Strive for spiritual outcomes

January 18, 2018 | 16 comments

What is on your to-do list today?

Perhaps it’s to get through your work day at the office, sell another house if you’re a realtor, teach another class if you’re a teacher, clean the house if you’re a home caretaker, or play golf if you’re retired. Whatever you plan to do, be sure to set a spiritual goal.

Spiritual outcomes are what make you a better person and leave you feeling closer to God.

If you have a meeting planned, participate in a meeting of the one Mind where people learn to get along with each other better and feel the benefits of working together unselfishly.

You don’t have to trudge through another work day. Find blessings to be grateful for to keep your thought in a light buoyant spiritual spot all day.

Do better than earn another paycheck. Grow in wisdom, creativity and spiritual understanding that grow you as a person and bring greater reward into your life than mere money that comes and goes.

You can do better than simply sitting down for lunch and mindlessly putting food into your mouth. You can seek inspiration of truth and love that nourishes the soul and brings genuine contentment, happiness and joy your way. It keeps you healthy and fit too!

Strive for a spiritual outcome in everything you do.

In the end of earthly existence, it’s not the money you earned, the hours you spent at work, or the hours you browsed social media that will make you happiest. It will be the spiritual peace and understanding of Love you gained.

Seek the good stuff in life, seek spiritual understanding, seek spiritual outcomes with every activity. You’ll be far happier, and have much to show for your effort.

16 thoughts on “Strive for spiritual outcomes”

  1. Good day Evan and friends SV. Thanks again for your article. The first thing that caught my attention is the title: “strive yourself” for spiritual results. We must, prior to each step, recognize, thank, inspire, have that mind that was in Jesus, the Christ. Before doing any activity, recognize God first, think about his omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, that is all Life, Truth and Love, all in all, and that we are his reflection, pure, perfect, loved, harmonious, that everything we can do it in Christ. But of course, this requires what the title says: “effort” at each step to get out of the dream, break the hypnosis, detect the subtlety of error, its deceptions, and for this we must fight permanently to get results espurituales, trying to be each more and more aware of the presence and totality of God and that we are his reflection.
    . Excellent day to all.

  2. Thank you! This thought is particularly helpful for me right now. Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing your insights and love. Elizabeth

  3. Well you have done it again, Evan. Demonstrating that there is no lack in God’s kingdom for great ideas that should be shared with everyone. I just had to copy this and put it into my notebook of wonderful post from your site for my quick review when I need a lift. Thank you Evan. I think I can speak for all of us as to how valuable your site is for improving out lives.

  4. We gain spiritual peace when we keep some place in our “To Do List” for the good of others. After all Mrs Eddy also says ” The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable.” A selfish person who is engrossed all the time in acquiring things only for himself/ herself seldom finds peace and happiness.
    My first lessons were “We live our life with what we have but we make a life with what we give”. I consider it my good fortune to care and share, give and forgive. After all we can only carry along with us our Good deeds when we cross over. None of our worldly belongings go with us, so why waste precious time on things which will be left behind? Lets rather focus on the good that goes with us to the world beyond.

  5. As a Christian Scientist I appreciate your daily blogs very much, and I am very comfortable sharing them with non-scientists. I have a dear sister-in-law (not a Christian Scientist) who reads them regularly and prints them to share with others. Thank you for taking the time to do this in your busy schedule.

  6. Strive for a spiritual outcome in everything you do.

    MINDful living in our daily lives.Well, that is just awe inspiring, Evan. Gracias!

  7. Evan,
    Great Spiritview! I agree with Carolee’s comment “Thank you for taking the time to do this in your busy schedule” and your other readers. We owe you a big thank you for Spiritview. I enjoy it everyday! Thank you! 🙂

  8. Thanks, Evan. Your comments today make me think of the Sixth Tenet and how we must put that into practice each day. “And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.” (S&H 497:24) What a great day we would have!

  9. Thank you Evan for another valuable and so welcomed spiritual lesson!
    Today I strove for a spiritual outcome in everything I did. That is a life work, wonderful!

    thank you all very much for your helpful and inspiring comments!

  10. I am grateful for this Spirit View, to know that God directs our evolving spiritual development.

    One item which I included on my “to-do” list today, wasn’t planned; I drove to the university area south of town, to look at and around at the new businesses, because the winter term began recently. In the middle eastern food store, where a brand new cafe is opening, two couples of advanced years, (not students at the university), were shopping together and were standing near the entrance when I entered. One of the women left the group and approached me in the tea aisle. She asked me direct which tea she should choose, something to help her revive herself from feeling “drained all over”, feeling a bit of a slump, low on energy!!!

    I had noticed the wide variety of teas, slightly higher priced than the local grocer’s. The thought came to point out my favorites, herbal teas, non-caffeinated, one with fruit, one imported from the African continent Red Rooibos, and another full of colors of red mixed with pomegranate, hibiscus and cranberry green teas. I laughed and shared with her that “anything the color of red would pick her up, because the color is so beautiful.” The words just popped out, that God doesn’t make her lose her energy, and if she needs it, God will supply it. She made her selection, and joined the others in her group to pay. I moved away, also, to the back, not to interfere with her delight in buying the tea.

    Feeling like I was not to be concerned, wonderful things were happening here, I had my own lift to confirm what God knew about me and this delightful woman, confirming that I was in my right place.

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