Tag: courage

Master fear and stay healthy

September 6, 2021 | 30 comments

“We should master fear, instead of cultivating it.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 197 There’s a lot of fear going around these days about the spread of a virus. To stay healthy, it’s wise to master that

Conquer discouragement by conquering will

July 22, 2021 | 31 comments

I picked up this thought from a patient who heard it spoken on a recent Christian Science Sentinel broadcast: “Discouragement is disappointed will.” Mortal mind gets discouraged when it doesn’t get its way, which is always some type of preconceived

No obligation to resent

July 15, 2021 | 23 comments

Do you ever feel obliged to resent another’s actions? Perhaps a family member says something cruel that hurts. Maybe someone at the office takes an action that has adverse consequences on your work, or a neighbor has taken advantage of

The truth is always the best answer

July 1, 2021 | 13 comments

When in doubt, always tell the truth. When you tell the truth, you have nothing to hide. When you tell the truth, you live with a clear conscience. When you tell the truth, you align with God. The truth is