Tag: awareness

Seek out the spiritual lesson

March 29, 2019 | 22 comments

Every trial and challenge we face serves a purpose. There is a spiritual lesson to learn from that experience that makes us a better person and brings us closer to God. When faced with trying circumstances, it can be helpful

Keep up your mental housekeeping

March 21, 2019 | 29 comments

What happens to your house if you never give it a regular cleaning? If it’s anything like my house, it gets dirty. Dust builds up on the furniture. Used dishes pile up in the kitchen. Dirty laundry accumulates in the

Everyone is special for spiritual reasons

March 18, 2019 | 24 comments

A mother referred to her child as special because of some developmental disabilities that child was struggling with. I said to her, “Yes, your child is very special, but only for spiritual reasons!” We then talked about the spiritual individuality

No more buttons to push

March 13, 2019 | 45 comments

Do other people ever “Push your buttons,” and get you upset? A man was commenting to me about how a relative was very good at pushing his buttons and getting him agitated about different issues. It could be about politics,

Once you get it, you never lose it

March 8, 2019 | 24 comments

When you gain a new understanding of God, it sticks with you forever. You never lose it. For instance, when I was a youngster, I was taught that God is everywhere. That no matter where I stood, traveled, resided or