Tag: good

Stay out of the Covid dream

October 30, 2020 | 28 comments

Someday this pandemic is going to end, and people will leave it behind seeing a bright future ahead of them. They will move on with their life unfettered by the past. The current malaise will be like a bad dream

Error doesn’t have a location

October 13, 2020 | 23 comments

Error is a term used in Christian Science to define anything and everything that would deny the omnipresence of God’s infinite good. Disease is error. Sin is error. Suffering is error. Death is error. In the Big Picture of Life

Knowing God heals anxiety

October 9, 2020 | 36 comments

If you’d like to rid your life of anxiety, there is a way to do it. Know God better! When you know God, anxiety vanishes for with God there isn’t anything to be anxious about. God is predictable good. Like

Guard against unnecessary anxiety

September 28, 2020 | 35 comments

I’ve noticed a larger number of patients than usual calling with anxiety issues over the past few weeks. They often say something like, “I’m feeling so anxious about things, but don’t understand why. This isn’t me!” As we talk about

Live like it never happened

September 11, 2020 | 36 comments

A reader told me that she saw a water, fire, and restoration company truck driving around her town with the logo, “Like it never happened,” emblazoned on its side. In thinking about bad experiences tempting us to feel despondent at