Study on how worship may affect fires around the globe

February 4, 2016 | 5 comments

Now here’s an interesting study to consider from the University of Melbourne that draws a link between days of worship and the frequency of fires.

Sent in by a reader. Thank you!

“Sunday the day of rest for fires, study suggests” 

5 thoughts on “Study on how worship may affect fires around the globe”

  1. Interesting…..but of course we knew that…….”where two or more are gathered……”. Hopefully, the World is slowly coming to see the powerful impact of Prayer and Church and Worship and Thought on our physical environment and on our physical bodies! Let’s Keep On Keeping On!

  2. A very interesting fact, new to me. I’d also like to thank you, Evan, for your very timely and helpful Daily Lift today. The perspective regarding our somewhat turbulent elections in the U.S., that God is already in office is such a clear thought to keep in mind. Whomever moves into the White House will find that God is already there. And the government shall be upon His shoulders.

  3. Just spotted the dove in the picture. Awesome! Ditto to the previous comments, especially Bevi’s. And thanks for the others too. (=

  4. I am glad that there is a scientific group of people that are realizing more and more, something that I felt for many years, that our thoughts are reflected by good or bad results on our world. It also has to do with diseases, wars, crime and other discords. If only mankind can see that and understand that God only sends good, never evil for God doesn’t know evil, so how could he send it?

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