Strive for a pure and perfect consciousness of God

July 25, 2024 | 22 comments

A consciousness of God heals suffering, because in a consciousness of God there is no suffering.

22 thoughts on “Strive for a pure and perfect consciousness of God”

  1. Spot on❣️ current ‘news’ in America is requiring me to heed Isaiah’s words. ¶ Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10). Thank you.

    1. Patty thank you for this verse from Isaiah, it helps us keep our thoughts where they need to be, centered on God and His constant care.

      Evan thank you for, “A consciousness of God heals suffering.” I have been feeling mesmerized by the belief of suffering and after effects from the intense month (May-June) of criminal Grand Jury service I participated in, which I had mentioned a bit about here on SV,

      I was trying to figure out why I was having seeming anxiety and dark, despairing thoughts recently and mortal mind claims it is caused by that recent experience of being bombarded daily for 4 weeks with graphic crime details, evidence, videos, witnesses etc.. I then read about something called jurors trauma or secondary trauma, similar to PTSD; and mortal mind went spiraling out thinking about the information and symptoms mentioned in the things I was reading.

      Mrs. Eddy stated that, “Whatever it is your duty to do, you can do without harm to yourself.” It was my duty to be there and I was praying a lot for myself and the other jurors at the time. I am knowing that God was with me and the other jurors then and now, taking tender care of us. God is our Mind, the only Mind.

      I am struggling to get clarity and peace about this. Would love the prayers and insight from this wonderful community of Light. Thank you so much.

      1. Perhaps trying to substitute a belief in the information and symptoms that you
        saw or experienced with the crime details, sweet Rose – you might come up
        with an acronym of GOOD that you can turn to/counteract with – whenever these challenges try to steal your peace. One I just came up with that you may find
        helpful is – ptsd (and I didn’t capitalize the letters because it is another form of
        mortal mind trying to control Your thought), but only has power if you give it
        power … POWERFUL TRUTH STANDS DOWN error .. or perhaps
        POWERFUL TRUTH STARES DOWN erroronious belief. Others may come up
        with other substitutes to replace what appears to be disharmony in thought. I
        hope you find this helpful.

      2. Hi Rose
        When I read your comment above it came to me that whilst doing your duty to the law of your country , you were never disconnected from the divine law of God. Your material experience is completed and passed… but that law of God is still there, now , forever being expressed by yourself . It is the protection of perfection…….sending Love.B.x

  2. For me the key word is “pure”. To keep my thought in rapport with goodness and love I must love the good in life and have the discipline to tune out the opposite. This is certainly no part time activity. Critical and negative thoughts must be seen as an imposition on my reflection of the divine Mind. It’s a tall order but it is essential if I am to find the harmony of being in absolute rapport with God and Her goodness.

  3. Thank you, Evan! This thought immediately called to mind the last line of Psalm 23 as elucidated by Mary Baker Eddy,
    “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house (the consciousness) of (LOVE) for ever.”
    Science and Health pg 578:16-18

  4. Thank you, Evan, and all. I have just been reading “A Colloquy” in Unity of Good,
    from Mrs. Eddy’s writings that I have been working with, in trying to understand more
    how she describes consciousness and in .. the conversation between “Good” and “evil”.
    evil writes, “I am a finite consciousness, a material individuality, a mind in matter, which
    is both evil and good.” But Good writes, “……. There is no material substance, for Spirit
    is all that endureth, and hence is the only substance. There is, can be, no evil mind,
    because Mind is God. God and His ideas – that is, God and the universe – constitute
    all that exists. Man, as God’s offspring, must be spiritual, perfect, eternal.”
    I am a work in progress in trying to understand this. I think we all are striving for this
    knowledge and as MBE writes in S&H pg 578, PSALM XXIII, “Surely goodness and mercy
    shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house [the consciousness]
    of [LOVE] for ever”. That is a lovely place to strive for and be.

  5. To answer Rose, your presence at the New York Court brought to light LOVE. Not hate. Truth not corrupt lies. Spiritual sense to a defendant who defied the LAW of GOD. Your presence, witnessing the unraveling of a depraved person brought out what GOD needed you to do, so HE was your constant companion. Your service was needed, you were there to provide the presence of the pure sense of GOD. Now it has ended. Time to move on toward God following HIS direction. Thank you for being there, present, able to serve at a critical moment.

  6. Also to Rose, I have found that when dark thoughts of any kind, or mortal arguments, or negative suggestions try to govern my consciousnes, it has been very helpful to yell, “SHUT UP!” Then I follow it with “Get thee behind me Satan,” as Jesus said. It might be a mental yell, but a forceful one, knowing that those dark mental images have no reality, no place, no business in my being. You have God-given dominion, dear Rose, as do we all. Much love and gratitude to Evan and all.

  7. Thank you so very much to my dear SV community for your kind, wise, inspired and uplifting thoughts. I feel the prayers and care, it is a lovely feeling. I will read each comment in more depth this evening but in the meantime please know how much I appreciate all of you, sending lots of love back to each of you…..

  8. Thank you very much , dear “J” for these 2 articles by Bicknell Young. They are inspiring with very helpful spiritual truths! The second article one can listen to.

    Thanks so very much, dear Evan for this topic today. Very comforting is what some SV friends here already stated, namely the last passage of the 23rd Psalm in Mrs. Eddy’s spiritual version from the textbook!
    I will pray to understand better what I learned in CS, that God i s our perfect conciousness, because God, divine Love is the only conciousness there is and which heals suffering., so needed. ❤️

    1. Dear Evan, I am very thankful for your healing and loving inspirations given us with your uplifting SpiritView Blog!♡

  9. Dear Rose, I think it all comes down to what are we believing is true? The pictures,
    videos that you saw or descriptions you heard from witnesses are all relying on the
    physical senses and we know they can be deceiving. Like in a dream or in a movie
    or play, they may appear to be real and aimed at your thinking, to have you experience
    thoughts that react to them, but are they really Real, as seen through a spiritual lens?
    Just like a shadow appears to be on a wall, we can scrub at it, trying to clean it off, or
    like train tracks or a road appears to converge and disappear, it is only our limited way
    of looking at it, that can not see it for what it is – a false image. Not the Truth, the way
    God sees it or us. If we believe in matter, that there can be illusions that affect our thought,
    then we will also be led to believe in any sort of falsity of the five sense’s projections,
    including pain or limitations – none of which is real in God’s Spiritual viewpoint.
    In a near death “accident” I seemed to have had when my car was totaled and undriveable,
    it seemed very surreal at the time. I just wanted to get back in the car and drive away.
    I had been on my way to a church service at the time and my thought was in a heavenly
    place and it just seemed so wrong to believe in it happening. The other driver nor I were
    hurt and actually I ended up with a better car from her insurance and my adding a bit to it.
    It might be helpful if you try to erase these mental pictures from thought and try to see
    them as just a way of an error trying to steal your peace and harmony and like you had
    written – God’s tender care is with you and can not harm you in any way. Lots of love to you!

  10. Thank you,J, for the two gems by Bicknell Young! I always find his writings clear, concise, and so logical.

    “Spiritual sense is a conscious, constant capacity to understand God.” MBE S&H 209:31. It is so comforting to know that spiritual sense is a present possibility!

    1. Yes, thanks dear Joyce. I also love that passage p. 203:31 from SH by MBE very much! And as God’s loved child spiritual sense is built into us which we constantly reflect through prayer and study of CS to God’s glory♡

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