Note What You Have

October 7, 2014 | 10 comments

Do you have a tendency to think in terms of what you need rather than what you have?

I need more money. I need more time. I need more friends. I need my boss to make a change at the office. I need my spouse to be more cooperative. I need better health. I need, I need, I need…and the wants of the self-centered mind grind on like an obnoxious song stuck on perpetual repeat.

But there’s a happier way to live and think. Start with what you have.

I have God. I have Life. I have an infinite Mind to reflect. I have Good to love and embrace. I have blessings all around to note and be grateful for.

Gratitude is one of the most important qualities of a healthy and happy outlook. Gratitude sees what ingratitude does not see. Gratitude opens thought to new possibilities, opportunities and paths that are not apparent to the ungrateful mind. Gratitude gets you places! Ingratitude locks one into an impoverished point of view that feels hopeless and depressed.

So, be sure to note what you have!

You have endless inspired ideas coming from Mind to brighten the path before you. You have an understanding Mind to lean on and find your way. You have an infinite Love to reflect and bring harmony to your relationships. You have an abundance of Life to live and enjoy. And you have spiritual sense to receive God’s revelations and make progress over whatever appears to be holding you back.

When you know you have God, you know you have a solution.

Be a have! Not a have not.

“Are we really grateful for the good already received? Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have, and thus be fitted to receive more” Science and Health, p. 3.

10 thoughts on “Note What You Have”

  1. This is another important reminder on how to live abundantly. Thank you Evan. It is like asking “what do you have in your house” to be grateful for? Oil of gratitude? Yes, it will set anew a dull started day.

  2. Gratitude is riches, complaint is poverty….haven’t I read that somewhere? 🙂 (Holy Bible).
    So much of life is taken up with “getting stuff”. How wonderful to learn that our life does not consist of the things we possess (read that somewhere too!). That is, not in the material things we possess. But our life does consist of what we possess by reflection from God:
    joy, peace, health, abundance, life, activity, grace, good, and the list continues. Beautiful reminder, Evan, to truly rejoice in the goodness we have as children of God. “Beloved, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us that He calls us His children.” (I John).

  3. Be great full of little=An abundance of many. Not as much as great full for material objects as being great full of spiritual understanding which symbolizes in the material.

  4. Thanks for the reminder. I am always ‘waiting’ for life to be happening rather than living it now with gratitude.

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