Tag: blessings

Helping Others is Helping You

June 26, 2014 | 13 comments

Early in my public practice of Christian Science, I had an experience that proved helping others helps you. I was sitting at my desk but not feeling well one day. The phone rang, which was likely someone calling for prayer

Blessed with Sufficiency

May 9, 2014 | 6 comments

Do you see yourself struggling with deficiency or blessed with sufficiency? Hopefully blessed with sufficiency, for God has graced you with a divine birthright that is filled with love, wisdom and goodness for you to claim, express and live for

Stay Spiritually Minded

March 7, 2014 | 15 comments

One of the blessed privileges of being a child of God is the ability to be spiritually minded. God has endowed each of us with the capacity to think spiritual thoughts and stay healthy and happy. But how often do

Cure For Worry About Tomorrow

February 28, 2014 | 12 comments

Do you ever worry about what might happen tomorrow? Do you fret over whether there will be enough money to pay the bills, sufficient understanding to the get job done, or love to keep the family united? If you’ve ever

It’s Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2014 | 12 comments

Some people love this day. Others dread it. Many barely even notice. Whether you’re married or single, dating or not, surrounded by family or feeling alone, there is a higher idea to Valentine’s Day that can bring joy to your