Tag: choices

Choose to love

December 27, 2017 | 28 comments

Every day we make a multitude of choices. The better our choice, the better the result. One of the best choices made no matter what you face, is to love. If confronted by an angry person, choose to love that

Avoid being misguided

October 3, 2017 | 16 comments

The words “misguide human hope,” grabbed my attention when reading this sentence from Science and Health. “To calculate one’s life-prospects from a material basis, would infringe upon spiritual law and misguide human hope” Science and Health, p. 319. Have you

Choose to not be offended

September 23, 2016 | 15 comments

Are you easily offended? If so, you can make a choice to not be. This proposition may sound implausible at first. I mean really, if someone lies to your face, purposely strives to get you upset through critical remarks aimed