant who is forgiven of all his debts, but does not forgive his own servant of a small amount??? God sees everything and this UNFORGIVING SERVANT too does not get forgiveness.
We only stand to gain by FORGIVING. In addition to God’s forgiveness, we also get abundant peace, happiness, prosperity and good health by FORGIVING FROM THE HEART.
Thank you Nergish for your very true and inspiring two comments.
To “Giving” I comment, that one says “giving is more rewarding than to receive.” I experienced that that is true.
Yes, it is awfully important to forgive our seeming deptors, although it is not always easy. But we are not alone, God and His Christ is with us!
Oh, I got the following thought, i.e. that actually there is nothing to forgive, because God is all and God is Love. And we pray in the Lord`s Prayer: and forgive us our depts as we forgive our deptors – and Love is reflected in love – so every seeming dept is resolved in divine Love – how comforting!
Am so grateful for this wonderful Science of Christ!
I do believe the picture is “little Evan” giving us all a bouquet of flowers. Thanks!
So true Charla, I too believe the picture is “little Evan” giving us all a bouquet of flowers.
Giving does not need to cost anything. A homeless person could also pick a small bouquet of flowers to give to someone. Give something from a skill you have.
After the depression my mom and dad were dirt poor (like a lot of others at that time) but daddy used baking skills he learned after getting home from Spanish-American War in the Philippines in 1898 (he was 65 when I was born-2nd wife) – that small pension was only steady income. No matter how little we had he made 3 Lemon Meringue pies for Easter, 3 Pumpkin Pies for Thanksgiving and 3 Mincemeat Pies for Christmas to give to the Post Mistress & mailman (our town only had 350 people & she hired him to hang mail for mail trains and pick up bags of mail they threw off) and close friend of theirs. HE ALWAYS STRESSED GIVING FROM THE HEART WITH NO THOUGHT OF RECEIVING.