Spread peace

December 2, 2022 | 25 comments

In the true spirit of Christmas, be sure to spread peace wherever you go and in whatever you do this holiday season.

When the birth of Jesus Christ was announced by heavenly hosts, the message came loud and clear, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14).

We honor the coming of Christ by the peace and love we show our neighbors.

For better results, we can cease from the strain and stress of material sense and let the peace and love of spiritual sense flow in its place.

As we spread peace, and not tension, this season, we participate in the true meaning of Christmas, and our experience is much improved.

25 thoughts on “Spread peace”

  1. Beautiful Evan…and I love the dove with snowflake wings in the picture. A simple illustration of what Christmas is truly about which should appeal even to the so called ‘unbelievers’ of this world…a gentle reminder methinks …
    Can I also say that I Love the fact that in all your blogs Evan , whatever the point/truth underlined , you always say IS and not WILL BE.! How can any law of God not be present right now, for a law just IS.
    So, my prayer is for the peace that truly is , to be manifested throughout the world.
    Blessings to all❣️

      1. Hi David….thank you for your prayers …, and your numerous helpful comments on SV.!
        I’ve just felt recently that whatever is bombarding us newswise these days , it is imperative to begin with the fact that we are all brethren , living in peace and harmony in the truth that is Gods abundant Love for his/her children❣️

  2. Good Morning! Thank you for your focus today.
    We are surrounded by Angels. We only have to look for and encourage the spiritual qualities of everyone we meet day to day to entertain that expression of peace.
    Yes, sometimes we will be challenged by someone with a darkness about them. I find Love is the “universal solvent” and with that the darkness is illumined!
    Spread “PEACE and GOODWILL” toward man this holiday season! It surely will return unto you in magnified blessings! Lovingkindness always.

  3. I’ve got peace like a river

    Beautiful words.

    I’ve got peace like a river
    I’ve got peace like a river in my soul
    I’ve got peace like a river
    I’ve got peace like a river
    I’ve got peace like a river in my soul
    I’ve got love like an ocean
    I’ve got love like an ocean
    I’ve got love like an ocean in my soul
    I’ve got love like an ocean
    I’ve got love like an ocean
    I’ve got love like an ocean in my soul
    I’ve got joy like a fountain
    I’ve got joy like a fountain
    I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul
    I’ve got joy like a fountain
    I’ve got joy like a fountain
    I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul
    I’ve got peace, love and joy like a river
    I’ve got peace, love and joy like a river
    I’ve got peace, love and joy like a river in my soul
    I’ve got peace, love and joy like a river
    I’ve got peace, love and joy like a river
    I’ve got peace, love and joy like a river in my soul


  4. I like this passage by Mrs. Eddy…
    “The basis of Christmas is the rock, Christ Jesus; its fruits are inspiration and spiritual understanding of joy and rejoicing, — not because of tradition, usage, or corporeal pleasures, but because of fundamental and demonstrable truth, because of the heaven within us. The basis of Christmas is love loving its enemies, returning good for evil, love that “suffereth long, and is kind.” The true spirit of Christmas elevates medicine to Mind; it casts out evils, heals the sick, raises the dormant faculties, appeals to all conditions, and supplies every need of man. It leaves hygiene, medicine, ethics, and religion to God and His Christ, to that which is the Way, in word and in deed, — the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
    ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellany, p. 260

  5. Thanks Evan for this lovely spiritual image of a peacedove with wings of tender snowflake stars!
    And Luke 2:14 says all needed for Christmas among all mankind. The coming of Christ actually is every single moment, and so the spirit of this Bible verse is valid everytime.
    Evan, you said in one of your precious lectures that the Christ is always with us all, we are never alone. So nobody must feel alone on Christmas as well. Christ is there!

    Ted, thank you for the passage by Mrs. Eddy from Miscellany, p. 260. I love that very much, specially the sentences “The true spirit of Christmas elevates medicine to Mind, it leaves hygiene, medicine, ethics and religion to God and His Christ …” It is very comforting and healing!
    A lovely and peaceful weekend to all. Here in Germany we celebrate the second weekend of the coming of the Christ, called ADVENT. And on a pretty wreath we light the second of 4 candles.

  6. The Prophet or The Peacemaker was helped by Aionwatha, more commonly known as Hiawatha, in teaching and persuading millions of people to live The Great Law of Peace, in the oldest and longest known continuous universally participating consensus democracy.

  7. Thanks Evan, your message coincides with things I’ve been thinking about a lot in the past couple of weeks. I work part-time at a large and well known department store and of course the holiday music is playing throughout the building (which I usually enjoy), the “sales” and incentives to Buy, Buy, Buy, Consume, Consume, came earlier than ever and are prevalent.

    I usually feel in the fun spirit and try to de-emphasize the crass commercialism. Rather focusing mainly on my wonderful customers from all over the world and locally, and try to give them the best experience. But this year I’ve been having repeated cynical thoughts that all the fuss and hoopla is pointless and arbitrary — to say that we should have this one special “most wonderful time of year” to be kind and loving and spend lots of money on gifts and be extra nice, which implies that the rest of the time we can kind of let these things slide. Or that if we don’t participate in lots of festivities for the holidays and New Year’s that there is something wrong with us. Lots of erroneous thinking out there. I don’t want to be affected and feel cynical so I am praying to be shown the right line of spiritual thought over these next weeks.

    1. dear Rose, I would like to give you as comfort just this Truth which shall wrap you tight in peace and Love – GOD is ALL –
      Much love to you!♡

      1. Thank you very much dear Uta, for words so simple and so true, and I felt the love coming from you, which means a lot to me.

        1. yes Rose, the love comes from my heart to you.!
          I love to read your comments, dear Rose!

          And what M says, I will watch that fun video you sent us the link to, thanks very much!

          Happy weekend!!!

    2. Thank you for sharing so freely your concerns over the commercial hype of Christmas. I too am dealing with these thoughts. It helps me to know that God’s great Love and joy is so wonderful and ever present that it cannot be hidden.

  8. This brings back childhood memories of trying to spread peace and love as a very young CS kid while the Vietnam war was raging.

    On my little transistor radio in 1970, I heard the song by Canned Heat “Lets Work Together”. The message is universal, but I took it personally. My mother was always asking me if I read the lesson, or “did my work” for the day…

    What I heard was a clarion-call to CS kids to get together mentally and do some collective work, and contribute to the atmosphere of love. Or at the very least, put a smile on some unknown person’s face who could surely use one.

    It may sound like noise or dated, but the message is just as strong for me today as it was back then!

  9. Thank you for this wonderful reminder for this holiday season & also for every single day in general. Much love!

  10. Thank you. My Dad once preached a Christmas eve sermon entitled “The Christmas Rush”. Right now officially ends my Christmas rush and I will enjoy the peace…………….

  11. I thought, how can I spread peace if I don’t go to a place? But you go there in thought! was what came immediately. So I visited two places that I had just heard arguments about. The coasts of this country and the interior “fly over” zone. So divided they said. We are supposed to love others as ourselves. So I put myself on the coast. I want to be healthy. Does that change when I move to the interior of the country? No. I want to have a safe and peaceful home. Does that change if I move? No. I want my community to be safe and peaceful, and full of good will to all. That doesn’t change. I want meaningful activity in either place. We are united by our desire for good and God alone provides it–to the millions in the city as well as the lone farmer on a tractor plowing his field. God is there. Peace is there. No divisions. We are united in one Spirit. God rules the coasts and the heartland. Peace rules our country. The rule of universal harmony rules our world.

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