Tag: kindness

Rejoicing in instant forgiveness

June 28, 2008 | 5 comments

Have you ever made a major blunder that affected a large number of people, and then struggled with guilt about your mistake afterward? Last Sunday, I made a big error while playing organ for my local branch church. While the

Obey the law or pay a price

June 3, 2008 | 4 comments

The above sign is frequently posted throughout the streets of New York City. You wouldn’t know a regulation exists by the amount of horn-honking you hear from drivers trying to squeeze through every little opening they can in traffic. But

A Sunday school teacher’s prayer

May 23, 2008 | 1 comment

A poem written by a Sunday school teacher for her pupils. Dear God, Your Love is valued and because of that, I love. You love me and because of that, I believe in you. You cherish all of your children

Roger Federer

March 20, 2008 | 3 comments

One of the highlights of our trip to Indian Wells was watching Roger Federer warm-up for a tournament match with only a few feet between ourselves and his practice space on court. If you’re not aware, Federer is the Tiger