Stick with what is right, even when in the minority

June 18, 2019 | 19 comments

“Right is right even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it.”

~ Unknown

19 thoughts on “Stick with what is right, even when in the minority”

  1. This is so true. Thank you for re-emphasising it. We will probably all at some point find ourselves being required to stick with what is right and true, our highest understanding of what is good under the circumstances, even when it seems as if all around are disagreeing. We must always agree with God. “Forsake those that love thee, but never the right” as hymn 18 says. The Hymnal Notes says Mrs Eddy wrote a note about this hymn, ‘Sing often in The Mother Church.’

  2. Helpful. Have been down about church growth and seemingly no outreach results. What we have in CA is right and good. We must stick with this idea.

    1. Definitely, and what we have in CS is infinite, universal and unopposed. God unfolds it and Christ is the outreach. The kingdom of God is ‘within us’ rather than ‘out there’. We cannot be deprived of our joy.

    1. Great correction, “CS”! Spiritual laws supports us all, even when we don’t know all there is available to know, rights under God’s law, are present. Saw evidence of this yesterday, when my son was falsely accused, the matter was resolved with the above Truth.

  3. I learned this valuable lesson in the third grade. Our teacher gave us a column of 100 numbers to add up. I was sitting in the middle of the class and it took me about 20 minutes to atdd up the numbers. As I was working on this I heard a lot of whispering, but I was determined to not cheat. As the teacher went around the class to hear the answers, everyone to the left of me had the same answer and everyone to right of me also had the same answer but a different answer. Neither side agreed with my answer. When the teacher had gone through the entire class she turned to me and asked if I would like to recalculated my answer since it did not agree with any of the others. I responded that I was sticking with my answer (I did not want to add up all those numbers again!). She then asked me to stand up. “You have the only correct answer in the class.” It never bothered me to be different after that lesson.

  4. Thank you Evan for your selfless spiritual work for us all. Yesterday, I worked with your inspiring message of telling mortal mind to bug off. I am listening to God and I am in charge. When I went to bed last night I wasn’t thinking about a material problem I have later in the week. Then when I awoke this morning, my first thoughts were from this weeks lesson, “From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord’s name is to be praised”. Therefore, I am singing praises.

  5. Thanks so much, Loreen, for sharing your experience in 3rd grade. A wonderful lesson to be remembered!

  6. Thanks Evan and All! Loreen’s comment and the blog from yesterday reminded me of a story my Christian Science Teacher told during class. She told a story about a little boy (Billy) in grade school. The teacher gave Billy a math equation to solve and so Billy applied the rules of math and came up with the answer. The teacher then gave Billy a stern look and said “Billy, I want you to try again!” Billy was sure his answer was correct, but nevertheless he obediently re-worked the equation and and came up with the same answer and told the teacher. At this point the teacher acted very upset and again told Billy to “try again”. And again, Billy did what he was told and came up with the same answer. At that point the teacher smiled and said, “You’re right Billy. But I just wanted to make sure you really knew the answer!”

    My CS teacher used this story to illustrate that we need to be consistent when applying the knowledge and laws of God to ensure we don’t just “try once” and then quickly doubt the truth if we don’t see immediate evidence of our prayers. I think she also told us this story so we would be prepared that sometimes after giving a CS treatment, suggestions may again come to us that challenge us to believe in some error. If that happens, we can be like Billy (and Loreen!) and keep applying and mentally responding with the truth about God and God’s creation until the erroneous suggestions give up and are forever silenced.

  7. Agree only the right ideas have right of way; the wheat will bloom to sure harvest and the illusion of seeing the tares never really hinder or touch the wheat. But we can be kind in handling our illusion of belief the tares is there and forgive human errors as having no effect on good that we have been bestowed to flourish. No fear for God’s loving law of adjustment is in action as well as no consequence of. penalty to suffer as error is only a belief of human mind need a mediator/medium and that the Divine Mind is limited in intelligence and Love. S & H pg 503:15-17

  8. What is right? That what expresses God’s quality of righteouness and goodness which blesses all, even when others are against it, as Evan says.
    Thank you Evan, for these simple words causing such an interesting resonance!

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