Tag: kindness

Church Alive

November 4, 2010 | No comments yet

The First Church of Christ, Scientist, has started a new section on the web site www.christianscience.com titled Church Alive. I contributed a blog entry that was posted yesterday…if you happened to be interested… Love brings life to a church service

The most effective action

October 28, 2010 | 1 comment

I followed a car to work with the a bumper sticker that read… Take matters into your own hands: PRAY! For anyone who complains about feeling helpless or hopeless about deplorable conditions in the world, obeying this admonition is a good place

Racists harm themselves

October 12, 2010 | No comments yet

I was sent a link to an article with an interesting message to consider. Barbara Page-Gould, the author, points out in her piece titled, “Warning: Racism is bad for your health,” that the targets of racism aren’t the only ones