Tag: choices

The best way to love another

June 1, 2015 | 11 comments

One of the best ways to love your neighbor is to see Christ in them. When your neighbor gets angry because your lawn sprinkler splashed his car, look for the Christ in him. See the man who is able to

Are you prepared to be silent on occasion

February 24, 2015 | 14 comments

This quote reminds me of Jesus stooping to write on the ground (John 8) and remaining silent when the Pharisees were trying to trap him in an ethical argument of whether the adulterous woman they brought to him should be

You are the one who decides

December 29, 2014 | 1 comment

Do other people ever make you mad? Do you ever feel like a deadline is putting you under pressure? Do you ever feel like you have no choice but to suffer? Do you ever feel out of control? If you

Agree to be Well

October 24, 2014 | 9 comments

Are you agreeing to be well today? We’re always agreeing with something, and then living out what we agree to. And mortal mind seems to keep sending suggestions our way that are not in our best interest to agree to.